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Aymara Indigenous Peoples: more detail | |||||||
41. Expert Seminar On Indigenous People And The Administration Of Justice Mrs. Maureen Tong (South Africa) indigenous peoples and the administration of Perú)Propuesta para vincular el Derecho consuetudinario aymaraQuechua al http://www.unhchr.ch/indigenous/backgroundpapers.htm | |
42. Pl.net O-10-2003 indigenous peoples On Move By Héctor Tobar, Los Angeles Times, 19 October 2003 Abovethe This is where the aymara Indians of western Bolivia come to live and http://www.pl.net/9politics/indmov.htm | |
43. FPP - Indigenous Peoples & State Sovereignity In The CBD - Feb 04 Centro de Estudios Multidisciplinarios aymara (Bolivia). CORE Centre for OrganisationResearch Education (indigenous peoples Centre for Policy and Human http://forestpeoples.gn.apc.org/Briefings/consv_policy_cbd/cbd_ips_sovereignty_f | |
44. Mythology's Mything Links For Latin America: South America's Andean Peoples (Per There s useful data on the island peoples, the aymaraspeaking Urus, a people I hadbeen there too, interacting with these patient indigenous peoples and their http://www.mythinglinks.org/ip~peru.html | |
45. Classroom Resources Does anyone know of any problems indigenous peoples around the world are currentlyfacing? Explain that the aymara are an indigenous group, and that they are http://www.buildingwithbooks.org/res/aymara.shtml | |
46. Joint Indigenous Peoples' Letter To UN Member States, UN General Assembly, Octob Law Alliance (North America) World Sindhi Congress (International) IndigenousPeoples Biodiversity Network (International) Kechuaaymara Association for http://www.treatycouncil.org/section_21134.htm | |
47. Indigenous Peoples Letter To UN Member State Delegations At The Fifth Committee International). indigenous peoples Biodiversity Network (International).Kechuaaymara Association for Sustainable Livelihoods (Andes-Peru). http://www.treatycouncil.org/section_2113121.htm | |
48. Indigenous Peoples Of Latin America Diasporic movements of Mayan people. Just salaries and wages. Other cases ChileMapuche indigenous Movement. Bolivia Movimiento Katarista (aymara). http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~caguirre/210_15.html | |
49. Indigenous Assembly Condemns FTAA aymara, GuaranÃ, Aztec, Quiche or Mapuche, because we live in a direct relationshipwith Mother Earth, he said. In the world of the indigenous peoples, we http://www.geocities.com/ericsquire/articles/ftaa/ips021101.htm | |
50. [Portsidelist] Fwd: Bolivia: Indigenous Peoples Make Themselves Heard The indigenous people will march into La Paz and an Indian will sit in the presidentialchair. Another aymara, Evo Morales, finished second in last year s http://people-link5.inch.com/pipermail/portside/2003-October/004932.html | |
51. American Indigenous Peoples Guatemala Maya Flag; Maya Lenca People; Native peoples of Panama; Native peoplesof Colombia; Ecuador - indigenous Flags; Qhishwa-aymara; Inca; Tupac Katari http://flagspot.net/flags/sam-nat.html | |
52. Peru: Indigenous Peoples Still Facing Colour Gap political weight, the nine million indigenous Peruvians lack a groups, the Quechuaand the aymara of the region, which together include 8.7 million people. http://www.converge.org.nz/lac/articles/news990820f.htm | |
53. Indigenous Peoples Of Peru Face Colour Gap among the majority indigeous groups, the Quechua and the aymara of the affirmationof cultural identity and values among the 300,000 indigenous people of the http://www.converge.org.nz/pma/a200899a.htm | |
54. Latin America Bureau By 2002, Bolivia has had an aymara VicePresident and and Peru boast of their mixedindigenous heritage. been exposed - the myth that the native peoples of the http://www.latinamericabureau.org/?lid=354 |
55. TVE: Human Rights Catalogue '98 American and Andean highlands the Maya, Quechua and aymara, the descendants of farmers,many are landless, and increasingly the indigenous peoples reside all http://www.tve.org/humanrights/doc.cfm?aid=374 |
56. Basics And Statistics indigenous peoples from around the world, met in Sápmi (Saamiland) Karasjok, NorwayFebruary Australia, Ainu of Japan, Amungme of West Papua, aymara of Bolivia http://www.kirken.no/engelsk/engelsk_karasjok.html | |
57. PAHO - RESOLUTION V - HEALTH OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES million, is made up principally of Quechua and aymara who are together make up thebulk of the indigenous population around 38 million people, or more | |
58. Hr-headlines@hrea.org - Top UN Expert On Indigenous People Heading To Chile representatives and groups directly assisting indigenous peoples. In particular,he will meet with representatives from the aymara, Atacameño, Huilliche http://www.hrea.org/lists/hr-headlines/markup/msg01147.html | |
59. Valuing Diversity In Sustainable Development - IFAD Experience With Indigenous P camelids also represent a material expression of the aymara and Quechua The specificityof indigenous peoples is such that all initiatives affecting their http://www.ifad.org/events/wssd/ip/ip.htm | |
60. NATIVE-L Mailing List: International Indigenous Dev't Conf (Cusco, Peru, 21-25 A La Asociacion Kechuaaymara for Conservation and Sustainable Develeopment, ANDES,is an independent indigenous peoples organization based in Qosqo (Cusco http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9704/0080.html | |
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