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81. 31020- E 360L Australian Literature< .In this course students will discover australian literature.......E 360Laustralian literature. Instructor Kral. Status UNCHANGED. http://www.en.utexas.edu/courses/section.las?sectionid=34694 |
82. 31540- E 344L Australian Literature And Film< E 344Laustralian literature and Film. Instructor Graham. Meeting Times TTH 330500; UTC 3.102. Unique Number 31540 ( Fall 2003). Status UNCHANGED. http://www.en.utexas.edu/courses/section.las?sectionid=34493 |
83. Online Course Catalogue | Victoria University Of Wellington ENGL 235 Â australian literature. Points 22, Prerequisites 18 100levelENGL or SEFT pts, 18 further 100-level ENGL, SEFT, MDIA or FILM pts;. http://www.vuw.ac.nz/home/catalogue/index.aspx?course=ENGL-235 |
84. KCL: Comparative Literature Optional Modules MA in Comparative Literature optional modules australian literature and Society(1 cu) This course is a historical survey of Australian writing that places http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/humanities/complit/opone.html | |
85. UW Libraries - Database Search infotrac.galegroup.com/itw/infomark/1/1/1/purl=rc18%5fEAIM%5F0%5F%5Fjn+%22Antipodes%22?sw_aep=wash_eai UW restricted, australian literature Periodicals (3). http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=subject&ID=78764 |
86. The Academy Electronic Editions Of Australian Literature The Academy Electronic Editions of australian literature. POSTER.Chris Tiffin(1), Paul Eggert(1) and Graham Barwell(2). (1)English http://helmer.aksis.uib.no/allc-ach96/Demos/tiffin.html | |
87. Political Animal: Comment On Australian Literature Add A Comment. australian literature. Comments. Kevin,. I I don t thinkit s surprising at all it s australian literature. Australia http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/mt/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=1332 |
88. Ballantine Books | Australian Literature By Phyllis F. Edelson australian literature An Anthology of Writing from the Land Down Under Written byPhyllis F. Edelson Ballantine Books Trade Paperback March 1993 $19.00 http://www.randomhouse.com/BB/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=0-345-36800-2 |
89. Scout Report Archives Archives Browse Resources. Browse Resources. australian literature.(1 classification). Classifications. Databases (2). Andrew W Mellon http://scout.wisc.edu/Archives/SPT--BrowseResources.php?ParentId=15550 |
90. Nick Earls - The Rock God Of Australian Literature. » ABC Perth Nick Earls The Rock God of australian literature. Presenter JohnMcNamara. Friday, 7 February 2003. Nick Earls has an honours degree http://www.abc.net.au/perth/stories/s780466.htm | |
91. The Australian Society For Classical Studies Open to those engaged in teaching or research in the languages, literature, history, thought and archaeology of the ancient world. http://www.arts.uwa.edu.au/Classics/ASCS/ | |
92. OptusNet Member Website - Sharonlnorris A subscription newsletter aimed at aspiring australian writers of children's and young adult literature. The newsletter features articles, market and competition information, author interviews. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~sharonlnorris/ | |
93. CBCA - Children's Book Awards Presents annual awards for books of literary merit, for outstanding contribution to australian children's literature, and for new talent. History, winners, entry requirements, further CBC links, and links to other australian and international awards. http://www.cbc.org.au/awards.htm | |
94. Australian Journal Of French Studies A forum for scholarly research in French literature, arts and culture. http://elecpress.monash.edu.au/french/ | |
95. YDS1R YDS2R TD1A TD1B TD1C TD2 TD2B - Neil Collins - Restoring And Racing The YD australian enthusiast collects and restores Yamaha 250cc motorcycles from the fifties and sixties. Parts, technical publications and advertising literature for sale. http://www.htb.com.au/htb10.html | |
96. Glossary Of Speleological And Caving Terms - S australian Speleological Federation glossary of speleological and caving terms with references to related literature. http://home.mira.net/~gnb/caving/glossary/S.html | |
97. Western Australian Mangrove Page This site provides access to the Mangrove Grey literature Bibliography, a searchable database of mangroverelated documents which have not made it into the primary literature. http://possum.murdoch.edu.au/~mangrove/ |
98. Home Annotated list of internet resources for women's literature, maintained by the Women's Studies Department at Northern Arizona University. Subcategories include African, AsianPacific, australian-New Zealand, Literary Biography and Literary History, Comparative literature, Creative Writing, European, General, Genre Fiction,Latin American-Caribbean, Middle Eastern, NarrativeTheories and Studies of, North American, Poetry and Poetics, Literary Theory and Criticism http://www.nau.edu/~wst/access/hotlist/lithot.html | |
99. Publications Subscription information, editorial policy, contents of current issues, and a guide to current mammal literature. http://www.australianmammals.org.au/publications.html | |
100. LITERATURE - Robert G Barrett Biography of the australian mystery writer. http://www.dinkumaussies.com/LITERATURE/Robert G Barrett.htm | |
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