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1. AHY Founded in 1965 by R. John Rath, the austrian history Yearbook remains the only Englishlanguage journal devoted to the history of the territories in Central http://www.cas.umn.edu/ahy.htm | |
2. WWW-VL History Index WWWVL HISTORY AUSTRIA. PLEASE NOTE that this site is currently without a maintainer, and needs one if it Zeitgeschichte-Information-System Contemporary History, austrian history http://www.ukans.edu/history/VL/europe/austria.html | |
3. Sochabs SAHH membership is defined by the subscriber list of the austrian history Yearbook, published by the Center for Austrian Studies at the University of Minnesota http://www.cas.umn.edu/sochabs.htm | |
4. Austrian History Resources At Questia - The Online Library Of Books austrian history. Questia. The World's Largest Online Library. GuruNet. Primary Navigation Skip. Home PageSearch PageRead PageWork PageHelp Page. Secondary Navigation Skip. About Questia. Subscribe . http://www.questia.com/popularSearches/austrian_history.jsp |
5. Austrian History History of Austria. History Home Page, CountryReports.org. Subscription, Discuss World Issues! Past Country Profiles 1990 1991 1992 http://www.countryreports.org/history/austhist.htm | |
6. Primary Sources Of 20th Cent. Austrian History Primary Sources of 20th century austrian history http://zis.uibk.ac.at/goes20_eng.html | |
7. Austrian History austrian history. Historical Austria emerged beaten and shorn of the territories that had contributed to its 1,000year imperial history. The http://www.dreihacken.asn-graz.ac.at/projekte/usa/history.htm | |
8. Austria , Austro-Hungarian Monarchy-- Primary Documents History of Austria, AustroHungarian Monarchy Primary Documents on 20th Century austrian history ( 20th century; German transcriptions)Ãsterreichisches http://www.lib.byu.edu/~rdh/eurodocs/austria.html | |
9. Austrian History austrian history; Mirror image of http//lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/attoc.html Chapter 1. Historical Setting THE ALPINEDANUBIAN REGION http://www.datenbank-europa.de/oesterreich/history.htm |
10. Austrian History 1657-1918 Digital Photography Austrian Coins 16571918 Digital Photography 1892-1918 Coins of Francis Joseph during monetary reform, and Karl I during WWI; 1852 http://www.krischanphoto.com/austria/austria.htm | |
11. Austrian Press & Information Service of war and hardship, the signing of the State Treaty on 15 May 1955 in Vienna s Belvedere Palace was one of the most moving moments in austrian history. http://www.austria.org/history_rep.shtml | |
12. Austrian Information Washington, DC Volume 50, No. 10, 1997. austrian history Yearbook. Volume XXVIII of the austrian history Yearbook, a peerreviewed http://www.austria.org/oldsite/oct97/yrbk.html | |
13. Ezilon - EU / Education / European History / Austrian History History austrian history. Listings, previous « 1 » next. austrian history The history of Austria by by Richard Jaklitsch. History http://www.ezilon.com/education/european_history/austrian_history/index.shtml | |
14. A Short Austrian History A Short austrian history. Sorry, no austrian history has been added yet. Search Google for another short austrian history. Austria http://www.abacci.com/atlas/history3.asp?countryID=136 |
15. Primary Sources Of Austrian History - Eduseek Subjects History History 12+ Continents and Countries Europe Central Europe Austria 20th Century Austria Primary Sources of austrian history, http://www.eduseek.com/navigate.php?ID=8428 |
16. Austria - History Of Habsburg Dynasty - Austrian History @about-austria.org austrian history Habsburg dynasty. Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube! The rise of House Habsburg! This line of medieval poetry http://www.aboutaustria.org/history/habsburg.htm | |
17. Austria Travel Guide - Travel To Austria - Austria Travel Information Austrian Alps, Wintersports and Skiing in Austria. Wintersports in Austria, Alps, Skiing is one of the most popular sports in Austria and in austrian history. http://www.aboutaustria.org/ | |
18. Detailed Record austrian history yearbook. Â By Rice University. ; American Historical Association. ; University of Minnesota. Other Titles austrian history yearbook. http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/5172a885784fe9bf.html | |
19. Austrian History Geography Culture Links to Web sites with information on austrian history, geography, culture, and language. History, Geography, Culture Austria. http://europeforvisitors.com/switzaustria/planner/blp_history_geography_at.htm | |
20. GERM 21005 - German And Austrian History 1918-33: Essay Questions 2002-03 University of Bristol shield. GERM 21005 GERMAN AND austrian history 19181933. UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN. ESSAY QUESTIONS. http://eis.bris.ac.uk/~gemaa/21005/questions.html | |
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