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Aymara Indigenous Peoples: more detail | |||||||
61. Indigenous Reference Site Seminole, Kekchi, Parakana, aymara, Khassis, Nuba, Maori. Source The Health ofIndigenous peoples Compiled by Ethel (Wara) Alderete World Health Organization(WHO http://www.ku.edu/~insp/referencesite.html | |
62. Indigenous Peoples, Poverty And Participatory Development of the International Decade for the WorldÂs indigenous People. with a group of Mapucheindigenous organizations in later with a group of aymara and Atacameno http://www.georgetown.edu/sfs/programs/clas/Pubs/entre2003/indigenous.html | |
63. LookSmart - Directory - Indigenous Peoples indigenous peoples. indigenous peoples Learn about the culture andhistory of indigenous peoples from regions around the world. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us147916/us10133057/ | |
64. Taller De Historia Oral Andina Suyu Ingavi de Markas, indigenous Ayllus and Communities, aymara Educational Council,Quechua Educational Council, indigenous People s Educational Council http://www.aymaranet.org/thoa7english.html | |
65. Indigenous Peoples In Latin America - LANIC indigenous Peoplesin Ecuador; Imbabura Runacunapac Jatun Tantanacui Federación IndÃgena y http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/indigenous/ | |
66. AYMARA: Un Lenguaje, Una Cultura Y Un Pueblo by leaders like leftist lawmaker Morales, an aymara Indian and de Lozada, and to the2000 indigenous uprising in offensive and insulting to the people of Latin http://www.aymara.org/chaxwa/noticias03/index.php?modo=noti&u=35&manchete=Indige |
67. INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALITY -- Aymara Spirituality: A Challenge For Christian Spirit On the contrary, the two are complementary and they enable indigenous People (aymara)who have chosen to follow Jesus Christ to live their spirituality in a http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/jpc/echoes-16-08.html | |
68. Choike : Indigenous Peoples . the process of building cooperation and solidarity among indigenous peoples of Asia AymaraNet The site has information about social activism, scholars, artists http://www.choike.org/nuevo_eng/4/34/links.html | |
69. Economist.com | Indigenous People In South America indigenous people in South America A political awakening Feb 19th 2004 COTACACHI,LA PAZ AND Of Andean Indian descent, he speaks aymara as well as Spanish. http://www.economist.com/world/la/displayStory.cfm?story_id=2446861 |
70. INDIGENOUS-BOLIVIA: Still A Way To Go For Full Recognition Juan Carlos Rocha LA PAZ, Apr 9 (IPS) Bolivia s indigenous people have made PresidentVictor Hugo Cardenas, a member of the aymara indigenous community, says http://www.oneworld.org/ips2/apr/bolivia.html | |
71. Hispanic American Center For Economic Research - Indigenous People In South Amer page. indigenous people in South America. A political awakening. level.Of Andean Indian descent, he speaks aymara as well as Spanish. http://www.hacer.org/current/LATAM29.php | |
72. Dehai Africa/World News Archive: Indigenous People In South America - A Politica EST. indigenous people in South America. A political awakening. level.Of Andean Indian descent, he speaks aymara as well as Spanish. http://dehai.org/archives/AW_news_archive/0320.html | |
73. Links Across the Americas, indigenous peoples Make Themselves Heard This is where the AymaraIndians of western Bolivia come to live and work when their farms can no http://www.5thbattalion.com/Indigenous.html | |
74. Andean Links Learn aymara Aprender aymara) Mapuche; Novedades en Ãuke Mapu. What s new.The Mapuche Language Page (indigenous people of southern Chile and Argentina http://www.andes.org/bookmark.html | |
76. IDBAmerica ONLINE describes a complex relationship between indigenous religions and Christianity.He is concerned about the inroads being made among the aymara people by other http://www.iadb.org/idbamerica/index.cfm?thisid=1489 |
77. International Decade Of The World's Indigenous People: Symposium On Indigenous I MarÃa Eugenia Choque, aymara Writer (Bolivia) Workshop of oral Andean history. storiesand the management of hazardous wastes on indigenous people s lands. http://www.unesco.org/culture/indigenous/html_eng/bookfair4.shtml | |
78. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Bolivia At Epinions.com it comes to empowering its native peoples can be Most children from these two indigenoustribes are studying writing of more textbooks in Quechua and aymara. http://www.epinions.com/content_27589709444 | |
79. MEDIA - The Return Of The Indian Millions of indigenous people now live in towns and cities Go into any indigenousrightsorganization office in Lima hear or even see Quichua, aymara, Tukano or http://www.newint.org/issue256/return.htm | |
80. SerIndigena - Pueblos Originarios De Chile of the Chilean indigenous People. The portal is available in different languagesSerindigena.cl (Spanish version also with translations to aymara, Rapa Nui http://www.beingindigenous.org/regions/help/welcome_tour.htm | |
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