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41. About The Torch ability to unite people within communities, countries and internationally, so althoughthe torch is only visiting two australian cities, deserving individuals http://www.olympics.com.au/?pg=athens&spg=faqs2 |
42. Integrating Environmental Management In Small Industries Of India In the australian context, the Healthy cities and Shires framework has grown to includemore than 20 cities and communities and has increased cooperation among http://egj.lib.uidaho.edu/egj14/rainham1.html | |
43. Australian Community Focused Webs over 200 sites. Virtual communities (australian cities and regionswith vision). The ockers Aussie community Groups. The Aussie http://www.gwb.com.au/gwb/commain.html | |
44. Employment In Rural Communities - Family Matters - Journal Article - Australian rural and mainly inland fabric of australian society offer a genuinely viable alternativeto living in cities. living in rural and remote communities have been http://www.aifs.org.au/institute/pubs/fm1/fm30/ck.html | |
45. AusStats : Assessing The Needs And Opportunities Of Australian Communities the needs and opportunities of australian communities EMBARGO 11 and economic conditionsof cities, towns, suburbs released today by the australian Bureau of http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/1e1f547da277c17eca256dd4007ee2de?OpenD |
46. Urban Heritage - Part 2.5 The positive side of this is the way people move in and rebuildrooms,communities, ideas. 461 Dingle, in Troy, australian cities, p 20. http://www.ahc.gov.au/publications/generalpubs/urban/conclusion.html | |
47. OUP: Australian Cities: (2/e): Forster to reflect the changing nature of Australia s major cities from a same subject areaHuman geography; Regional geography; Urban communities; Australia http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-551036-4 | |
48. Local Government And Planning Ministers' Council Communique canvassed the various pressures on Australia s capital cities. for urban as wellas regional communities. and Territories and the australian Local Government http://www.alga.asn.au/newsRoom/communiques/lgpmcCommunique200307.php | |
49. Anti-war Protests In Australian Cities Antiwar protests took place in a number of australian cities last weekend reflecting concerns among wider layers of the population about the implications of the US bombardment of Afghanistan and http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/oct2001/aust-o20.shtml | |
50. Adult Learning Australia - Learning Towns And Cities Adult Learning Australia s resources and projects inthe area of learning towns, cities and communities. http://www.ala.asn.au/cities.html | |
51. Health 2004: Program - Thursday 29 April 2004 Health at Flinders University and Foundation Director of the South australian CommunityHealth Research She has been a key player in the Healthy cities movement http://www.health2004.com.au/program2/thursday/hs_s_03.asp | |
52. Cities For Climate Protection (CCP) Australia - Home Page cities for Climate ProtectionTM (CCPTM) Australia is a program which assistslocal governments and their communities reduce greenhouse gas emissions. http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/lgmodules/ | |
53. Australia, Cities In Australia, States And Territories In Australia, Australian cities (26), of South Australia Library and Information Service of Western AustraliaNSW Board of and Free online training and How to help for communities. http://officialcitysites.org/australia.php3 | |
54. City Mayors: Local Government In Australia reviews developments in technology benefiting urban communities. the Americas, Europe,Africa, Asia and Australia. products made for cities and international http://www.citymayors.com/government/aus_locgov.html | |
55. PM - Rapid Population Growth In Regional Australia GRAEME HUGO Some of our fastest growing communities in Australia are outside ofour capital cities, particularly in some of the east coast areas, in some of http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2004/s1086655.htm | |
56. Untitled Document consciously design our place in AustraliaÂs nature natural ecological communities,our human communities are not replicate the cycles of nature in our cities. http://www.urbanecology.org.au/articles/citiesforgreenhouse/ | |
57. Melbourne Australia Guide :: Only Melbourne Garage Sale A refreshing new idea revitalising neighbour relationships and winningover the whole community is based australian cities are intensely parochial. http://www.onlymelbourne.com.au/ | |
58. Bega, Australia -- Littleton's Sister City While there, they consummated the association between Bega and Littleton, communities9,000 miles apart, to became the first australian and US sister cities. http://www.littletongov.org/bega/default.asp | |
59. Adelaide - Capital City Of South Australia National League of cities (NLC) www.nlc.org. Partners for Livable communities www.livable.com. AustralianHousing and Urban Research Institute www.ahuri.edu.au. http://www.capcity.adelaide.sa.gov.au/html/links.html | |
60. Australian Institute Of Urban Studies...Speaker: Peter Kinrade When it comes to sustainable cities, the level of community concern is and coastalwater pollution at the forefront of Australian¼s environmental http://www.aius.org.au/kinrade1.htm | |
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