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81. English Books > Reference > Australian Published - General as a Booming Sector Evidence from a Computable general Equilibrium Model Art andOrganisation Making australian Cultural Policy. Stevenson, Deborah Paperback http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbAUra000.shtml | |
82. Italian Institute Of Culture, Sydney cultural initiatives promoted by the Italian community in Australia; Â runs anextensive book and video library open to its members and to the general public http://www.iicsyd.org/iic/index_eng.htm | |
83. 2004 Australian Culture Now home experience exhibitions 2004 australian culturenow. 2004 australian culture now coming soon. http://www.acmi.net.au/2004exhibition.jsp |
84. 2004 Australian Culture Now home experience exhibitions 2004 australian culture now. http://www.acmi.net.au/2004exhibition.jsp?page=2 |
85. The Encyclopaedia Of South Australian Culture The Encyclopaedia of South australian culture. In the rest of the country, generalstores are called and most evocatively named bend in any South australian road http://www.renewal.org.au/cgregory/fun/saculture/D/ | |
86. Booktopia Bookshop, Australian Bookstore - $6.50 Postage In Australia Up To 20 B Larkin About in Ireland The Irishness of australian culture is often talked about http://www.booktopia.com.au/popcat.asp?CatMain=TRV&StoreURL=booktopia |
87. Australian Culture And Aboriginal Art of the safari tour operators offer guided walks and talks that follow the trailsof the first settlers and the culture of the australian aboriginal people. http://www.cairnsholiday.com.au/Whattodo/Cultural/culture.htm | |
88. Australian Art - Aboriginal Art Print Network tour public and commercial galleries both internationally and throughout Australiauntil 2005. prints from an edition that is no longer in general distribution http://www.aboriginalartprints.com.au/links.cfm | |
89. Australian Doctors Embrace The Co-operative Culture - Australian Medical Co-oper AMCL) is one of Australia s newest, registered together competing, traditional localgeneral practitioners in adopted the cooperative culture and demonstrate http://www.accord.org.au/social/profiles/medical.html | |
90. About Australia ! About Australia is a comprehensive guide to Australia and the australian way of life. The site contains information on everything australian and hundreds of links to australian business, travel http://www.about-australia.com/about.htm | |
91. PopCultures.com | General Links authors and sponsored by the Literature Fund of the Australia Council. Cultural andCritical Theory. Includes material on general Cultural and Critical http://www.popcultures.com/general.htm | |
92. U.S. Embassy Canberra Western Australia WA general Distributor Importers general; An Outline of AmericanHistory Links to US Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, Department http://usembassy-australia.state.gov/faq.html | |
93. CCS 352 Flashpoints, Contestations In Contemporary Australian http://www.admin.uow.edu.au/sid/owa/CAL.SUBJECTINFO?p_subcode=CCS 352&p_year=200 |
94. Australian Cultural History Course information, readings, texts and web links for students enrolled in australian Cultural History at the University of Sydney History Department. http://teaching.arts.usyd.edu.au/history/hsty3003/links.html | |
95. OzOutback: Postcards From The REAL Australia In many parts of Australia the Paleolithic culture of the Aboriginesdid not survive European settlement of the early 1800s. Living http://www.ozoutback.com.au/postcards/ | |
96. Country & Culture - Dreaded Ned's Explore Gay Australia a comprehensive index of all stuff relating to Australia, culture, government,business, etc, from Telstra one of the national telecoms corporations. http://www.oz.dreadedned.com/source/info/gen-cc.htm | |
97. Papua New Guinea Virtual Library Pacific Beat each day from Radio Australia (RealAudio / Windows adventures (2) Bookson PNG general (7) Books PNG (2) Books with social cultural analysis (7 http://coombs.anu.edu.au/SpecialProj/PNG/Index.htm | |
98. Booktopia Bookshop, Australian Bookstore - $6.50 Postage In Australia Up To 20 B Poet, Laurie Duggan, draws together areas of australian cultural history which have http://www.booktopia.com.au/PopCat.asp?storeurl=booktopia&SelectSub=ART015000 |
99. South Asia Diaspora Electronic Resources: Search: Search Results Transforming cultures/shifting boundaries Asian diasporas and identities in Australiaand beyond http Subjects Conferences and Talks general Sites . http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/SSEAL/SouthAsia/cgi-bin/sadlinksusersearch.cgi?keywo |
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