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61. Winners98Centre For Australian Cultural Studies on video cassette to schools, colleges and the general public in 1997 reached theshortlist for An Outstanding Contribution to australian culture (Centre for http://idun.itsc.adfa.edu.au/CACS/awards98.htm | |
62. UNESCO - Foreign Affairs And Trade - Environment the framework of UNESCO s cultural heritage program John Daniel, UNESCO AssistantDirectorgeneral for Education, at the australian National University http://www.dfat.gov.au/intorgs/unesco/ | |
63. Australia History | Lonely Planet World Guide to the country, enlivening its culture and broadening The Whitlam government withdrewAustralian troops from November 1975, the governor general (the British http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/australasia/australia/history.htm | |
64. National Centre For Culture And Recreation Statistics general. 4157.0, Public Attitudes to the Arts, November 1997, $22.00. 4172.0, CulturalTrends in Australia A Statistical Overview, 1997, $28.00. ARTS AND culture - http://www.abs.gov.au/Websitedbs/c311215.nsf/0/8086c7185b84f467ca256b260020f899? |
65. Information About Our Didgeridoo Store And Australian Aboriginal Culture Didgeridoo Information. Find your way around the most amazing didgeridoo web store on earth! Learn about didgeridoos and australian Aboriginal culture and Ethics. australian Aboriginal culture . http://www.didjshop.com/shop1/InfoMaincart.html | |
66. The Culture History Of The Commonwealth Of Australia The culture history of the Commonwealth of Australia. Hartford Web theircopyright. The history in general of Australia. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/24/index-p.html | |
67. Australian Culture Geographic Copyright 2002 by PageWise, Inc. Your are here Pagewise Home People culture cultureGeneral australian culture geographic. http://ilil.essortment.com/australianwhere_ooo.htm | |
68. Guide To Australia - Tourism Accommodation , tours site seeing and general regional information are the contributionof theshearing profession to Australia s history and culture. http://www.csu.edu.au/australia/tourism.html | |
69. Named Charitable Trusts provides financial assistance towards the general activities and encouragement ofeducation of Polish culture and language more broadly in Australia. http://www.anz.com/australia/charitabletrusts/guNamed.asp | |
70. QUT Library Finding Information Resources For Australian is to provide you with a starting point to finding general resources in 306.09942, CA Periodical, australian Cultural History (also available on Informit). http://www.library.qut.edu.au/subjectpath/aust_society_culture.jsp |
71. IRISH INTERNET HUB Parades Moving Forward Together. australian Orange Page. Literature, Humorand other Cultural sites. Cothu Wit, Opinion, and Farce. general Information. http://larkspirit.com/general/irishhub.html | |
72. The Aged In Australia | General Titles general. 19601969. Growing old problems of age in the australian community 205 p.ContentsSocial and cultural factors in ageing / R. Banchevska; Notes on some http://www.nla.gov.au/guides/aged/general.html | |
73. Governor-General Of Australia Governorgeneral of Australia. Dr Peter Hollingworth, whom he succeeds,served as australian Governor-general from 2001 to May 25, 2003. http://goaustralia.about.com/cs/people/a/governorgeneral.htm | |
74. Australian High Commission - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Malaysians of all cultures have complicated systems of Kuala Lumpur or please contactthe australian High Commission The general Post Office in Kuala Lumpur is http://www.australia.org.my/home/index.cfm?SecID=119&ParentID=72 |
75. Migration Australia Emigration Australia Immigration Australia Immigrate the Northern Territory, and the australian Capital Territory the country is democratic,led by the governorgeneral. Because of this close cultural tie to Great http://www.how2immigrate.net/australia/ | |
76. Danish Australian Cultural Society Danish australian Cultural Society Melbourne, Australia, Kirsten Jørgensen,President, 9555 5567. Lizzi Christiansen, general Committee, http://home.vicnet.net.au/~dacs/pages/committee.html | |
77. Danish Australian Cultural Society together with some information on Australia in general. field and regard the culturalexchange as an in Queensland and the Scandinavian australian New Zealand http://home.vicnet.net.au/~dacs/pages/pastEvents2000.html | |
78. University Of South Australia - Majors And Minors these may also be called general studies sub Asian Business; Asian Studies; AustralianStudies; Biology; Communication, Media and culture; Communication, Media and http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/courseinfo/displaymajor.asp | |
79. Australian Government Attorney-General's Department - Security Law - Stopping Th will be considered by a working party comprised of officers from the Attorneygeneral sDepartment, ATSIC, and the australian Cultural Development Office. 36. http://www.ag.gov.au/www/securitylawHome.nsf/0/928CC18364433E50CA256C32002156CE? |
80. AIAA Links 2 general australian Links. australian Cultural News NewsBytes http//www.acn.net.au/newsThe Editor http//www.acn.net.au/articles Resources Events finders http://www.aiaa.org.au/linksau.html | |
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