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1. Homepage australian industry Group Ai Group is a not-for-profit association that was created to assist australian industry to become more competitive on a domestic http://www.aigroup.asn.au/ | |
2. The German-Australian Chamber Of Industry And Commerce Promotes bilateral trade between Germany and Australia, assists members and the public in finding trade partners. http://www.germany.org.au |
3. Australian Industry Greenhouse Network About AIGN. Documents. Current Members. Activities. Links. Contact AIGN. Members only Area. australian industry Greenhouse Network Ph +61 2 6273 4866. http://www.aign.net/ | |
4. Australian Industry Greenhouse Network 1. Provide a members forum for dialogue, information exchange and discussion of climate change issues relevant to australian industry. http://www.aign.net/about.html | |
5. Australian Industry & Defence Network australian industry Defence Network communications between State bodies and Federal Government Departments, the Department of Defence and the Department of http://www.aidn.org.au/ | |
6. InnovationXchange Network  Your First Point Of Access To Innovation Resources, australian industry Group, australian industry Group. DESCRIPTION OF CAPABILITIES AND SERVICES. The australian industry Group is an http://www.innovationxchange.com.au/profiles/962.html | |
7. Www.thestandard.com.au/ Infogate Industry research Motor vehicle registrations. australian industry Specific Sites and Information Gateways. Automotive. Printing Industries Association of Australia. Tourism. http://www.thestandard.com.au/ |
8. Address To Australian Industry Group 17 February 2003. Address to australian industry Group. Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. 17, 19 and 21 February 2003. In this address http://www.asio.gov.au/Media/Contents/ausindustry.htm | |
9. Australian Industry And Innovation Photo Album Australia Industry and Innovation. The RMIT Research and Development Section facilitates world class research and development, which http://www.house.gov/dunn/FOACaucus/photoalbum/industryandinnovation.htm | |
10. Governance Australian Industry Bodies Search. Australian regulator australian industry International regula International indust australian industry bodies. Accounting. http://www.mallesons.com/counsels_compass/5535476W-01.htm | |
11. Australian Synchrotron - Opportunities For Australian Industry Opportunities for australian industry. The Australian The Project will provide many opportunities for australian industry. Roy Lilley http://www.synchrotron.vic.gov.au/content.asp?Document_ID=700 |
12. For Overseas Buyers - Int the culture of innovation in australian industry which is generating advanced products and services that are competitively priced in the international market http://www.austrade.gov.au/overseas/layout/0,,0_S3-1_3zo-2_-3_-4_-5_-6_-7_,00.ht | |
13. - Int australian industry expertise. Learn more about the expertise of Australian companies. Choose an industry from the list below. Select http://www.austrade.gov.au/india_customer/layout/0,,0_PWB110418001-1_6croz16-2_- | |
14. Australian Defence Organisation: Defence Materiel Organisation Policy. australian industry Involvement. australian industry Involvement Manual. The Defence Capability Plan (DCP) is unique when compared http://www.defence.gov.au/dmo/id/aii/aii.cfm | |
15. Australian Defence Organisation: Defence Materiel Organisation australian industry Involvement. TOP. Defence requires australian industry to provide ready and reliable support for inservice and planned capabilities. http://www.defence.gov.au/dmo/ascd/air5077/air5077.cfm | |
16. Australian Trade And Industry Associations - Export61 australian industry and Trade Associations, Australian Trade. Exporting from Australia, Exporting from Australia. Other industries, Australian and States CCIs, http://www.export61.com/link.asp?code=INAS |
17. MBS - McLennan Library australian industry Associations Agriculture Agribusiness Association of Australia Contains excellent data on the agricultural food industry in Australia. http://mclennan.mbs.edu/nwwebresources/webresources_associations.htm | |
18. AusStats : 8155.0 Australian Industry 8155.0 australian industry EMBARGO 1130 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 27/08/2003. 8155.0 20002001 australian industry, - 8155.0 1998-99 australian industry. http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/48791677ff5b2814ca256a1d0001fecd?OpenD |
19. AusStats : The Evolution Of Australian Industry View Shopping Cart. Australia Now, 1301.0 2003. Year Book Australia 2003 Industry Overview The evolution of australian industry. Jump http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/9d8841b098226820ca256cae0010bbfc?OpenD |
20. AIR Links: Australian Industry Links australian industry Links. themusic.com.au Music industry news and resource site. One of the most visited australian industry sites on the web. http://www.air.org.au/industrylinks.html | |
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