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21. Theo 107: RELIGION IN AUSTRALIAN CULTURE: Module 10 What specific cultural influences are detectable in the colonial and authenticallyAustralian cultural form of spirituality not revealed in imported culture? http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/research/theology/theo107/Mod 10.htm | |
22. Theo 107: RELIGION IN AUSTRALIAN CULTURE: Module 8 Whatever the outcome in specific cases, it is clear experience of australians in theirculture, the Aboriginal people themselves and for australian society as http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/research/theology/theo107/Mod 8.htm | |
23. AUSTRALIA COUNCIL: ARTS RESOURCES: WRITING CULTURES - PROTOCOLS FOR PRODUCING IN When you need specific advice on the cultural issues of a The guides reflect thecomplexity of Indigenous australian culture, and provide information and http://www.ozco.gov.au/arts_resources/publications/writing_cultures_-_protocols_ | |
24. Australia - Books On Australian Culture And Its People and visitors in the hope of bridging culture gaps and drives the reader everdeeperinto specific facts and I have ever read. Listed under australian History. http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/culture/australia.htm | |
25. Australian Immigration - 1995 Global Cultural Diversity Conference - Professor B a)with English as mother tongue-(eg the USA, the UK, Australia) (b)-with and identitiesthat the medium conveys are essentially regional and culture-specific. http://www.immi.gov.au/multicultural/_inc/publications/confer/04/speech19a.htm | |
26. Australian Immigration - 1995 Global Cultural Diversity Conference - Stephen Cas with its panoply of the many styles that make up Australia s living culture. withoutimposing a canon based on unconsciously ethnospecific criteria. http://www.immi.gov.au/multicultural/_inc/publications/confer/speech1a.htm | |
27. 2004 Australian Culture Now Indigenous Australians have specific and varied relationships to immigrant parents,for many, Australia is both a Americanised) brand of popular culture and a http://www.acmi.net.au/2004exhibition.jsp?page=2 |
28. About Australia Travelpaks a service that can bridge the gap and provide specific information to Many areasof australian culture and lifestyle are covered here and About Australia is http://www.about-australia.com/travpak.htm | |
29. Alike/Unalike and Heinz Boeck is therefore quite void of specific culturaldifference themes Nodoubt there are differences between australian culture and, say, German or http://www.innersense.com.au/productions/writings/alike.html | |
30. Journoz: Updates For Australian Journalists: Health Reporting Archives at http//www.ethnomed.org/ has culturespecific pages for Oromo, Somali, Tigreanand Vietnamese cultures as well Papers from the recent australian Health Care http://www.journoz.com/weblog/archives/cat_health_reporting.html | |
31. Our Culture: Our Future Report individual works for some time, australian courts are communities to cultural integrityand cultural attribution under specific legislation, such as an Act to http://artslaw.com.au/reference/future994/ | |
32. Popular Music And Society: The Inaudible Music: Jazz, Gender And Australian Mode It also offers something rare in depictions of australian culture, a readingthrough deconstruction of the reception of a specific musical genre. http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2822/is_4_26/ai_111507239 | |
33. Australian Volunteers International : What We Do : Prepare Employers can now access australian Volunteers International s of living and workingin another culture. people, tailored to meet the specific requirements of http://www.osb.org.au/whatwedo/prepare.html | |
34. Australian Aboriginal Art In Cultural Context often the preserve of a specific gender, moiety the invasion and overthrow of Australianindigenous society in adaptation of surviving Aboriginal culture to the http://tropicalpulse.com/aboriginal_art/abiorginal_art_in_context.html | |
35. Vaile Announces Objectives For Australia - US FTA - Media Releases From The Aust Mr Vaile announced that Australia s specific negotiating objectives would be care,education, consumer protection and supporting australian culture and identity http://www.trademinister.gov.au/releases/2003/mvt013_03.html | |
36. Regional Arts : Department Of Culture And The Arts - Western Australian Governme grant programs have a specific regional focus focussed Community culture regionalcultural planning program. Centre touring of Western australian writers and http://www.cultureandarts.wa.gov.au/DepartmentofCultureandtheArts/PortfolioAgenc | |
37. HUMS 3013 (013562) Australian Cultural Landscapes world and understandings of place within Australia; relations of embedded in materialrepresentations of culture and identity Resources specific to this course. http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/SubjectInfo/subject.asp?subject=13562 |
38. Bond University - School Of Humanities And Social Sciences - This subject takes australian culture to be not only the australianway of life but the specific political, economic and intellectual cultures...... http://www.bond.edu.au/hss/subjects/subslist-dept.asp?SCHOOL=HSS&SUBLEVEL=UG&SUB |
39. Australian Film & Culture a cultural form to empower viewers with both confirming and alternative visions ofAustralian culture. To return to a specific area of the site simply use the http://www.ahs.cqu.edu.au/humanities/litculture/cult11011/welcome/text.htm | |
40. Women.gov.au - Culture, Community & Sport and information in the fields of culture and recreation To refine this list, selecta specific topic above by prominent figures from the australian film industry http://www.women.gov.au/channel/channel.asp?ctid=1&cid=835 |
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