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         Austrian Government:     more books (100)
  1. Can Gorbachev Change the Soviet Union: The International Dimensions of Political Reform (Austrian Institute for Inernational Affairs) by Zdenek Mlynar, 1990-06
  2. The Vranitzky Era in Austria (Contemporary Austrian Studies, Vol 7)
  3. The Abbey (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought Translation Series) by Alois Brandstetter, Peter Edgerly Firchow, et all 1997-09
  4. Austria in the Nineteen Fifties (Contemporary Austrian Studies, Vol 3)
  5. Arthur Schnitzler and Politics (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture and Thought) by Adrian Clive Roberts, 1989-12
  6. Return to the Center (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought) by Otto Von Habsburg, 1993-02
  7. Austria in the Thirties: Culture and Politics (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture and Politics) by Kenneth Segar, 1990-11
  8. Political and Economic Transformation in East-Central Europe (Austrian Institute for International Affairs) by Hanspeter Neuhold, Peter Havlik, 1994-11
  9. The Kreisky Era in Austria (Contemporary Austrian Studies, Vol 2)
  10. The Authoritarian State: An Essay on the Problem of the Austrian State (Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, Volume 4) by Eric Voegelin, 1999-04
  11. The Limits of Loyalty: Imperial Symbolism, Popular Allegiances and State Patriotism in in the Late Habsburg Monarchy (Austrian and Habsburg Studies) (Austrian and Habsburg Studies)
  12. Austrian Socialist Experiment: Social Democracy and Austromarsism, 1918-1934 (Westview Special Studies in West European Politics and Society)
  13. The First Austrian Republic, 1918-1938: A Study Based on British and Austrian Documents by F. L. Carsten, 1986-10
  14. Austrian seminary closed in homosexual scandal.(Austria): An article from: Catholic Insight

61. Austrian Government Extends Ioan Holender S Contract As Head Of
austrian government extends Ioan Holender s contract as head of ViennaState Opera. 1610-2003, The austrian government announced
language="fr"; español english
Austrian Government extends Ioan Holender's contract as head of Vienna State Opera. The Austrian government announced on Tuesday the fourth extension of the contract of State Opera director Ioan Holender for another three years. Holender, 68, took over in 1992 after Eberhard Waechter´s sudden death, thus belying a widely held belief that being the director of Vienna's opera was a perilous position. The list of prominent people in the post who quit prematurely over disagreements and intrigues involving the city's cultural establishment is long. It includes such great names as composer Gustav Mahler, conductor Herbert von Karajan, and, more recently, Lorin Maazel.
If Holender serves out the planned term of office until 2010, he will have set a new record as head of one of the world's best opera houses. He will be 75 at that time. In announcing the contract renewal, Austrian State Secretary Franz Morak told reporters that the extension beyond 2007 was already needed now to ensure long-term planning.

62. The Austrian Government Has Changed Its Quota Of Foreign Workers From Nine Perce
The austrian government has changed its quota of foreign workers fromnine percent to eight percent of a firm s employees. An initiative
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63. CNN Transcript - WorldView: Austrian Government Increasingly Isolated As Result
WorldView. austrian government Increasingly Isolated as Result of Oppositionto Freedom Party Leader Joerg Haider. Aired February 5, 2000 1000 pm ET
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Austrian Government Increasingly Isolated as Result of Opposition to Freedom Party Leader Joerg Haider
Aired February 5, 2000 - 10:00 p.m. ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. DONNA KELLEY, CNN ANCHOR: Demonstrators threw eggs outside the sight of a ball hosted Saturday night by Joerg Haider, controversial leader of the Freedom Party. Haider's right-wing party came to power Friday in a coalition government. Many in the international community view Haider's ascent to power with alarm, because he once praised Nazi veterans of the SS as decent people of good character. We get more from CNN's Kieran Baker.

64. Indymedia NL (Nederland) - Haider Brings Down The Austrian Government
Haider brings down the austrian government henk 21.09.2002 1156 Haider bringsdown the austrian government Haider brings down the Austrian

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65. Hitler's Demands To The Austrian Government, 1938
Hitler s demands to the austrian government, 12 February 1938 Source J. Noakes G. Pridham, Documents on Nazism 19191945, (London, 1974), pp.533-534.
Hitler's demands to the Austrian Government, 12 February 1938
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66. Austria - Consular Information Sheet
For specific information concerning Austrian driving permits, vehicle inspection,road tax and mandatory insurance, contact the austrian government website at
U.S. Department of State
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Washington, DC 20520

Consular Information Sheet This information is current as of today,
December 12, 2003 COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: Austria is a highly developed stable democracy with a modern economy. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Passport required. A visa is not required for business or tourist stays up to three months. For further information concerning entry requirements for Austria, travelers should contact the Embassy of Austria at 3524 International Court, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008,
CRIME: Austria has a low crime rate, and violent crime is rare. However, crimes involving theft of personal property have increased in recent years. Travelers can become targets of pickpockets and purse-snatchers who operate where tourists tend to gather. Some of the most frequently reported spots include Vienna’s two largest train stations, the plaza around St. Stephan’s Cathedral and the nearby pedestrian shopping areas (in Vienna’s First District). The loss or theft of a U.S. passport overseas should be reported immediately to the local police and the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. U.S. citizens can refer to the Department of State's pamphlet " A Safe Trip Abroad ", for ways to promote a more trouble-free trip. The pamphlet is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

67. Wiener Zeitung Staat
Translate this page The New austrian government. 300 Jahre Wiener Zeitung!Federal ChancellorWolfgang Schüssel (ÖVP) Deputy Chancellor and Federal

68. RAW - 20 000 Against The New Austrian Government!
After the continous nightly demonstrations of several thousands of people againstthe new austrian government consisting of the conservative (OeVP) and the
20 000 against the new Austrian government! After the continous nightly demonstrations of several thousands of people against the new Austrian government consisting of the conservative (OeVP) and the extreme right freedom (FPOe) parties, today more than 20 000 people gathered in the streets. Starting from one of the main railway stations the protestants marched through the city and the demonstration ended at around 7 pm at the Place of the 12th of February close to the Karl-Marx- Hof. Today the demonstration was accompanied by a sound-truck on that famous Austrian DJs played music under the slogan "Sound- Politicization". In front of the parliament an event called "Hip- Hop against black/blue" (in Austria black is the political colour of the conservative OeVP, and blue of the right-wing freedom party - FPOe) started at 7 pm and still continues. In the following days the daily protests will go on, and bike-demonstrations and other highly imaginative events are planned. By the way, the building of the community of industrialists in Vienna was briefly occupied yesterday.

69. RAW - International Demonstration Against New Austrian Government!
On Saturday, the 19th of February, an international demonstration against the newaustrian government takes place in Vienna. The protest is organized by
International demonstration against the new Austrian government! On Saturday, the 19th of February, an international demonstration against the new Austrian government takes place in Vienna. The protest is organized by an alliance of human rights organizations. (The original appeal is attached at the end). Official meeting places are at 3:30 pm the parliament, the University of Vienna (both located on the "Ring"), the "Staatsoper" (state opera house), and the "Stephansplatz" (in the city centre at St. Stephan's Cathedral). The different protest marches will meet at the "Heldenplatz" where at 6 pm a mass rally will take place. In any case we all will join this protest, even though for us the criticism in the appeal does not go far enough. For those who like us want to formulate and visualize a further radical left criticism we suggest to march in a common block. These people will meet already at 2 pm at the "Westbahnhof" (main west-station) and then go to the meeting point at the University of Vienna.
Against racism, sexism, and facism in all colours and shapes!

70. Austrian
austrian government passed government decision and action plan on EUEnlargementand nuclear power plants. GLOBAL 2000 Gives new focus to the EU-Enlargement.
Die Österreichische Umweltschutzorganisation
PRESS-INFORMATION Austrian government passed government decision and action plan on EU-Enlargement and nuclear power plants. GLOBAL 2000: "Gives new focus to the EU-Enlargement. EURATOM reform possible now through common European effort."
Vienna, Brussels (6 th July 1999) Today, Tuesday, the Austrian government passed a decision on the official government position and an „action plan" concerning EU-Enlargement and nuclear power plants (NPPs). This plan was reached through two consultations between the Austrian government, three of the Austrian governors of federal states, GLOBAL 2000 (FoE Austria) and other environmental organisations. „This action plan, which was passed today, gives a new focus to the EU-Enlargement process. It becomes possible now that the spotlight will be on the NPPs in Eastern Europe.", says Corine Veithen, Anti-Nuclear-Campaigner of GLOBAL 2000, „We are confident that for the first time all the member states of the EU would be united in a common effort for nuclear-phase-out." The Austrian government’s position on the NPPs under construction, for example the NPP Temelin in the Czech Republic, is clear-cut. The going-on-the-grid of Temelin will be a severe obstacle for the Czech EU-accession if Temelin does not meet the state-of-the-art of the Union. As to the high-risk-reactors, the Slovakian NPP Bohunice, the NPP Ignalina in Lithuania and Kosloduy in Bulgaria and with regard to the summit of the EU-governments in Helsinki the Austrian government will demand the development of plans for

71. The Austrian Ultimatum To Serbia, July 23,1914
After the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of AustiaHungaryon June 28, 1914, the austrian government waited for over three
The Austrian Ultimatum to Serbia and the Serbian Reply
The Ultimatum:
(Preamble) The Royal Serbian Government . . . has[since 1909] tolerated the criminal machinations of various societies and associations directed against the [Austro-Hungarian] Monarchy, unrestrained language on the part of the press, glorification of the perpetrators of outrages, participation of officers and officials in subversive agitation, unwholesome propaganda in public education, in short tolerated all the manifestations of a nature to inculcate in the Serbian population hatred of the Monarchy and contempt for its institutions . . .
It is shown by the depositions and confessions of the criminal authors of the outrage of 28 June that the Sarajevo murders [of the Archduke and his wife] were planned in Belgrade [capital of Serbia], that the arms and explosives with which the murderers were found to be provided had been given them by Serbian officers and officials belonging to the Narodna Odbrana [a Serbia-based nationalist organization promoting the ideal of a Greater Serbia, i.e., the political union of Bosnia and Serbia] and finally that the passage into Bosnia of the criminals and their arms was organized and effectuated by chiefs of the Serbian frontier service. . . . the results . . impose on [the A-H Monarchy] the duty of putting an end to the intrigues which constitute a permanent threat to the tranquillity of the Monarchy.

72. Classical Music - Andante - Austrian Government Extends Ioan Holender's Contract
austrian government Extends Ioan Holender s Contract as Head of ViennaState Opera. Associated Press 14 October 2003. This story

FA8 6 February 2000. NEW austrian government FREEDOM PARTY AS COALITIONPARTNER. It is for the Austrian people to decide their own government.

Speeches Media Releases Transcripts ... Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade MEDIA RELEASE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS - ALEXANDER DOWNER - 6 February 2000 NEW AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT: FREEDOM PARTY AS COALITION PARTNER The Australian Government understands and shares the concern expressed by Austria's EU partners and other governments about the entry of Joerg Haider's Freedom Party into the Austrian Government. Mr Haider has in the past made statements expressing sympathy for the Nazi era. He has since recanted these views but other recent statements by the Freedom Party have also brought into question the party's democratic orientation and commitment to human rights. It is for the Austrian people to decide their own government. However, I am concerned that Austrian democracy could be put at risk if extremist views expressed in the past were ever put into practice. Australia is a country which took a strong stand against the Nazis, fought alongside our anti-Nazi allies in World War II and is home to many victims of the Holocaust. The formation of a government which includes a party and a prominent public figure linked with the Nazi era and its politics of hate is therefore likely to be received with considerable discomfort in Australia.

74. Real History And The Austrian Government
On Mar 10, 1994 the austrian government tells Australia that an Arrest Warrantwas issued against Mr Irving on Nov 8, 1989 and original German text;
Index to the Traditional Enemies of Free Speech
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Quick navigation Mr Irving, take me to ... ... your main alphabetical index ... your current newsletter ... where you will be speaking ... news on your legal battles ... you and your family ... your career so far ... how to buy your books ... free downloads of your books ... how to help your fighting fund ... your letters to the press ... your publishing Home Page Index write to David Irving

75. Haider Joins Austrian Government
Haider Joins austrian government. By Roland Prinz Associated Press WriterFriday, Feb. 4, 2000; 144 pm EST. VIENNA, Austria –– Despite
Haider Joins Austrian Government
By Roland Prinz
Associated Press
Friday, Feb. 4, 2000; 1:44 p.m. EST
VIENNA, Austria –– Despite massive international opposition, Austria's president swore in a new government today that includes rightists loyal to a man known for praising aspects of the Nazi era. In a brief ceremony, members of the new Cabinet – six from Joerg Haider's far-right Freedom Party and six from the conservative Austrian People's Party – swore their oaths of office to President Thomas Klestil. Heading the new government as chancellor is Wolfgang Schuessel, head of the People's Party. Freedom Party member Suzanne Riess-Passer is vice chancellor. The swearing-in triggered unprecedented political sanctions on Austria by the 14 other European Union countries. Angered by the presence of Haider's party, the union is acting to isolate one of its own members to protest a government it says goes against its basic democratic principles. The United States also began to distance itself from Austria.

76. US Jewish Community Backs Isolation For Austrian Government
US Jewish community backs isolation for austrian government. Thursday,February 3 319 AM SGT NEW YORK, Feb 2 (AFP) . The US Jewish
US Jewish community backs isolation for Austrian government
Thursday, February 3 3:19 AM SGT
NEW YORK, Feb 2 (AFP) - The US Jewish community expressed support Wednesday for US and European warnings of isolation against Austria if the country allows Joerg Haider's extreme right-wing Freedom Party to come to power. A number of Jewish organizations and associations in New York spoke out against the news of a possible coalition between Austrian conservatives the People's Party and Haider's group. The coalition proposal still has to be accepted by Austrian President Thomas Klestil, however the European Union took unprecedented steps Monday to warn it would sever all ties with Vienna if the Freedom Party entered government. Elan Steinberg, the executive director of World Jewish Congress, on Wednesday praised the move by the EU. "We fully support the position of the EU, and by the way we note the leading role that France has assumed in this moral struggle," he said. "It's a human rights concern. The Jewish world will stand behind the lead of the EU on this question. "We've entered the 21st century with the understanding that human rights is a necessary and central element of foreign policy," Steinberg added.

77. A-Infos (en) 20 000 Against The New Austrian Government! 12.02.2000
(en) 20 000 against the new austrian government! 12.02.2000. From RosaAntifa Wien Date Sun, 13 Feb 2000 050900 0500
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78. European Federation Of Journalists
Journalists Condemn austrian government Over Threat To Jail InvestigativeReporters. 17/05/2001 Amidst growing concern over media

79. Austrian Government Changes Widowers Pension Laws
Mercer History. MMC Companies. austrian government changes widowers pension laws,How Mercer can help in Austria. External links. Die Presse Full Article.

We urge the austrian government to acknowledge Public Netbase as a pioneer in thefield of new media arts and culture by enabling the organization to continue
open letter
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about Public Netbase t0
political Statement
~open letter
Open Letter to the Austrian Public
Open Letter to the Austrian Public
September 2000 ::Right Wing Government Targets Public Netbase The individuals, initiatives, and organizations listed below hereby demand that Public Netbase, the Viennese Center for New Media, should neither be forcibly closed, nor should it be moved from its current location in the Museumsquartier. We urge the Austrian government to acknowledge Public Netbase as a pioneer in the field of new media arts and culture by enabling the organization to continue its work in the Museumsquartier. Unfortunately, since the change in government, Public Netbase has become the target of unreasonable accusations, hidden machinations, and unwarranted attacks. The withdrawal of all federal funding, the government's effort to stop support on the regional level, and the unsuccessful but extensive investigation into alleged financial misappropriations, are clearly being enacted as a means of silencing critical voices in Austrian civil society. We find this situation to be not only shocking but also deeply distressing, considering the contributions Public Netbase has made to the local community and to the field of new media arts.

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