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121. PilotAge - Airports Of Southern California Airport information, local aviation related businesses, products and services useful to aviators. http://airports.pilotage.com/oxr/index.html | |
122. The Alaska Star: Elemendorf Aviators Hold Open House 05/13/04 Story last updated at 558 pm Thursday, May 13, 2004 Elemendorf aviatorshold open house By MARY M. RALL For the Military Weekly http://www.alaskastar.com/stories/051304/mil_20040513020.shtml | |
123. FBO, Aviation, Flight Planning, Customs, Aircraft, Hangerage, Vancouver Island, Nanaimo Airport (YCD) Home Page. Nanaimo Airport (YCD) Passengers.Nanaimo Airport (YCD) aviators. Nanaimo Airport (YCD) News. Nanaimo http://www.nanaimo-airport.com/aviators.htm | |
124. Navy OCS, API, T-34C Primary, TH-57B, TH-57C Advanced, HSL SH-60B FRS RAG Gouge Flight Training Gouge (T34C Primary TH-57 Advanced) for student Naval aviators going through Navy / Marine OCS, API, Primary and Advanced aviation tranining. http://www.bryanweatherup.com/gouge | |
125. WWI Aces And Airplanes Legendary aviators and Aircraft of World War One. AcePilots Main Page.WWI Aces. They fought heroes. Notable aviators. German. Oswald http://www.acepilots.com/wwi/main.html | |
126. Wedell-Williams Memorial Aviation Museum Collection centers around memorabilia from the lives of aviators Jimmy Wedell and Harry Williams, including a replica of Wedell's 44 racer. A 1939 D175 Beechcraft or Staggerwing and a Presidential AeroCommander 680, used during the Eisenhower administration, are also on display. Other items include race trophies from the 1930s, the state's largest collection of model airplanes. Located in Patterson, LA. http://lsm.crt.state.la.us/wedellex.htm | |
127. Dunking Army Aviators Dunking Army aviators. With blackout goggles in place, Army aviators prepareto be dunked during training at Pensacola Naval Air Station. http://www.army.mil/soldiers/may95/p36.html | |
128. The Friends Of Army Aviation Designed to keep current and former aviators in touch with each other. Pictures, links, newsletter, forum http://www.kmobrien.com/aviation | |
129. Aviator Quotes And Quotations - BrainyQuote Activists Actors Actresses Architects Artists Astronauts Athletes Authors aviatorsBusinessmen Cartoonists Celebrities Clergymen Coaches Comedians Composers http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/type/type_aviator.html | |
130. Quad A Hompage A forum for aviators in the diverse branches to exchange ideas and share experiences. http://www.quad-a.org/ | |
131. Newfolk NDF: Military Speech Personal Reflections on the Songs of Army aviators in the Vietnam War,in New Directions in Folklore, 2003. New Directions in Folklore http://www.temple.edu/isllc/newfolk/military/aviators.html | |
132. AirNav: Page Not Found Basic facts for aviators, from AirNav. http://www.airnav.com/airport/VDI/SKYWAYS | |
133. KEEP 'EM FLYING: RADIO AVIATORS KEEP EM FLYING RADIO aviators. From December 1939 to August 1940 we could listento a radio show about real aviators which was produced by Phillips H. Lord. http://otrsite.com/articles/artjf005.html | |
134. Welcome To Decatur Airport —Â Decatur, Illinois Includes news, information and statistics for this 2200acre facility. Features include free parking, economic impact study, career opportunities, airlines and rental car agencies, restaurant, junior aviators, and business park information. http://www.decatur-airport.org/ | |
135. Lincoln Aviators Fly Into Face Of Conflict Thursday, March 20, 2003. Lincoln aviators fly into face of conflict.By ML LYKE SEATTLE POSTINTELLIGENCER REPORTER. ABOARD THE USS http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/113394_lincoln20.shtml | |
136. VANITY FAIR PRINTS Please feel free to contact us for further information. aviators. Claude GrahameWhiteClaude Grahame-White. Illustrated at left Tec. May 10, 1911. http://www.philaprintshop.com/vfaviator.html | |
137. CCHMM EAGLE FIELD DINNER DANCE AND THE CENTRAL CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL MILITARY MU Volunteers are preserving the 1942 Army Air Forces training base as a historical monument to the instructor pilots who trained and the young aviators who learned. Located at Eagle Field, Dos Palos, CA. http://www.eaglefield.org | |
138. Indigo_Designs Insurance especially for aviators. Find sample rates and outline cover options. http://www.sovair.com |
139. Flyer Air Portal Www.flyer.co.uk The Flyer Air Portal offers free UK dialup internet access, brought to you by FlyerMagazine and aviators Network. Tuesday, May 25 2004 0307 UTC. aviators.net. http://www.flyer.co.uk/ | |
140. Intro Screen... An aviation theme sports bar which pays tribute to the Wright Brothers and other great aviators. Features live bands every Saturday and special events nightly. http://www.WingsSportsBar.com/ | |
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