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41. Australian History Mysteries between Aboriginal people and Europeans on the various Âfrontiers of AustraliaÂisan important and sensitive aspect of australian history today. http://www.nma.gov.au/ahm/study04.html | |
42. Australian History Mysteries (Secondary) australian history Mysteries (Secondary). australian history Mysteries is a video,print and website resource developed in conjunction with Ryebuck Media. http://www.nma.gov.au/schools/school_resources/resources_purchase/australian_his | |
43. Australian History: A Marxist Analysis: Phil Griffiths australian history Towards a Marxist analysis. This website contains essaysand articles on australian history from a Marxist perspective. http://www.optusnet.com.au/~griff52/ | |
44. Waltzing Matilda Story - Bringing Australian History To Our Youth Through Music Waltzing Matilda. Bringing australian history to our youth throughmusic. Bringing australian history to our youth through music. http://www.waltzingmatilda.com/wmdok_2.html | |
45. Recommended Australian History Here is a list of recommended books on australian history from theAustralian Online Bookshop. Recommended australian history. This http://www.bookworm.com.au/rechistory.htm | |
46. Guide To Australia - Nation Convict Creations, Convict Creations Seeks to understand Australianculture by exploring australian history. Flinders Ranges Research http://www.csu.edu.au/australia/nation.html | |
47. Internet Public Library: Australian History australian history on the Internet http//www.nla.gov.au/oz/histsite.html Linksto australian history institutions, organizations, journals, and other http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum30.15.00/ | |
48. Internet Public Library: Australian History Home Magazines Regional and Country Information Australia Arts and Humanities History History by Region Social Sciences australian history. http://www.ipl.org/div/serials/browse/hum30.15.00/ | |
49. Maltese-Australian History Email Password Malteseaustralian history. Australia representsa major port of call for the Maltese. A Centenary in Australia http://www.maltamigration.com/history/maltese-australian/ | |
50. Rare Book Exhibitions Rare Books Exhibition. Early australian history. 6 April 30 June 2000.Virtual Exhibition. You may also read the text of the catalogue online. http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/exhibitions/history/ | |
51. Australian History Of Veneer And Plywood Manufacturing australian history of Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing. http://sres.anu.edu.au/associated/fpt/plywood/history.html | |
52. OutReach - A Little Australian History Of Homosexuality http://www.also.org.au/outreach/history1.htm |
53. Australia - Down Under. All Things Aussie & Doggy, Australian History, Culture A australian history, geography, literature, poetry, slang and humour. Links to petsites and Aussie information. Australia. A Potted History. Becoming a Nation. http://www.geocities.com/jendi2_2000/pottedhistory1.html | |
54. Explore Local and Family History. Australian Family History Compendium Resources forpeople researching their family tree. General australian history Links. http://www.abc.net.au/time/explore.htm | |
55. BOS - School Certificate Australian History, Geography, Civics And Citizenship T School Certificate australian history, Geography, Civicsand Citzenship trial tests and related documents. Home, http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/schoolcertificate/sc_austhist_geog.html | |
56. The Drawing Board: Whiteness In Australian History 22 July 2002. Race and Place Whiteness in australian history. AlisonBashford, University of Sydney. Warwick Anderson, The Cultivation http://www.econ.usyd.edu.au/drawingboard/digest/0207/bashford.html | |
57. University Of New South Wales - Library Home - Australian History Subject Guide Subject Guides. australian history Subject Guide. Index to journalarticles on australian history. Hogan is a set of print indexes http://info.library.unsw.edu.au/sshl/guides/austhist/austhistkey.html | |
58. An Incident In Australian History (Melinda Gleeson) I-TESL-J a4esl.org. An Incident in australian history. Click the answer buttonto see the answer. Some (year) ago a woman called Lindy Chamberlain http://a4esl.org/q/h/9801/mg-aushistory.html | |
59. Australian History Olives have been considered as a commercial industry quite a few times in Australia shistory. www.museum.it. or. South Australian Olive History Click Here. http://www.oliveaustralia.aust.com/Australian__History/australian_history.html | |
60. Australian History Olives have been considered as a commercial industry quite a few times in Australia shistory. www.museum.it. or. South Australian Olive History Click Here. http://www.oliveaustralia.aust.com/Australian__History/australian__history.html | |
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