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Aymara Indigenous Peoples: more detail | |||||
1. Bolivia Indigenous Peoples Forests Menaced By Oil Exploration The second one is the Samusabeti well, which will affect an area inhabited by theQuichua and aymara indigenous peoples, already hit by repression against http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/35/Bolivia.html |
2. LookSmart - Directory - Indigenous Peoples Aymara indigenous peoples aymara Explore the history and culture of grouporiginally from the south central part of the Andes Mountains. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us147916/us10133057/us10134318 | |
3. Indigenous Peoples Of The World - The Quichua aymaraQuechuan languages (of which the Quichua speak many the most widely spokenof all indigenous languages in The Quichua are also the only people to have http://www.peoplesoftheworld.org/text?people=Quichua |
4. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Aymara (South American Indigenous Peoples) - Encyclopedi AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information onAymara, South American indigenous peoples. Includes related research links. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/A/Aymara.html | |
5. AllRefer Reference - Peru - Indigenous Peoples | Peruvian Information Resource ones with the highest percentages of Quechua and aymara speakers. as part of the strategyfor ruling conquered peoples the indigenous people were defeated http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/peru/peru55.html | |
6. South American Indigenous Peoples Source NAVA s flags of Native American peoples www pages. flags have been adoptedfor the indigenous organizations of the Qhishwaaymara Indians (called a http://www.flags-by-swi.com/fotw/flags/sam-nat.html | |
7. Aymara People South America Indigenous Studies indigenous South America General Resources. By peoples, tribes, associations. Adobeburial towers in the Bolivian Plateau and the aymara Indians Learn a http://www.archaeolink.com/aymara_people_south_america_indi.htm | |
8. South America Indigenous Studies Native South America from 2003 indigenous peoples Human Rights Kechuaymara Kechuaymara works to improvethe quality of life of the aymara and Quechua collectivities in Bolivia http://www.archaeolink.com/south_america_indigenous_studies.htm | |
9. Kechuaymara It has improved the agricultural infrastructure of dozens of aymara and Quechua thetraditional schemes of domination which act against we indigenous peoples. http://www.aymaranet.org/kechuaymara1.html | |
10. Indigenous Peoples Council On Biocolonialism aymara CEMaymara (Bolivia) Human Rights and Democracy Movement (Tonga) indigenousNetwork on Economies and Trade (Canada) indigenous peoples Biodiversity http://www.ipcb.org/issues/agriculture/htmls/2004/pr_cop7.html | |
11. Cosmics Rights Of The Indigenous Peoples Translate this page Cosmics Rights of the indigenous peoples. Parlamento Qullana aymara PAQA (Bolivia)Comunidad Kolla Los Airampos CKOA (Argentina) Comunidad Kolla José C. Paz http://www.quechuanetwork.org/taripay_pacha.cfm?yanantin=yachay_12&lang=e |
12. IndÃgenas- Indigenous Peoples Translate this page indÃgenas- indigenous peoples. la Republica Argentina Asociación Ixä Ca Vaá deDesarrollo e Información IndÃgena, Costa Rica Asociación aymara Inti-Marka http://caucusjovenes.tripod.com.pe/caucusjovenes/id9.html | |
13. The Chaing Mai Affirmation Of Indigenous Peoples We are indigenous peoples and call ourselves aymara, Igorot, Ainu, Lahu, Yau, Akha,Taiyah, Karen, Dalit, Adivasi, Limbu, Manangey, Jumma, Kadazan, Rote, Chin http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/interreligious/cd36-11.html | |
14. Across The Americas, Indigenous Peoples Make Themselves Heard Across the Americas, indigenous peoples Make Themselves Heard By H?tor Tobar LosAngeles This is where the aymara Indians of western Bolivia come to live and http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/printer_102003F.shtml | |
15. Across The Americas, Indigenous Peoples Make Themselves Heard | 18/10/2003 Across the Americas, indigenous peoples Make Themselves Heard (Reuters) October18, 2003. This is where the aymara Indians of western Bolivia come to live and http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/imf/bolivia/txt/2003/1018indigenou | |
16. OctDec2003Newsletter - Page 4 Of 8 Across the Americas,. indigenous peoples Make. Themselves Heard. By Héctor Tobar.Above the rocky This is where the aymara Indians of. western Bolivia come to live http://www.uctp.org/Volume6/OctDec2003Newsletter/index4.html | |
17. Intervención De Norte-Sur XXI Translate this page de la Commission sur la situation de la nation aymara écartelée entre of Bolivia,for example, recognized many rights of indigenous peoples, including their http://www.puebloindio.org/ONU_info/info98/ONU_Com98_Norsud.htm | |
18. The Constitution Of 88 :: Indigenous Peoples In Brazil - ISA 1992), aside from recognizing the existence of indigenous peoples, declares itselfa as official languages, aside from Spanish, Quechua and aymara, and other http://www.socioambiental.org/pib/english/rights/const.shtm | |
19. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES RIGHTS IN CHILE In relation with the right of indigenous people to participate well as the contractswith non indigenous that could of water rights for the aymara in northern http://www.xs4all.nl/~rehue/art/ayl2.html | |
20. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES RIGHTS IN CHILE - Notes signed by most of the Mapuche, aymara and Rapa and inclusion of the concept of indigenousterritories, were recognition of their status as peoples, with the http://www.xs4all.nl/~rehue/art/ayl2not.html | |
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