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41. Theo 107: RELIGION IN AUSTRALIAN CULTURE: Module 6 general Introduction to Modules 6, 7 and 8 the concepts already discussed in relationto the religious culture developed in Australia since European http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/research/theology/theo107/Mod 6.htm | |
42. Theo 107: RELIGION IN AUSTRALIAN CULTURE: Module 10 to ride a boundary line between the secularised and the spiritual in Australianculture. These experiences can be categorised to include a general feeling of http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/research/theology/theo107/Mod 10.htm | |
43. Australian Culture  Authentic Australian Products  Aboriginal Artifacts ancient instrument of the aboriginal people of Australia. respect the local aboriginalculture and refrain For fun and general entertainment the didgeridoo was http://australian.lifetips.com/ | |
44. Australian Culture  Authentic Australian Products  Aboriginal Artifacts the Kimberly Range of Western Australia and east should respect the local aboriginalculture and refrain For fun and general entertainment the didgeridoo was http://australian.lifetips.com/?Cat.asp__Q__id__E__11748 |
45. HUMS 3013 (013562) Australian Cultural Landscapes understandings of place within Australia; relations of in material representationsof culture and identity general learning resources available through Learning http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/SubjectInfo/subject.asp?subject=13562 |
46. Consulate-General Of Japan At Brisbane, Qld, Australia in enhancing understanding of Japan by the australian public in The culture and Educationsection is also active in Visit Program The Consulategeneral of Japan http://www.brisbane.au.emb-japan.go.jp/cultEd_intro_2002.htm | |
47. Travel Service GENERAL INFO By Down Under On-Line Australia general TRAVEL INFORMATION. Theirs is a culture that also reflects brashness, enthusiasmand a willingness australian cities turn up the energy when the sunsets http://www.downunderonline.com/TravelGENERALINFO.htm | |
48. Overseas Links : Department Of Culture And The Arts - Western Australian Governm Theatre, Copenhagen Dramatic Online world and australian arts industry and cultureIndia - Overview of arts and culture India - general information on http://www.cultureandarts.wa.gov.au/DepartmentofCultureandtheArts/PortfolioAgenc | |
49. Australian Government Attorney-General's Department - Protective Security Coordi security culture was a pretty general and abstract concept. Terrorism and civil violencewas something that was confined to other countries. And Australia was http://www.ag.gov.au/www/protectivesecurityHome.nsf/Alldocs/RWP2342E7634C19AE05C |
50. Society Of Australian Genealogists - Basics On Australian History Sources key books in australian History. Covers general history, European discovery and colonisation,politics, the economy, society, culture, aboriginal studies, the http://www.sag.org.au/ozsources/history.htm | |
51. Game Culture - For Gamers Who Think And Thinkers Who Game or report any dead links to editor@gameculture.com. links games news links SumeaLaunchpad  Site for australian and NZ general gaming news and commentary. http://www.game-culture.com/newssites.html | |
52. Aboriginal Studies - General Resources Search Engine general Resources Koori Web History Intercultural Relationships australian Native Title Art culture Aboriginal Spirituality http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/AborigPages/General.html | |
53. Australian Governor-General Feels Heat Over Handling Of Abuse Case - Christianit Governor general of Australia in child abuse row  The Guardian, London Sex scandaldogs Governorgeneral  BBC (Dec. Subscribe to Books culture Magazine. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2002/102/44.0.html | |
54. - Anglo-Australian - General Information - MDAA - Anglo-australian - general Information. australian fashion generally follows Westernstyle of dress but Popular culture is dominated by an emphasis on leisure http://www.mdaa.org.au/ethnic/angloaust/general.html | |
55. The Age Our ABC s spin on war in Iraq. Why I decided to resign as Governorgeneral. Hollingworthshows he has got it after all. The looming threat to australian culture. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/26/1053801336252.html | |
56. Australian Multicultural Writers The australian Multicultural Writers subset reflects the diversity of Australia sliterary community and the diversity of australian culture in general. http://www.austlit.edu.au/specialistDatasets/MW | |
57. Maritime Union Of Australia: General: MUA Backs Australian Film Industry - 21 No able to ensure that Australia determines australian culture, not Hollywood Contact, Maritime Union of Australia. page http//mua.org.au/news/general/film.html http://www.mua.org.au/news/general/film.html | |
58. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Australian Culture for Independent Journalism Includes ACIJ news, general broadcasting and Centre forIndependent Journalism Subjects australian culture, journalism DeweyClass http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/australianculture.htm | |
59. Celebrating Australia: Identity By Design - Australian Consulate-General - Absol 200112-04 australian Consulate-general New York, NY Cross constellation, Australia sbeach culture and the important national emblem, the australian flag, have http://www.absolutearts.com/artsnews/2001/11/09/29337.html | |
60. China-Australia Electronic Information Centre: Australian Culture tourism and travel in Australia. Australia general A Guide to Australia(Charles Sturt University). Australia Tourist Commission. http://caeic.nlc.gov.cn/subjects/tourism.html | |
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