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81. AEIOU - Das österreichische Kulturinformationssystem Searchable government archive of music, pictures, text and videos divided into thematic albums. http://www.aeiou.at/ |
82. AUVA - Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt Quasigovernment agency responsible for workers' compensation in Austria. It also engages in activities related to prevention, first aid, medical care of accident victims, rehabilitation, research, and information dissemination. Site mostly in German, but with some information in English as well. http://www.auva.or.at/ | |
83. CNN - Dozens Hurt In Austrian Protests Over New Government - February 5, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/02/05/austria.01/index.html | |
84. Das Land Niederösterreich From the Lower austrian state government. Includes facts and figures, history, the people, economy, and politics. http://www.noe.gv.at/ | |
85. Socialism Today - Austria Awakens - A Country In Resistance Sonja Grusch, writing in Socialism Today, describes the resistance of austrian workers and youth to the government. http://www.socialismtoday.org/46/austria.html | |
86. ICL - Austria Index Constitutional Background The austrian constitution, adopted on October 1st, 1920(so called federal constitution \lquote BundesVerfassungsgesetz B-VG), has http://www.oefre.unibe.ch/law/icl/au__indx.html | |
87. CIA - The World Factbook -- Austria Literacy Definition Field Listing definition age 15 and over can read and writetotal population 98% male NA% female NA%. government, Austria, Top of Page. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/au.html | |
88. Bundesministerium Für Bildung, Wissenschaft Und Kultur Translate this page The site you have selected has moved. The URL of the austrian Federal Ministryfor Education, Science and Culture in Vienna is. http//www.bmbwk.gv.at. http://www.bmwf.gv.at/ | |
89. Presseportal.at: Das Portal Für Multimediale Presseinformation Von APA OTS Translate this page E-government wird mobil. Mit diesem Angebot nimmt Ãsterreich auchinternational eine Vorreiterrolle im E-government-Bereich ein. http://www.ots.at/meldung.php?schluessel=OTS_20040225_OTS0075&typ= |
90. Federal Government Publications From Austria Library and the Library, London School of Economics and Political Science, holda wide selection of federal government publications from Austria and the main http://www.bl.uk/collections/social/austria.html | |
91. Government-austria.at an verschiedenen Orten in Europa more government-austria.at Die NEUE http://government-austria.at/ | |
92. Austrian American Educational Commission - Fulbright Comission Funded primarily by direct contributions from the governments of the United Statesof study, teach, or pursue research in Austria and for austrian citizens to http://www.fulbright.at/ | |
93. Das Land Niederösterreich Translate this page Home, Sitemap, NÃ-Karte, Kontakt, Gesetze, Formulare, E-government. Das Land Niederösterreich.Bürgerservice. Förderungen. Politik + Verwaltung. Landesentwicklung. http://www.noel.gv.at/ | |
94. Library Of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handboo Provisional government; The 1945 Election and Consolidation of the Austriangovernment; Consolidation of Democracy; Austria s Integration http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/attoc.html | |
95. Versicherungspolizzen 358 pages, ISBN 3205-99418-3. (The publication comprises a summary of the textin English.). Address of the austrian Association of Insurance Companies http://www.nationalfonds.org/aef/english/aufgVersPol.htm | |
96. Bundeskanzleramt ÃÂsterreich Translate this page Schüssel Am Ende der Verhandlungen soll ein konsensuales Gesamtpaketstehen (19.05.2004). Bundeskanzler Wolfgang Schüssel empfing http://www.austria.gv.at/ | |
97. Governments On The WWW: Austria Translate this page Governments on the WWW Austria. http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/at.html | |
98. Help.gv.at Translate this page www.help.gv.at - Ihr Amtshelfer, Amtsweg-Online/Formulare Amtsdeutsch Fragenund Antworten Erweiterte Suche cesky po slovensky magyar slovenscina. http://www.help.gv.at/ | |
99. Oesterreich.at - Oesterreich.at: Staat Translate this page http://www.oesterreich.at/ | |
100. Oesterreich.at - Oesterreich.at: Bürger Translate this page http://www.oesterreich.at/portal/buerger/ | |
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