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101. Danish Australian Cultural Society Danish culture and knowledge of the Danish way of life, both in historical and contemporaryterms, within Australia for the benefit of both the australian and http://home.vicnet.net.au/~dacs/ | |
102. Use Of Insects By Australian Aborigines, Cultural Entomology Digest 1 Article on the role of insects in australian Aborigines food culture. http://www.bugbios.com/ced1/aust_abor.html | |
103. Australian Arabic Council Committed to human rights and community relations issues affecting the Arabic culture and profile. http://www.aac.org.au/ | |
104. Centre For Australian Cultural Studies ALL ACTIVITIES OF THE CENTRE FOR australian CULTURAL STUDIES FOCUSON THE VARIETIES OF culture WE NOW HAVE IN AUSTRALIA. The Centre http://idun.itsc.adfa.edu.au/CACS/ | |
105. Australian National Maritime Museum: Home Page Of Australia's Leading Maritime H Features historic vessels and migrant ships. Also offers research facility for genealogy, maritime research, arts and culture. http://www.anmm.gov.au/ | |
106. The Menzies Era - 1949 To 1972 australian popular culture from 1949 to 1972 including music, movies, books, and sport. http://www.menziesera.com/ | |
107. Bi.org.au - Home Provides a focal point for the discussion of Bi art culture and community in the australian context. http://www.bi.org.au/ | |
108. Our Culture Our Future Report on australian Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights. http://www.icip.lawnet.com.au/ |
109. Lei Ning A Chineseaustralian artist shows works exploring the theme of culture and identity. Paintings, animation. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~leining/ |
110. Diwurruwurru, The Message Stick Site of the Yanyuwa community of the Gulf of Carpentaria in the Northern Territory town of Borroloola. Aiming to promote crosscultural understanding and reconciliation between indigenous culture and the wider australian and world communities. http://arts.deakin.edu.au/diwurruwurru/ |
111. The Berndt Museum Of Anthropology australian ethnographic museum specializing in the material culture of Aboriginal australians. http://www.berndt.uwa.edu.au/ | |
112. POPplanet > Australian Film Reviews And Cinema News > Australian Film Festival I australian site with interviews, reviews, and news on films and other popular culture. http://www.popplanet.biz | |
113. ABC Arts Online - Film australian Broadcasting Corporation's gateway to arts and culture online. http://www.abc.net.au/arts/film/ | |
114. Frank's Orchid Page australian orchids, books, and culture information. http://www.multiline.com.au/~hanfran/main.html |
115. Chinese  Australian Studies And Contemporary Culture Centre Promotes civic and theatrical events that share Chinese culture and immigration into Australia. http://www.chineseaustralianforum.rmit.edu.au/ | |
116. UNESCO - Foreign Affairs And Trade - Environment The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication in order to further universal respect for justice. http://www.dfat.gov.au/intorgs/unesco/ | |
117. National Republicans: The Organisation Of Australian Nativism An australian nationalist movement, based upon nativist ideology, republicanism, and the promotion of national culture; also opposing mass immigration, multiculturalism, and Asianization. http://www.alphalink.com.au/~eureka/index.htm | |
118. Another Godless Anarchist Veganism, australian anarchism and libertarian culture, with image archive. http://www.xchange.anarki.net/~subvert/ |
119. Australian Flags Page - Flags Of Australia New designs featuring a boomerang and the Southern Cross. http://www.bensmatrix.com/culture/flags.html | |
120. Didgeridoo Cultural Hub | IDIDJ Australia australian organisation with info on the didgeridoo and australian Aboriginal culture. Includes online shopping offering authentic Arnhem Land yirdaki, education resources, and calendar of events. MP3 and Quicktime. http://www.ididj.com.au | |
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