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1. Jiva Ayurveda Includes home remedies, products, courses via internet, consultations, chat room, Ayurvedic newsletters, tips and articles. http://www.ayurvedic.org/ | |
2. Everyday Ayurveda The mission of Everyday ayurveda is to introduce the art of Ayurvedic living in ways that will be accessible, affordable, and adaptable to daily life. Our approach empowers people to reclaim true http://www.everydayayurveda.org/ | |
3. Ayurvedic Institute - Home Page Leading ayurveda college outside India since 1984 1040 hour ayurvedic trainingby ayurvedic physician Dr Vasant Lad with 33 yrs of ayurvedic medicine http://www.ayurveda.com/ | |
4. Ayurvedic Foundations Web Site Principals, meaning and origin of ayurveda. What is unique about ayurvedaHow to use Nature's laws for information on this site. ayurveda, as a medical system, is licensed only http://www.ayur.com/ | |
5. Goodhealthnyou.com : Alternative Healing - Ayurveda . Good health n you The finest resource for your personal health information. Offering detailed study on the Alternative medicine - ayurveda. ayurveda is the Vedic system of health care that developed in India over 5000 years ago Select a term related to ayurveda. Select. Ama. ayurveda. Doshas. Kapha http://www.goodhealthnyou.com/alternative/ayurveda1.php3 | |
6. Ayurveda Korte omschrijving. http://www.geocities.com/ayurvedainfo/indexnl.html | |
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9. Die Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Ayurveda -- Www.ayurveda.de -- Der Verband vermittelt einen Âberblick ¼ber die Geschichte und Grundlagen des Maharishi ayurveda und stellt die Kurh¤user, Ârzte, B¼cher und Produktlieferanten vor. http://www.ayurveda.de | |
10. Ayurveda Holistic Center: School, Online Consultations, Ayurveda Encyclopedia: 2 ayurveda, ayurveda Holistic Center, Schools, Alternative Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Holistic Health, Jyotish Astrology, Astrology, Distance Learning, Education, Consultations, Certification, http://www.ayurvedahc.com/ | |
11. Ayurveda For You - Ebooks Home page of ayurvedaforyou website on holistic alternative science ayurveda. Find the solutions ayurveda provides for the cure/control of Diabetes. http://ayurveda-foryou.com/ebook/ebook.html | |
12. Ayurveda Beach Resort In Kerala, Indien. Beschreibung des indischen Beach Resorts und der angebotenen Anwendungen. http://www.ayurveda.ch/ | |
13. Ayurveda - Kurklink Bad Ems Die Maharishi ayurveda Privatklinik bietet Informationen ¼ber ayurveda zur Vorbeugung, Verj¼ngung, Revitalisierung und Heilung an und stellt die R¤umlichkeiten und das Team vor. Desweitern wird ein Veranstaltungskalender, B¼cher und Produkte, sowie die Seminare f¼r Personal und Unternehmensentwicklung angeboten. http://www.ayurveda-badems.de | |
14. Ayurveda Done Right: Maharishi Ayurveda - Authentic Ayurvedic Products Indepth knowledge and practical advices on the traditional health care system which dates back thousands of years, beyond the dawn of recorded history. http://www.mapi.com | |
15. Maharishi Ayurveda For Women's Health, Weight Loss, Fibromyalgia, Menopause Learn the Maharishi ayurveda approach to women s health including weightloss, beauty, fibromyalgia and menopause with Nancy Lonsdorf MD. http://www.ayurveda-ayurvedic.com/ | |
16. Ayurveda Yoga Retreat India $59 Ayurvedic Panchakarma Yoga Ayurveda Treatment Provides ayurvedic consulting, treatment, diagnosis and remedy by traditional Indian medicine. http://www.ayurveda.org/ | |
17. Sahaja Yoga Verona - Ayurveda Verona Storia e applicazioni di medicina ayurvedica. Prakriti, costituzione fisica e mentale. Consigli alimentari. http://www.sahajayoga.it/verona/ayurveda/ | |
18. Centroayurveda.it Genova e Torino Il centro propone terapia craniosacrale, massaggio indiano, chinesiologia, riflessologia plantare, yoga terapia, moxa. Informazioni per una corretta alimentazione e l'uso della fitoterapia. http://www.centroayurveda.it/ | |
19. :: Welcome To Jiva Ayurveda - The Authentic Source For Ayurveda :::http://www.ay Welcome to your authentic source of ayurveda health problems ,balance of mind ,depressionayurvedic studies,Home remedies. ayurveda and Yoga course November 04. http://www.ayurvedic.org/ayurveda/index.asp | |
20. Ayurveda: National Institute Of Ayurvedic Medicine NIAM) is recognized as the largest and most authentic resource of information on ayurveda in the United States Ph.D. ( ayurveda) who is the nation's only medical doctor to hold http://www.niam.com/ | |
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