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Aymara Indigenous Peoples: more detail | |||||||
81. LiP | Feature | An Indigenous View Of North America like Guatemala and Bolivia. 80% or more of the people there are indigenouspeople. aymara, Quiche, and Mayan people. In Ecuador, 40 http://www.lipmagazine.org/articles/featladuke_68.htm | |
82. Ashoka Fellow Profile in common and gave land that some groups, such as the aymara, had occupied the governmentpassed a law to acknowledge the right of indigenous people to acquire http://www.ashoka.org/fellows/viewprofile.cfm?PersonID=136 |
83. Wauu.DE: Society: Ethnicity: Indigenous People: South America: Andean Parlamento del Pueblo aymara The aymara Parliament is the union of aymara peoplefrom Bolivia, Peru, Chile and Argentina http//www.puebloindio.org http://www.wauu.de/Society/Ethnicity/Indigenous_People/South_America/Andean/ | |
84. Please Help Us To Serve You Better Through his Pachakuti indigenous Movement, Quispe is a leading proponent of Aymaranationalism. of support for BoliviaÂs other major Indian people in his http://indiancountry.com/?1067276837 |
85. MPRI - LINKS SerindÃgena.cl Chilean indigenous People Portal Ser IndÃgena (Being indigenous)offers its contents in Spanish, English, aymara, Mapundungu and Rapa nui http://www.iipm-mpri.org/enlaces/index.cfm?action=listar&by=cat&cod=18&lang=eng |
86. Rights And Status Of Indigenous Peoples 4.44 million indigenous people, most of them speaking Quechua andAymara, live in the altiplano, or Andean region of the country. http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/hrj/iss12/wiessner.shtml | |
87. UNICEF - Centre De Presse Discours. United Nations SecretaryGeneral Kofi Annan addresses issuesof indigenous peoples. The discrimination and marginalization http://www.unicef.org/french/media/media_15673.html | |
88. GTPI97_Aymara97 Translate this page hundreds of thousands of herds and forest animals, leaving the aymara indigenouspeople in a state of extreme poverty and destitution and forcing them to http://www.puebloindio.org/ONU_info/GTPI97_aymara.htm |
89. Content Browser Knowledge (Saber) is a Boliviawide network of aymara religious leaders Indigenouspeople interpret multi-ethnicity to include religion, but the state does not http://topics.developmentgateway.org/ik/rc/BrowseContent.do~source=RCContentUser |
90. Bolivia: Coca Farmers' Hero Holds Sway In Bolivia The son of an impoverished peasant farmer, his advance as leader of the aymara indigenouspeoples, one of Bolivia s two Indian groups that make up more than 60 http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v03/n1669/a02.html?21111 |
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