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61. L'Atlas Du Canada - Principales Avalanches Au Canada Translate this page occupés à déblayer les voies de la neige laissée par une avalanche antérieure.Source Protection civile Canada. Significant disasters in Canada http://atlas.gc.ca/site/francais/maps/environment/naturalhazards/majoravalanches | |
62. Hazard Fatalities NEWFOUNDLAND NATURAL disasters avalanches, Landslides and Tsunami. Earliest knownavalanche in Canadian history, worst avalanche disaster in eastern Canada. http://ngb.chebucto.org/Articles/dis-natural-disasters.shtml | |
63. Death Toll Continues To Rise In Avalanche-Plagued Alps Death Toll Continues to Rise in avalanchePlagued Alps. A second avalancheon Wednesday slammed into nearby Valzur, killing five people. http://www.disasterrelief.org/Disasters/990226Europe2/ | |
64. 'White Death' Plagues European Mountains As Epic Snows Continue The dead included children who were playing in the street just before theavalanche struck. Alpine homes lie smashed at the foot of an avalanche. http://www.disasterrelief.org/Disasters/990224Europe/ | |
65. Barbara's Environment, Safety & Disasters Page There are also links to resources for specific types of disasters such as avalanche,astronomical, drought, earthquake, epidemic, famine, farming, fire http://www.gate.net/~barbara/earth.htm | |
66. About CARDA avalanche dogs are trained locate avalanche victims buried in snow. Disaster dogsare trained to locate victims of many natural disasters that may be buried in http://www.carda.org/AboutCARDA.aspx | |
67. Wauu.DE: Science: Earth Sciences: Natural Disasters And Hazards: Avalanches Links URL hinzufügen. avalanche Centers and Organizations Liste of organizationsfrom the Westwide avalanche Network. http//www.avalanche.org/. http://www.wauu.de/Science/Earth_Sciences/Natural_Disasters_and_Hazards/Avalanch | |
68. In Avalanche Country, Thinnest Of Defenses Hangs Tough Washington holds the distinction of having had the worst avalanche disasterin American history, and one of the worst transportation disasters. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/52258_avalanche27.shtml | |
69. ENC Online: Web Links: Science Topics: Natural Disasters FEMA is the federal agency in charge of helping people before and after disasterssuch as hurricanes For more details, see ENC Record.); The avalanche center ENC http://www.enc.org/weblinks/science/0,1578,1-Natural disasters,00.shtm | |
70. Death Toll Disasters-War-Accidents avalanche, 30, 1999, Galtuer, Austria Two avalanches converged into a massive slidethat smashed dozens of homes and automobiles. 2000 disasters at InfoPlease. http://www.geocities.com/dtmcbride/hist/disasters-war.html | |
71. Natural Disasters Pathfinder For fun, check out the Amazing Earth Games disasters You Can Play at Home BuildYour Own avalanche, Unleash a Superstorm, Crumble California, and if you re http://www.lkwdpl.org/schools/elempath/naturaldisasters/ | |
72. HistoryLink Database Output Pass, an avalanche roars down the Cascade Mountains taking with it two Great Northerntrains and 96 victims. This is one of the worst train disasters in US http://www.historylink.org/_output.CFM?file_ID=1952 |
74. HighIndex - Science: Earth Sciences: Natural Disasters And Hazards: Avalanches site listings. avalanche Centers and Organizations Liste of organizations fromthe Westwide avalanche Network. http//www.avalanche.org/. More Resources. http://www.highindex.com/Science/Earth_Sciences/Natural_Disasters_and_Hazards/Av | |
75. Disaster Species In Snow Sense , it mentions disasters species of plants that are vegatative indicatorsof avalanche activity. Alders, willows, dwarf birch and cottonwoods. http://telemarktips.com/forums/Avy_Safety_/posts/4166.html | |
76. Nature : Natural Disasters AllBookstores compares prices at dozens of online stores to find the best deal on new and used books and college textbooks. Acts of God The Unnatural History of Natural disasters in America http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/NAT023000 | |
77. Avalanches Natural Disasters And Hazards Earth Sciences Most comprehensive resource on Earth Sciences Natural disasters Hazards Avalanches. Feedbackon Earth Sciences Natural disasters Hazards Avalanches Submit Notes. http://earth-sciences.designerz.com/earth-sciences-natural-disasters-hazards-ava | |
78. Unsettling Events Northwest Disaster avalanche and Fire, by Ruby El Hult, Binfords Mort, Portland,Oregon Copyright 1960 ISBN 08323-0021-7. This book tells the Wellington http://www.tpl.lib.wa.us/cgi-win/disastr2.exe/Wellington_Avalanch|disaster\welli | |
79. Avalanche (1978) Disaster strikes when an avalanche hits the resort, ski slopes, andice skating arena. avalanche suffers from its low budget. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077189/ | |
80. Disaster News Network: Disaster & Weather Links program offered to homeowners and businesses following Presidentiallydeclareddisasters. Winter Storms - avalanche Danger Scale this chart provides a http://www.disasternews.net/links.php | |
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