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1. Australian History On The Internet australian history on the Internet. Home Guides australian history onthe Internet. australian history Resources at Australian Universities. http://www.nla.gov.au/oz/histsite.html | |
2. Aust Stu Net: History Resources australian history Resources. With support from the Commonwealth government, Australia is taking by Mike Madin useful starting place for locating australian history sites online http://www.austudies.org/info/docs.html | |
3. Australian History Resources - History Of Australia - Academic Info An annotated directory of Internet resources on the history of Australia. Academic Info. australian history Directory of Online Resources Start with. australian history on the Internet. An http://www.academicinfo.net/histaus.html | |
4. Australian History Links australian history Links. Queenlsand ·. New South Wales City and Shire Councils. Aboriginal. Australian Art. Books. australian history. Australiana. Art. Photography http://www.dropbears.com/l/links/history.htm | |
5. A History Of Australia category of the Culture and Recreation Portal for over 250 australian history websites Recommended reading on australian history. Claiming A Continent A New History of Australia http://www.acn.net.au/articles/1999/01/australia.htm | |
6. Australian History - The Missing Links australian history is almost always picturesque; indeed, it is also so curious and strange, that it is itself the chiefest novelty the country has to offer and so it pushes the other novelties into http://www.convictcreations.com/history | |
7. Nineteenth Century Exploration Of Australia An australian history Resource. Created by Charles H history of Australia, australian history, exploration of Australia, Australian exploration, Australian explorers, Australian http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/australia | |
8. Australian History Resources At Questia - The Online Library Of Books australian history. Questia. The World's Largest Online Library Join the australian history Email Group for Updates on this Topic http://www.questia.com/popularSearches/australian_history.jsp |
9. Family History South Australia ; Online ;a South Australian genealogy and family history. Early passenger lists, marriagesand cemeteries databases. Timeline of 19 th century South australian history. http://www.nla.gov.au/pathways/jnls/newsite/link/1284.html | |
10. Schools Info On Australia Australia). Miscellaneous things This Month in australian history,select the month, will list dates with events of interest. It http://www.austudies.org/info/aushist.html | |
11. Australian History Webring australian history Webring colonization, exploration, penal colonies,Aboriginal history and culture, politics, and military history. http://www.dropbears.com/a/ah/ | |
12. SANDRA'S HOMEPAGE AUSTRALIAN HISTORY australian history and other learning ideas SANDRA'S HOME PAGE. australian history. Governors and http//www.gtp.com.au. The Australian Tourism Commission has a very interesting page http://www.angelfire.com/country/AustralianHistory/aussie.html | |
13. Academic Info: Australian History - Political History Australian Studies History Political History. Sponsored Links. Books on Australia australian history - University of http://www.academicinfo.net/histauspol.html | |
14. Australian Cultural Timelines australian history Timeline. Table of contents. Dreamtime to 1899, 1788Aboriginaloccupation;. 1788-1868 Transportation of Convicts;. 1788- Aboriginal war. http://www.convictcreations.com/history/timeline.htm | |
15. Fast Facts About Australia - Australia In Brief - Australian Department Of Forei World War II was a difficult, but in some respects empowering, eventin australian history. Australian forces made a significant http://www.dfat.gov.au/aib/history.html | |
16. Australian History australian history. Other Duffy Pages. Australian Leaders Prime Ministers, Premiersand Politicians, Australian Legal History Go to Class Outline and Links, http://library.trinity.wa.edu.au/subjects/sose/austhist/default.htm | |
17. EVENTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIAN HISTORY 1834- EVENTS AND STATISTICS. IN SOUTH australian history 18341857 Covering the periodfrom settlement of the Colony to the commencement of responsible Government. http://www.users.on.net/rdblair/events-sa.htm | |
18. We Have Moved Please update your bookmarks. Thank you. Sandra Vowles. Click Below To Go To Myaustralian history Homepage. http//www.angelfire.com/country/AustralianHistory. http://www.perthpcug.org.au/~hoe/sandra/aussie.html | |
19. Chinese Australian History Chinese australian history. Here, too, are held public lectures andseminars on facets of Chinese australian history and culture. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~mcah/cah.htm | |
20. J.S. Battye Library Of West Australian History Search the Catalogues. JS Battye Library of West australian history.The JS Battye Library of West australian history (Battye Library http://www.liswa.wa.gov.au/battye.html | |
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