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61. Explore! : Home > History > Australian History Home History australian history. Search All This topic only. AHB HeritageAustralia information system. australian history on the Internet. http://explore.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/Nav/Heading.asp?Topic=History&Heading=Aus |
62. The Age At 23, Clare the Mayor makes australian history. By Ms O Neil last nightbecame the youngest female mayor in australian history. At http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/03/17/1079199290071.html | |
63. Ronin Films - Australian History australian history. ANIMATED. 1989 (G) 80 min. A film which rolls 75 years of Australiananimation history into 80 riproaring minutes of fun and high jinks. http://www.roninfilms.com.au/video/1886377 | |
64. The Australian History Of Tux LG #59 Linux Gazette making Linux just a little more fun! . The AustralianHistory of Tux. By Chris Jones. Gday from the land of Oz,. If http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue59/jones.html | |
65. Powerhouse Museum | Australian History & Society Online collections; Educational resources; External web projects.australian history Society. Food safe (bush pantry), wood/ metal http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/austhistory.asp | |
66. Society Of Australian Genealogists - Basics On Australian History Sources Basics on australian history sources. General histories. It is useful to have abroad understanding of australian history when writing your family history. http://www.sag.org.au/ozsources/history.htm | |
67. Australian History : Ballarat Fine Art Gallery australian history. Ballarat Fine Art Gallery s collection provides uniquecurriculum support for australian history and studies in Democracy. http://www.balgal.com/index.php?id=australianhistory |
68. World History Compass, Australian And New Zealand History Centre for Western australian history Encourages and assists individuals andgroups interested in researching and writing Western australian history. http://www.worldhistorycompass.com/austral.htm | |
69. 0202.326B Australian History 0202.326B australian history. Links to australian history Resourcesfor Historians in Australia from the University of Newcastle; http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/resources/subject_portal/fass_aushistory.shtml | |
70. Cambridge University Press Australia | Primary Livewire australian history. Ideal project resource books for libraryand classroom use, the Livewire australian history series features http://www.cambridge.edu.au/Education/Primary/Series.asp?SeriesID=174 |
71. Australian History Subject Guide australian history Subject Guide. australian history on the Internet The NationalLibrary of Australia s list of australian history resources and sites. http://www.deakin.edu.au/library/srchgdes/austhistory.html | |
72. Australia History | Lonely Planet World Guide Australia s original inhabitants, known as australian Aborigines, have the longestcontinuous cultural history in the world, with origins dating back to the http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/australasia/australia/history.htm | |
73. Australian Family History Compendium australian Family history Compendium. The australian Family history Compendiumis an Internet resource for people researching their family tree. http://www.cohsoft.com.au/afhc/ | |
74. Australian Air League Official site learn about the league's aims, history, education program, motto, uniform, its air activities and flying, and how to join. http://www.airleague.com.au | |
75. Graham Jaunays Site - Australian Political History manager. A brief australian political history. As interpreted by GrahamJaunay Establishment of colonies and territories in Australia; http://www.users.on.net/proformat/history.html | |
76. History Of Australian Places Index Main Index history of Places in Australia. Our aim is to have a historyof as many locations as possible in Australia on the Internet. http://www.zades.com.au/ozindex/ozindex.html | |
77. Aussie Hash Everything you need to know about the Hash House Harriers in Australia. Includes directories, schedules, links, and history. http://www.hhh.asn.au/ | |
78. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LOCAL HISTORY SOUTH australian LOCAL history BSP Gallery Bookshop old and rarebooks 3 Rotherwood Drive Malvern East Victoria 3145 Australia. http://www.bspgallery.com.au/southloc.htm | |
79. Australian Genealogy Today For What S New In Australia New The Epic of Australia s Founding This enthralling account of Australia s tragicorigins is history of the finest order, combining thorough research with http://www.genealogytoday.com/au/ | |
80. History Danny the Dredger s Prospecting Page history australian Goldfields Panning for Gold. australianhistory Databases Gallipoli 75 Diaries Dispatches from Gallipoli. http://www.palmdps.act.edu.au/australia_online/history.htm | |
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