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181. Australian Bird And Wildlife Art By Janet Flinn Paints unique australian birds and wildlife, often combining the spontaneous fluid effects of watercolour. http://www.users.bigpond.com/jpflinn/ | |
182. Australian Lace Guild - Home Page ALG's site is full of articles, competitions, museum and supplier links, and patterns. http://www.austlaceguild.org/ | |
183. Cursors Alcoholics Anonymous voice chat meetings Australia. Meetings held every night (Central australian time). http://www.geocities.com/aaoztralia/ | |
184. Welcome To The Australian Libraries Gateway (ALG) A service providing access to over 5,100 australian libraries, their websites, catalogues, resources and services. http://www.nla.gov.au/libraries/ | |
185. First Australian Building Society Consists of Northern Building Society in North Queensland, and First Provincial Building Society in Southern Queensland. http://www.firstaustralian.com.au/ |
186. PictureAustralia Studio portrait of Staff Nurse Vivian Bullwinkel, australian Army NursingService (AANS) in service dress uniform c.1941; australian War Memorial. http://www.pictureaustralia.org/ | |
187. Australian Institute Of Marine Science Townsville, Queensland. http://www.aims.gov.au/ |
188. Purpose Conferences, advocacy, scholarships, membership, and contacts for state chapters. http://afuw.org.au/ | |
189. Australian Humanities Review Peerreviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly. Features full-text articles, contact details for the editorial board, as well as information for authors. http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/AHR/ | |
190. Australian Camel News And Information A journal for camel owners. Incorporates camel health, husbandry and management, adventure safari activities, training, pastoral, camel racing, saddlery, and veterinary issues. Based in Australia. http://www.austcamel.com.au/acn_home.htm | |
191. School Of Bartending. Increase Your Waiter And Bar Job Opportunities In Australi Offers short skills courses in bar and waiter training and responsible serving of alcohol classes to increase job opportunities. http://www.bartending.com.au | |
192. Women's Cricket Australia Website National organisation that coordinates and promotes women's cricket in Australia. Home of the 1998 World Cup champions. http://www.ausport.gov.au/wca/ |
193. Geological Society Of Australia - History history. Background development of the birthof a geoscience society in Australia. http://www.gsa.org.au/about/history.htm | |
194. Australian Axemans Hall Of Fame Latrobe, Tasmania. An educational and tourist venue with woodchopping demonstration events and timber industry information. http://www.axemanshall.org/ | |
195. The Galloway Cattle And Beef Marketing Association - Home The Galloway Cattle and Beef Marketing Association promotes Galloway cattle to the australian beef industry. Information on the breed and supply chain initiatives within Australia. http://www.gallowaycattle.com.au | |
196. Dairy Australia Offers extensive information about australian dairy products and the australian dairy industry. Includes large sections on statistics, health and nutrition, butter, cheese, milk and lots of recipes. http://www.dairycorp.com.au/ | |
197. Documenting A Democracy - Australia's Story This website tells the story of Australia through the documents which giveour national, state and territory governments the right to govern. http://www.foundingdocs.gov.au/ | |
198. Documenting A Democracy - Australia's Story Documenting a Democracy, About the Site. Commonwealth Western Australia, NorthernTerritory South Australia, Queensland New South Wales cth. Places, Victoria. http://www.foundingdocs.gov.au/home.htm | |
199. ThinkQuest : Library : Australia Downunder This site includes a timeline and information about the Aborigines, modern Australianhistory, their government, famous people, geography, climate, animals http://library.thinkquest.org/28994/ | |
200. Aust_online_main Australia Online takes our students out into this magnificent countryvia the Internet. Each page of links focuses on the common http://www.palmdps.act.edu.au/australia_online/aust_online_main.htm | |
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