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41. Study & Internships In Sydney australian religion and culture, the oldest continuous culture the world has evenknown. Postcolonial artistic movements will also be studied with specific http://www.umabroad.umn.edu/programs/ASIA/australia19.html | |
42. Australian Rural Students Face Severe Disadvantage Any proposal that confines Aboriginal children to culturespecific subjects is nothing SeeAlso australian parents pay for schools basic needs 7 September http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/feb2002/edu-f06.shtml | |
43. The South Australian Museum's Aboriginal Cultures Gallery: A Political, Historic Perhaps the South australian Museum could have named AACG with an are something inthe past the dark has specific connotations in western culture and has http://www.museumsaustralia.org.au/conf02/Papers/hemmings.htm | |
44. Australian Democrats - An Australian Cultural Plan conducive to the development of the specific skills and the primary creators andtransmitters of our culture. Both Government and corporate Australia have a http://www.democrats.org.au/policies/issue_dis.htm?issue_id=98&issue_election=20 |
45. Teaching Heritage - Heritage And Culture value to cultural diversity and the cultural expression of are clearly understoodby the wider australian community and those which specific migrant groups http://www.teachingheritage.nsw.edu.au/1views/wc6_armstrong.html | |
46. Worldwide Internet Music Resources: Geographic-specific Sites Geographicspecific Sites. USA. Association (CMRRA/CMPA); cultureNet A window onCanadian culture; Aus Music Links; australian Classical Guitar Maker - Jeff Kemp; http://www.music.indiana.edu/music_resources/geograph.html | |
47. Useful Resources, Lesson Plans, And Teaching Materials For Teachers By Kenji Kit developed these subjectspecific pathfinders to help you find information on thissite, and beyond, which relate to particular areas of australian culture. http://ilc2.doshisha.ac.jp/users/kkitao/online/www/teacher.htm | |
48. UTS_Library - Arts Management AMOL) includes links to all major australian Museums and material if you dont havea specific author and marketing; Tourism and the arts; culture; Arts finance http://www.lib.uts.edu.au/information/subject_guides/leisure/artsmanagement.html | |
49. The Australian: Kevin Donnelly: Ideology At Public Expense [May 03, 2004] levels and enforces system accountability with specific rewards and The flaws inAustralia s outcomesbased approach to As a result of the culture wars, not http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,9450538^7583,00.ht | |
50. Articles Index On The Culture And Recreation Portal More info. Articles index. Articles on specific topics about Australianhistory and culture. Each article has a short introduction http://www.acn.net.au/articles/ | |
51. Culture And Recreation Portal Homepage Services. History. Indigenous culture and Heritage best in australian innovation at the australian Innovation Festival promotes contemporary australian culture internationally with a http://www.acn.net.au/ | |
52. Australian Architecture Online celebrations in 1888 and as the Opening of the australian Commonwealth Parliamenton The nomination for listing is under a specific cultural criterion that it http://www.acn.net.au/articles/architecture/ | |
53. Soc.culture.australian FAQ (Part 1 Of 6) (monthly Posting) soc.culture.australian FAQ (Part 1 of 6) (monthly posting) There are reader questions on this topic! Help others by sharing your knowledge http://www.faqs.org/faqs/australian-faq/part1 | |
54. Medical Anthropology: Culture Specific Diseases culture specific Diseases. There are some diseases that have very limited distributions around the world due to the fact that they are caused by unique combinations of environmental circumstances and http://anthro.palomar.edu/medical/med_4.htm | |
55. University Of Queensland The final chapter considers the positioning of young people and youthspecificarts in australian cultural policy, arguing that youth-specific cultural http://adt.library.uq.edu.au/public/adt-QU20021127.094014/ | |
56. Australian Cultural History web links were compiled for australian Cultural History 2004 by Mischa Barr. Thelinks are divided into general research links and more specific areas derived http://teaching.arts.usyd.edu.au/history/hsty3003/links.html | |
57. Vibewire.net > Musicwire > Musicwire > Remembering An Australian Sound By Rabia was easy to recognise and categorise and it seemed to reflect and perpetuate somethingspecific, if not obvious, about the australian rock music culture at the http://www.vibewire.net/articles.php?id=2278 |
58. Vibewire.net > Filmwire > Essays > The Great Australian Film By Tricia Van Der-K because it began as a culturally specific archetypal character me and whispered explanationsof cultural references he t get because i m australian are countless http://www.vibewire.net/articles.php?id=1040 |
59. Australia Australia s Cultural Network Articles on specific topics about Australianhistory and culture - has index and search facility. http://www.virtualteacher.com.au/australia.html | |
60. Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Art reading with an affirmation of the specific quality of as a prevailing perspectivein cross-cultural curatorship, both in australian and international http://www.artjournal.net/currentcontents.html | |
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