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1. Communities The best publications on Local Government Solutions for Cleaner Production and Pollution Prevention, now available on CDROM. are often the biggest "businesses" in their communities in terms of resource use and waste generation it, and includes 9 case studies of australian cities and extensive appendices http://www.cleanerproduction.com/hits/local.htm | |
2. Flinders University: Postgraduate Courses And Programs: Healthy Cities cities and communities. Graduate Certificate in Health (specialist stream) (18 units).11.5 years part-time. Internal or external mode. Available to australian http://www.flinders.edu.au/courses/postgrad/cities.htm | |
3. Flinders University: Postgraduate Courses And Programs: Primary Health Care Available to australian and international students Public Health, Mental Health Promotion,Health Promotion, Healthy cities and communities, Palliative Care http://www.flinders.edu.au/courses/postgrad/phealth.htm | |
4. Sustainable Cities And Campus Communities: Transportation: A Systemic Solution UNIT 5 SUSTAINABLE cities AND CAMPUS communities. 5.3. TRANSPORTATION A SYSTEMIC SOLUTION low auto dependence Most U.S. and australian cities exhibit very high or high dependence http://www.eeexchange.org/sustainability/content/e3.html |
5. ACCORD Infobrief - Opening Address - Ethnic Communities Building Better Australi Opening address Ethnic communities Building Better australian cities and Towns,Opening Address - By Professor Rob Lynch, Dean of The Faculty of Business. http://www.accord.org.au/social/infobriefs/ethnic_comopening.html | |
6. Alison Stirling's Bookmarks Links to Healthy cities / communities sites and related organizations article in australian newsletter. Proposed Taxonomy for Healthy cities. Sustainable communities/ SD sites http://www.web.net/~stirling/hcscbkmk.htm | |
7. ACCORD Infobrief - Ethnic Communities Building Better Australian Cities And Town Visiting Professor of Geography, University of NSW, provided a historical andcontemporary overview of ethnic communities in australian cities and towns. http://www.accord.org.au/news/seminars/ethnic_com.html | |
8. Cities Unbound: The Intercity Network In The Asia-Pacific Region - Discussion Pa and spiritual potentialities in the context of wider communities. A complete listing of these true even of Canadian and australian cities where unemployment rates fluctuate between http://www.unesco.org/most/friedman.htm | |
9. Communitybuilders.nsw: Create Stronger Communities: State Of Australian Cities C Home Create Stronger communities Safe and Healthy communities State of australian cities Conference Papers. The papers from http://www.communitybuilders.nsw.gov.au/building_stronger/safer/ozcit.html | |
10. Communitybuilders.nsw: Create Stronger Communities - Safe And Healthy Communitie workers looking to implement the Safe communities model United Nations Habitat Program The Safer cities Program has useful for people in other australian states http://www.communitybuilders.nsw.gov.au/building_stronger/safer/ | |
11. Web Site Offers Info On Cities Of The World Daily coverage of the Boulder County region Ezyfind.com gives content control to local communities. By Carly Schulaka and bringing sites for several australian cities online, Ezyfind.com began adding cities in New Zealand http://www.broomfieldenterprise.com/business/12dezf.html | |
12. State Of Australian Cities Conference of ownership and development for enhancing housing affordibility and sustainabilityin australian cities. Negotiating cultural difference in local communities. http://www.uws.edu.au/about/acadorg/caess/uf/conference | |
13. Australian Folk Songs: Articles And Reviews have flowed describing the communities of such 'outsiders' in our cities and those of other important one) thrived in several australian cities, while parties, picnics, national day http://www.crixa.com/muse/songnet/reviews/parkhill/parkhill.html | |
14. Conference Papers at Social Mix in Our cities, University of at ACOSS National Seminar communities,Capacity and at Changing Places Challenges for australian Housing, Melbourne http://www.uws.edu.au/about/acadorg/caess/uf/publications/conferencepapers | |
15. Scoping Paper For Colloquium Australian Rural Communities Issues And Scoping Paper for ColloquiumAustralian Rural communities Issues and AdjustmentsAssociate Professor many capital cities) live along the beautiful coastline shunning the vast http://www.westernagrifood.org/docs/malston.pdf |
16. City Mayors: Australia ALGA reviews developments in technology benefiting urban communities. More. City Mayors reports further cooperation between cities. More. The australian Local. Government Association http://www.citymayors.com/gratis/australia_alga.html | |
17. Adult Learning Australia - Australian Learning Communities Conference 2002 of over 81,000, making it one of Australia s largest inland cities. The City s keyindustries are in retail, manufacturing, health and community services and http://www.ala.asn.au/learningcities/conf2002/ | |
18. Soc.culture.australian FAQ (Part 4 Of 6) (monthly Posting) categories of rare, vulnerable or threatened. Many plant communities are not adequately conserved would be considered tiny in other australian cities) depending upon the suburb http://www.faqs.org/faqs/australian-faq/part4 | |
19. Planning Institute Of Australia Car Wars, how the car won our hearts and conquered our cities. Book release Expectationsof a Better World Planning australian communities by Bruce Wright http://www.planning.org.au/ | |
20. Australian Government Dumps Refugees In Cities Without Money Or Basic Services sections of working people in cities and towns their relatives, friends or their communitiesÂfor help the state governments of South Australia and Queensland http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/may2000/ref-m06.shtml | |
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