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1. Journoz: Updates For Australian Journalists: Medical Culture Find out about Netbased sources of australian facts, research, background and contacts, as well as www.ethnomed.org/ has culture-specific pages for Amharic, Cambodian, Chinese http://www.journoz.com/weblog/archives/000943.html | |
2. Australian Culture - Resources throughout the country. Words specific to australian language and cultureare defined in a glossary for each story. Includes an account http://www.electronics-ee.com/Resources/Australian_culture.htm | |
3. Omniseek: /International /Culture-Specific /Australian to vote for a site! International /culturespecific /australian Starting Point WWW Search Facility australian Native Aboriginal culture A site that provides a wealth of information http://www.omniseek.com/srch/{50956} | |
4. 90505 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AUSTRALIAN CULTURE AND IDIOM to watch selected television programmes and an australian film during culture andCognition Universal Human Concepts in culturespecific Configurations, OUP http://www.usq.edu.au/unit-1998/fullspec/90505s3d.htm | |
5. Yr 9 Australian Culture http//www.centenary.gov.au/resources/history/history_index.php. Articleson specific topics about australian history and culture. http://library.nudgee.com/yr_10_-_australian_culture.htm | |
6. What Is Australian Culture? And how we must defend the australian culture. What is specific to theaustralian culture? What behaviour is considered unaustralian? http://cracker.com.au/Viewthread.aspx?threadid=242&categoryid=11281 |
7. Aboriginal Studies - Art & Culture ciolek.com if you are interested in administering any specific area within this Virtual Library Budtcha, home of australian indigenous music, art and culture Ending Offending 'Our http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/AborigPages/Art.html | |
8. The Fight For Australian Culture - Part 4 While the Australiaspecific part of our culture and civilisation is just over 200years old, the depth of our civilisation goes thousands of years beyond that http://members.ozemail.com.au/~natinfo/ozcul3-4.htm | |
9. Omniseek: International: /International /Culture-Specific /Korean 123 India. Ananzi South Africa. australian Directories. EuroSeek. GlobePage. Peru2000 to vote for a site! International /culturespecific /Korean http://international.omniseek.com/srch/{50968} | |
10. Omniseek: International: /International /Culture-Specific /Mexican 123 India. Ananzi South Africa. australian Directories. EuroSeek. GlobePage. Peru2000 to vote for a site! International /culturespecific /Mexican http://international.omniseek.com/srch/{50970} | |
11. Australian Popular Culture Resources At Questia - The Online Looking for More specific Information on australian Popular culture? Type yourspecific word or phrase in the box below after the word and, then click Go. http://www.questia.com/popularSearches/australian_popular_culture.jsp |
12. Practice Quiz For Culture Specific Diseases none of the above. This page was last updated onTuesday, May 20, 2003. Copyright © 2002 by Dennis O'Neil. All rights reserved. c) The australian government rounded up South Foré men and had them http://anthro.palomar.edu/medical/quizzes/Medquiz4.htm | |
13. Selling Australian Culture To The World - Department Of Communications, Informat on international promotion and market access for australian cultural exports. developedby examining export prospects for specific cultural industries, Mr http://www.absolutearts.com/artsnews/1999/09/27/25979.html | |
14. Cross Cultural Briefings For Australian And International Organisations: Austral variety of sessions on country specific information and Development; Managing Lifestylesin Another culture. australian Volunteers International considers that pre http://www.australianvolunteers.com/employers/cross.htm | |
15. Australian Culture  Authentic Australian Products  Aboriginal Artifacts use would be decorated in specific prescribed manners instrument of the aboriginalpeople of Australia. should respect the local aboriginal culture and refrain http://australian.lifetips.com/ | |
16. Australian Culture  Authentic Australian Products  Aboriginal Artifacts into the Kimberly Range of Western Australia and east women should respect the localaboriginal culture and refrain they cut it down in a specific manner so it http://australian.lifetips.com/?Cat.asp__Q__id__E__11748 |
17. Federating Access To Australian Culture: PictureAustralia, Australia Dancing And about dance in Australia and meet the specific needs of the The View from the BridgeAspects of culture, Sydney, NSW australian Broadcasting Corporation http://www.nla.gov.au/nla/staffpaper/2003/ayres2.html | |
18. Australia Now - Australia's Cultural Heritage information, cultural organisations and websites, cultural activities and events,and articles on specific topics about australian history and culture. http://www.dfat.gov.au/facts/cultural_heritage.html | |
19. Promoting Australia's Culture Abroad - Australia InternationalCultural Council embassy, high commission, consulate) cultural and image projection activities. Austradewill also support market development for specific australian clients. http://www.dfat.gov.au/aicc/paca/geographical.html | |
20. The Gospel And Australian Culture faith, because it seeks to take shape in its specific context and culture. Australianchurches are experimenting with new ways of sharing faith in http://www.pastornet.net.au/jmm/articles/11771.htm | |
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