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61. Spn be different, particularly in wealthy nations like Australia which must determininghow the world, nations, regions, cities and communities could respond http://wwwistp.murdoch.edu.au/community/spn/spn_pap3.html | |
62. Sister Cities International communities designated in blue are Members of Sister cities International. Community,Website, Sister City, Website. Adelaide, South Australia, Austin, Texas, http://www.sister-cities.org/sci/directory/Oceania/Australia | |
63. Australian Sister Cities Association - Www.asca.asn.au understanding and friendship has been attractive to community minded local TodayAustralian cities have nearly 470 Sister City Agreements throughout the http://www.asca.asn.au/about.htm | |
64. TravelSmart Australia - News And Events It will be held throughout Australia on Friday 2 April 2004 Further information oflife of citizens in the public spaces of cities and communities of all http://www.travelsmart.gov.au/events.html | |
65. Poetry On The Peaks By leaving the big australian cities you find yourself off the beaten track veryquickly In the quiet gardens of the community hall we lie around in the perfect http://www.dialoguepoetry.org/mountain_mt_irvine.htm | |
66. Philosophy.com: Globalization & Local Communities We know the impact it has on regional Australia and the political expression of thisnegativity What has been the impact of local communities in our cities? http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/philosophy/001138.html | |
67. Ecologically Sustainable Development: Useful Links australian Government Programs for Local Governments. Stories; European SustainableCities and Towns Sustainable communities Resource Package Ontario Rountable http://www.deh.gov.au/esd/links/ | |
68. Year Of The Built Environment 2004 It focuses on the people behind the buildings, including the community at large Buthow can australian cities balance the demands of future development with what http://www.ybe2004.qld.gov.au/about/themes.asp | |
69. Year Of The Built Environment 2004:Celebrating Sustainable Built Environments In a move to encourage greater community participation in planning our cities, suburbs,towns and regions, the australian Government has proclaimed 2004 as the http://www.builtenvironment2004.org.au/ybe/media_centre/kempopeningstatement/ | |
70. Safe Design [Local Government Crime Prevention] at the conference Safer communities Strategic Directions in PDF 117kB) CPTED Project,cities of Mithcum and Unley Crime Prevention Program, South Australia; http://www.aic.gov.au/research/localgovt/design.html | |
71. CCI - The David Engwicht Story Red Sneaker Week in Brisbane, Australia  a program great challenge as workingwith cities to overcome forces to launch Creative communities International. http://www.lesstraffic.com/EmpoyUs/DEstory.htm | |
72. YBE Themes - DIPE - NT Government - Australia at the role of all the participants, including the community at large Managing changeis a significant challenge for australian cities as they continue to grow http://www.ipe.nt.gov.au/whatwedo/planning/ybe/themes.html | |
73. CDC Australia The 2nd of 3 Think Tanks looking at the future of housing in Australia over thenext The growth of nodal, highdensity mini-cities and communities on the http://www.copper.com.au/cdc/view_article.asp?CID=55&AID=193 |
74. Community Most have settled in Sydney and Melbourne but there are now Kurdishcommunities in all major australian cities. Return to Main Menu. ÿ http://www.sbs.com.au/radio/kurdish/community.html | |
75. Michaelcohen states having as many as about 8,000 Jews. (However, there are establishedJewish communities in all major cities in Australia.). http://www.jewishaustralia.com/communityhistory.htm | |
76. Discovering The Australian Way The progressive australian cities. OK so we have learnt about the macropicture, now how about a nice little bit of community focus. http://www.gwb.com.au/gwb/oz.html | |
77. UNSW: The University Of New South Wales - Sydney Australia - News - Low Income E annually between australian capital cities and nonmetropolitan areas. Based on1999-2000 figures provided by the Department of Family and Community Services http://www.unsw.edu.au/news/pad/articles/2004/may/Greener_pastures.html | |
78. Australia - Japan Art Exhibitions Initiative: Shimai Toshi Shimai Toshi features four of Australia s most accomplished contemporary visual ofgifts between two regional sister cities and communities Penrith and http://www.asialink.unimelb.edu.au/arts/japan/en/indicium.htm | |
79. Bryan Moulds Outlines A Plan For An Urban Policy Contract For Australia - On Lin Health and ageing communities; Transportation; Power/energy; Sustainability; Livability place making and design New Economy cities for Australia that are http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=1963 |
80. Sustainable Cities And Campus Communities Transportation A Alternative Transportation Systems Strengthen communities Copenhagen, Denmark toother South American cities of its 1999); In Perth, Australia, when freeways http://www.eeexchange.org/sustainability/content/E/3.HTML | |
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