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41. Page 19 Of Australian Military Uniforms Australian Army Uniforms page 19. Click to enlarge Tunic of a Captain circa 1943. In the Australian Army the enemy is the 7th Kamarian Division. http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-uniforms/australian-19.htm | |
42. Australian Military Issues - MAPW Australia and terrorism australian military Issues. We back US first strike policy Senator Hill The Canberra Times June 19, 2002. Hansard http://www.mapw.org.au/war/military/australia-index.html | |
43. Russian-Australian Military Connections The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.argo.net.au/andre/ | |
44. Australian Military And Police Insignia For Sale australian military and Police Insignia Sales Catalogue Ian Kelly Militaria, Mail Order Collectible Badge and Button Specialist. Militaria Dealers since 1990. http://www.kellybadge.co.uk/australianinsignia.htm | |
45. The Australian Military Medical Association (AMMA). - Aerospace And Defense The australian military Medical Association (AMMA). Aerospace and defense Aviation_aerospace_medicine / Aerospace_Medicine_Associations. http://www.electronics-ee.com/~ebiz/Link.php?id_url=85980 |
46. Australian Military Renews Ties With Indonesia's Military Thugs australian military renews ties with IndonesiaÂs military thugs. By John Roberts and Peter Symonds 22 August 2003. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/aug2003/kom1-a22.shtml | |
47. The Military Photograph Museum And Registry Of Australia A growing collection of australian military photographs including portraits of those who served. Special software (suitable only for Windows) must be downloaded from the site and used to access the photographs. http://members.aol.com/ForCountry/austral.htm | |
48. US-Australian Military Exercise Rehearses For Gunboat Diplomacy In The Pacific Tandem Thrust 2001, a major USaustralian military exercise, is now underway in Shoalwater Bay, the australian military s training area near the north http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/may2001/mil-m10.shtml | |
49. Default Jack Wong Sue's book on the australian military Unit, the Z Specials. http://www.jackwongsue.com/ |
50. Patron Saints Index: Australian Military Chaplains PATRON SAINT INDEX TOPIC. australian military chaplains Our Lady Help of Christians. http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/pst01333.htm | |
51. VK2DYM S Military Radio And Radar Information Site. INFORMATION SITE. HOME PAGE. Concentrating on australian military and domestic radio and lesser known equipment. MILITARY RADIO DATA. http://www.qsl.net/vk2dym/ | |
52. Yorkshire CND - Saab Signs Contract With Australian Military - 23/5/03 23 May 2003 Saab signs contract with australian military AFP. http//www.spacewar.com/2003/030523075554.wftl1mzv.html. STOCKHOLM (AFP http://www.cndyorks.gn.apc.org/yspace/articles/saab.htm | |
53. South Australian Military Vehicle Museum: Website Detail: Australia's Culture An Website Detail. Website Name, South australian military Vehicle Museum. Organisation, Military Vehicles Collectors Society of South Australia Inc. http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/website/info/1544.htm | |
54. Society Of Australian Genealogists - Basics On Australian Military Records Information contained in this document is believed by the Society of Australian Genealogists to be accurate at the time of publication. http://www.sag.org.au/ozsources/military.htm | |
55. Indigenous Australians At War Research into Australian Aboriginal servicemen in the defence of Australia. Provides information on a notwell-known aspect of australian military history. http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/statuepark/620/index.html | |
56. Stone & Stone: Publisher Page australian military History Publications. Contact Information. 1 Independent Company Loftus, Aus australian military History Publications, 1998. http://books.stonebooks.com/cgi-bin/foxweb.exe/base/pubbers?ausmilhist |
57. Australia (British Empire & Commonwealth Land Forces) Index of Regiments. Museums, by Ted Harris (Digger History); australian military Museums, by 4WD@Sofcom. Military Museums, by Henrik Teller. http://www.regiments.org/milhist/australia/austral.htm | |
58. Index Of Australian Military Schools Training Centres Index of australian military schools and training centres, with links to web sites. australian military Schools and Training Centres Index and Links. Australia. http://www.regiments.org/milhist/australia/lists/schools.htm | |
59. Royal Australian Corps Of Military Police australian military Order 268 dated 13 June 1916 includes the order that The Military Police of AIF will hereafter form a Corps, promotion in which will, as http://home.mweb.co.za/re/redcap/australia.htm | |
60. The Australian Light Horse Association - Home Few australian military units create as much interest as the Light Horse. This site is a well designed and informative one with lots of factual information about their activities including the famous last great cavalry charge at Beersheba. All aspects of the life of a Mounted Infantry Regiment are well covered. http://www.lighthorse.org.au | |
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