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81. Natural Disasters Miami State High School. Year 8C Natural disasters Webquest and links. Bynow you have your disaster topic - and your group has been formed. http://www.onthenet.com.au/~townsend/natural_disasters.htm | |
82. Geological Survey landslides, rockfalls, avalanches and flooding. This record demonstrates that theprovince was affected by numerous geological disasters that inflicted a major http://www.gov.nl.ca/mines&en/geosurvey/disasters/ | |
83. "AVALANCHES" Related Terms, Short Phrases And Links Avalanches are one of the most common natural disasters in the Caucasus. (Web site). Avalanches34)natural disasters and hazards TopSites (Add your site). http://keywen.com/Science/Earth_Sciences/Natural_Disasters_and_Hazards/Avalanche | |
84. CBC News Indepth: Forces Of Nature - Avalanches But when millions of flakes are added together on a steep mountainside and gravityhas its way, the snow can become a destructive force an avalanche. http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/forcesofnature/avalanches.html | |
85. Our Published Articles 7, Yavas, Ã.M., Erenbilge, T., Tümer, F., Gürer, I., 1996, avalanche DisasterIn Türkiye , International Conference The Contribution of Theory and http://www.ciggrubu.org/articles.htm | |
86. Tajikistan 2002. Natural Disasters. In the period of 20012003, avalanches resulted in 10 deaths; in individual duststorms, hails, and other events assigned to natural disasters and causing http://www.grida.no/enrin/htmls/tadjik/soe2001/eng/htmls/disas/state.htm | |
87. Tasha's List Of Links -- Natural Disasters of links related to natural and manmade disasters, including hurricanes, severeweather, airplane crashes, avalanches, disaster communications, space weather http://www.ripon.k12.wi.us/tasha/NAT.HTML | |
88. Worlds Disasters : Floods, Avalanches, And Tidal Waves Worlds Water Related disasters Floods, Avalanches, and Tidal Waves. 1228.Holland 100,000 people reputedly drowned by sea flood in Friesland. 1642. http://www2.cwr.uwa.edu.au/~devkota/Worlds Water Disasters.htm | |
89. Disaster And Emergency Management On The Internet Current and Recent disasters. Disaster Map; Disaster Center; DisasterCenter wide range of links to current/recent disasters (US); http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/por/disaster.htm | |
90. Natural Disasters: Unknown Avalanches. April. Your probably wondering, how on Earth could an avalancheoccur in April? well, thawing snow is also a big hazard. http://www.howard.k12.md.us:16080/gtp/mm/naturaldisasters/avalanches.html | |
91. EPA Green Communities - Let's Go! - Natural Disasters Disaster Resources from the Univ. of Illinois Extension Service; ColoradoAvalanche Information Center; Managing Drifting Snow for Animals; http://www.epa.gov/greenkit/q5_disas.htm | |
92. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Science > Earth Sciences > Natural Disasters And H Canadian avalanche Association Contributes to the goal of reducing avalanche incidentsworld wide. www.avalanche.ca Site Info. www.avalanche.org - Site Info. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=122623&mode=general |
93. Evalu8 - News:Notices Of Regional Interest, Heroism, Disaster:Avalanche; Ice Sto keyword search AND OR. Home News Notices of Regional Interest,Heroism, Disaster avalanche; Ice Storm, Blizzard. Primary Sites http://www.evalu8.org/browse/921 | |
94. TAJIKISTAN Risk Of Avalanches Increases As Weather Warms - OCHA With the weather warming, the emergency authorities in Tajikistan are becoming worriedabout possible natural disasters, including avalanches, landslides and http://www.plusnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=39973&SelectRegion=Central_Asia&Sele |
95. Floods, Avalanches, And Tidal Waves PREPARE FOR DISASTER EXPECT A TIDAL WAVE OF EARTHQUAKES AND AVALANCHES TO SETMOVIE HOUSES ON FIRE.(Entertainment/Weekend/Spotlight) (Rocky Mountain News http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0001440.html | |
96. ? ? The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.ypbooks.co.kr/ypbooks/WebHome/stpecdm/stpecdm.jsp?p_isbn=1890437441 |
97. Index Of /text/severe/earth ParentDirectory 12Jul-2000 1751 - 04042505.KWAL 25-Apr-2004 02......Index of /text/severe/earth. Name Last modified Size http://twister.sbs.ohio-state.edu/text/severe/earth/ | |
98. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP 1500 KOLER E. The rescue evacuation management of the 1999. avalanchedisaster in the Paznaun valley.(Alpine Centre of. Galtuer). http://iufro.boku.ac.at/iufro/iufronet/d8/wu80400/preliminaryprogram.htm | |
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