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81. Australian Government Attorney-General's Department - Links To Australian Govern LINKS TO australian government LAW SITES. Australian Federal Police; australian government Solicitor; Australian Law Reform Commission; http://www.law.gov.au/WWW/AGDHOME.NSF/Alldocs/RWPA7021EF7892F548ECA256BB30026983 |
82. Australian Government Attorney-General's Department - Australias Legal System australian government The AttorneyGeneral s Department. It also provides the basic rules for the government of Australia. Indeed http://www.law.gov.au/www/agdHome.nsf/AllDocs/RWPA5C949DB88E95857CA256BB300154E3 |
83. ThinkQuest : Library : Australia Downunder australian government. Australia is basically six states and two territories. The colony came together to form the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. http://library.thinkquest.org/28994/gov.html | |
84. Australian Government | Bali Disaster Information australian government Information on the Bali Tragedy. The australian government is committed to helping all Australians affected by the Bali tragedy. http://www.baliassist.gov.au/ | |
85. Australia's Entry Ban On David Irving in Australia and New Zealand only. australian government s persistent refusal of a visa to David Irving latest developments. . . http://www.fpp.co.uk/Australia/ | |
86. South Australia Central - Government Category Lists South australian government information linked from the South Australia Central home page AZ index of government agency web sites, Agencies by http://www.sacentral.sa.gov.au/government/ | |
87. AusTender Home. Home Page, Welcome to the australian government Tender System. The australian government Information Management Office (AGIMO http://www.tenders.gov.au/ |
88. Australian Government Language Preservation Programs Details on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission language maintenance programs. http://www.atsic.gov.au/programs/noticeboard/Language_Maintenance/Default.asp |
89. Families Portal Portal to assist australian families to quickly find Commonwealth government information and services. http://www.families.gov.au |
90. Refreshing To Welcome Page... Resources on australian politics. Includes information on the parliament, constitution, executive government, voting systems, elections, political parties, pressure groups and foreign policy. http://australianpolitics.com.au/ |
91. Australian Securities & Investments Commission: HomePage One of three Commonwealth government bodies who regulate financial services. Single National regulator of Australia's 1.1 million companies. Online information, resources and form lodgement. http://www.asic.gov.au/ | |
92. Virtual Australia - Government Administrative divisions, constitution, legal system, executive and legislative branch, political parties, and general information. http://www.virtualaustralia.com/facts/government.shtml | |
93. AUSe.NET - Australian Electronic Business Network AUSe.NET aims to facilitate the use of electronic commerce among small to medium business enterprises. It is a joint initiative by the federal government and all state and territory governments. http://www.ause.net/ | |
94. ACT WorkCover Home Page government agency working primarily to eliminate death, disease and injury in the workplace, through inspection, training and hazard evaluation activities. It is also responsible for workers' compensation and the keeping of relevant statistics. http://www.workcover.act.gov.au/ | |
95. Australian Pipeline Industry Association - Oil & Gas Pipeline Industry Activities include government representation, conventions, seminars, dinners, exhibition, publications, papers and research. http://www.apia.net.au | |
96. Australian Of The Year 1978 Galarrwuy Yunupingu AM Transcript from the Commonwealth government awards, with a short history of the winner's achievements. PDF format, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. http://www.australianoftheyear.gov.au/pdf/aoty_1978_galarrwuyyunupingu.pdf |
97. University Of Sydney Library. Government Subject Guide Extensive guide from australian National Library to sites and information about world's governments, sorted by country and topic. Includes news and background resources, links and online documents. http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/subjects/government/ | |
98. ATSE - Home Independent, nongovernment organization dedicated to the promotion of scientific and engineering knowledge to practical purposes. http://www.atse.org.au | |
99. Biotechnologydirectory.com.au Businesses, research institutions, major projects and government agencies. http://www.biotechnologydirectory.com.au/ | |
100. Human Rights And Equal Opportunity Commission Website government body overseeing the application of federal legislation in the area of human rights, antidiscrimination, social justice and privacy. http://www.hreoc.gov.au/ | |
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