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61. Calgary Public Library Link Library: Aviation Potus Presidents of the United States Links to biographies, historical documents,audiovisual files and points of interest on each American President. http://calgarypubliclibrary.com/links/lkbiog.htm | |
62. Welcome To Historic Aviation.com -- Books, Videos, Art, Models, Kits, Calendars, Helicopters Lighterthan-Air Flying Boats Commercial Airliners Airlines ManufacturersAirplane Encyclopedias aviation History biographies Regional Museums http://www.historicaviation.com/historicaviation/index.po;(0CppkxPt)?product=hom |
63. National Model Aviation Museum effort by the National Model aviation Museum to preserve the history of model aviation.The goal of the program is to compile and record the biographies of our http://www.modelaircraft.org/museum/history.asp | |
64. ThinkQuest : Library : Women In Aviation This page allows the visitor to step back in time and learn about aviation fromthe words of these brave women. Read the biographies and feel yourself swept http://library.thinkquest.org/21229/history.htm | |
65. Www.ATA.com - Board Of Directors Biographies Board of Directors biographies. J. GEORGE MIKELSONS, Director since1993. He began his aviation career as a pilot in the US Air Force. http://www.ata.com/about_ata/board_of_directors_bio.html | |
66. Biography: Heroes & Heroines EXTENSION · Develop an aviation and space hero/heroine bulletin board. Displaystudents biographies of famous aviation and space heroes/heroines. http://www.faa.gov/education/resource/hero.htm | |
67. Lawrence Hargrave: Australian Aviation Pioneer resources on the Web by our researchers. You will be able to view itin our Transportation aviation biographies section very soon. http://www.ctie.monash.edu.au/hargrave/study_web_award.html | |
68. Aérostories Juniors, Biographies aviation . http://aerostories.free.fr/juniors/queven01/bio/ | |
69. Wilson Intermediate School:A-D AD Subjects on this Page Animals*, Authors, aviation, biographies, Biomes CountriesColonies (13 American) More on the colonial era also on QR pg, under http://www.pekin.net/pekin108/wilson/vsapp/pga_d.htm | |
70. Civilisations.ca - Ressources En Direct - Histoire Translate this page et navale - Armée - biographies Histoire militaire et navale - Marine - biographiesHistoire militaire et navale - aviation - biographies Ethnologie - Peuples http://www.civilization.ca/orch/www04_f.html | |
71. Aviation Biography Section are thumbnail biographies of some of the people who worked with and most influencedNevil Shute Norway in his careers as an aviation engineer, aircraft company http://www.nevilshute.org/Aero/aerobiography.php | |
72. Education Worldî : Lesson Planning Center : Lesson Plans : Aviation Pioneers Students write short biographies about pioneers in aviation. Objectives. write shortbiographies about pioneers in aviation; draw pictures of aviation pioneers. http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/01-1/lp236_01.shtml | |
73. Early Birds Of Aviation, Inc. of the illustrated biographies. I can recommend it to your attention without anyreservations. To access the site, just click on Hargrave. aviation Pioneers http://www.earlyaviators.com/ | |
74. Biographies biographies. From July 1942 to March 1943, he was an aviation cadet at Tuskegee Airfield,Alabama, specifically established to train the first black military http://www.orgsites.com/ne/omahatuskegeeairmen/_pgg2.php3 | |
75. AEROWARE Aviation Collectibles: Novels & Biographies From prairie barnstormer to Arctic aviator, to his job as TCA s first pilot. BomberHarris His Life and Times (07737-3329-9) The biography of Marshal of the http://www.aerowareonline.com/Scripts/prodList.asp?idCategory=13 |
76. WPL: National Women's History Month About.Com s Women s History Site Articles, newsletter, forum, lots of links in categoriesof aviation, biographies, curriculum, early American, Europe, First http://www.waterborolibrary.org/women.htm | |
77. Cadre Biographies Biography Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Kevin A. Arbanas is a native of Bountiful, Utah. In1987, LTC Arbanas reported to B/214th aviation Regiment with duty at http://www.ewu.edu/csbs/depts/ms/armyrotc/Cadre.htm | |
78. ECHO Science & Technology Virtual Center AeroFiles American aviation from 1903 to 2003 KO Eckland - Founder This site finduseful the pages devoted to timelines, chronologies, biographies, more. http://echo.gmu.edu/center/searchcat.php?DBN=echo&TBL=directory&FLD=aviation&REC |
79. U.S. Department Of Transportation / Key Officials Home About DOT / biographies of Key Officials. Key Officials. Karan K.Bhatia Assistant Secretary for aviation and International Affairs. http://www.dot.gov/affairs/bios.htm | |
80. U.S. Navy Biographies He reported to OPNAV in June 2003 and is currently Director, aviation Plansand Requirements (N780). Rear Adm. Return to the biographies top page. http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/people/flags/biographies/kilkennyjf.html | |
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