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Australian Government: more books (100) |
141. Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) Home Page The independent body that reviews a broad range of administrative decisions made by australian Commonwealth government ministers and officials, authorities and other tribunals. http://www.aat.gov.au/ | |
142. Civic View Integrated property, finance, human resource software for australian local government. http://www.civicview.com.au/ |
143. Australian National Security Service Australia based agency providing specialized close protection for government officials and individuals http://www.anss.com.au |
144. Governments On The WWW: Australia australian Commonwealth government Entry Point. Federal Institutions South Australia. Parliament of South Australia; State government of South Australia. Tasmania. http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/au.html | |
145. Department Of Transport And Regional Services maritime accidents and incidents; regional development; matters relating to local government; planning and land management in the australian Capital Territory http://www.dotars.gov.au/ | |
146. Australian Water Quality Centre - Home South Australia government organization offers a wide range of water and environmental health analytical and research services relating to water and the environment. http://awqc.com.au | |
147. Home Page - Legislative Assembly Information on services, government, business and tourism. http://www.legassembly.act.gov.au/ | |
148. Australian Reef Pilots ARP is a Brisbanebased, Quality-Assured service agency company supplying government-licensed pilots for all Great Barrier Reef shipping channels. http://www.reefpilots.com.au/ |
149. Australian Taxation Office The Commonwealth government's main revenue collector, and the statutory authority responsible for the administration of Australia's taxation system. http://www.ato.gov.au/ |
150. ADBR - The Australian Defence Business Review Magazine Publication on defenceindustry issues, and government policies behind the development of business opportunities for the supply and financing of goods and services for the australian Defence Force. http://www.adbr.com.au/ | |
151. Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation Seeks to provide expert scientific and technical advice across the nuclear fuel cycle to government and to support Australia's national strategic and nuclear policy objectives. http://www.ansto.gov.au/ | |
152. Directories And Portals australian Local government Association This site continues to develop as a major information resource anyone interested in local government issues. http://www.artsinfo.net.au/ | |
153. Australian Sports Drug Agency government agency in charge of Australia's drug testing program. Extensive information on drugs in sports and trends in drug testing. http://www.asda.org.au/ |
154. Australian Local Government Association Environment Contains environmental issues including cities for climate protection, waste management, biodiversity, reports and links. http://www.alga.com.au/site/page.cfm?site_page_id=109 |
155. AJSBA Australian Jet Sports Boating Association AJSBA represents all personal watercraft users at a government level and helps affiliate clubs have an input into local and state legislative issues. Includes news, race calendar and results, member benefits, sponsors, and related links. Provides downloadable entry forms and race license. http://www.ozpwc.com/ozpwc/ajsba/default.asp | |
156. Office Of Government Information And Advertising Provides consultancy services to australian government departments and agencies on all aspects of public communication, including advertising, marketing, public relations and market research. http://www.ogia.gov.au/ |
157. DoTaRS - Australian Transport Council - Home Page Ministerial forum for consultations and advice to governments on the coordination of national transport and road issues. Reports for download. http://www.atcouncil.gov.au/ | |
158. Australian Logistics Council - Home Encourages industry collaboration on issues of mutual interest in the freight logistics industry, provides advice to governments on logistics matters, and implementats the australian Logistics Industry Strategy. http://www.ozlogistics.org/ | |
160. ITR Homepage Industry The government seeks to make Australia more competitive by working closely with industry to identify new opportunities for growth. http://www.industry.gov.au/ | |
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