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Australian & Oceania Mythology: more detail | |||||
1. ArtMOTION.com Library Oceania Mythology library/mythology/mythology_menu.htm oceania. The collective name for the islands It consists of Australasia (with australian Aboriginal), Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. http://www.artmotion.com/library/mythology/oceania | |
2. *Ã*Â Planet Directory *Ã*Â | Peace, Spirituality, Globalization, On This Day, oceania mythology The collective name for the islands scattered throughout mostof the Pacific Ocean. It consists of Australasia (with australian Aboriginal http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/links/mythologyoceania.html | |
3. Mythic Pacific Crossroads Oceanic mythology, Fables, Fairie Tales and a bit of Ancient, Medieval and Legendary History. These Crossroads lead to the Fabulous Worlds woven into the fabric of the Net. australian, Indonesian, Pacific/Polynesian, Phillipino. australian. australian Folklore is a yearly journal oral tradition of oceania Fiji by UNESCO. http://www.mythiccrossroads.com/oceania.htm | |
4. Encyclopedia Mythica: Mythology The mythology area is divided in 5 continents Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, and oceania consists of Australasia (with australian Aboriginal), Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia http://www.pantheon.org/areas/mythology | |
5. Dreamtime, Australian Aboriginal Legends And Lore australian Aboriginal Legends and Lore mythology and Legends of the World A - Z. Home. australian. Celtic. Greek. Indian. Middle Eastern. North American. North European. oceania. Roman. South http://myths.allinfoabout.com/australian.html | |
6. How The Sun Was Made : Australian Aboriginal Legends And Lore How the Sun was made australian Aboriginal Legends and Lore - mythology and Legends of the World North American. North European. oceania. Roman. South American. Contact me For more information on australian mythology I recommend Wise Women of the Dreamtime. http://myths.allinfoabout.com/feature11.html | |
7. The KELLY-CLAN: County Limerick To Australia Connection- Australian Links A major listing page for "australian Genealogy" If you find some duplicate fantasy, frogs, genealogy, history, Internet, mythology, oceania, Poland search engines and television http://www.kelly-clan.com/austlnk2.htm | |
8. Oceania Mythology Search Keyword(s) oceania mythology 1 10 of 101, Path Ghosts and Spirits www.mythology.com,Reviewed by oceanian Bed and Breakfast australian Bed and Breakfast www http://www.joeant.com/DIR/search.php?keywords=oceania mythology |
9. Ozebiz Index - Www.ozebiz.com.au Ozebiz of Site www.ozebiz.com.au australian business directory gecapital OnlineBusiness and Management Course Directory oceania mythology Resources of...... http://www.joeant.com/DIR/info/get/14560/36818 | |
10. Western Australia Historical Societies And Associations Australia Oceania By Reg Rate Royal Western australian Historical Society Publishing Learn about Greek mythology(Jewel Case). Search oceania Australia Historical Societies Associations http://history.designerz.com/oceania-australia-historical-societies-associations |
11. Encyclopedia Mythica: Oceania Feedback. Submit Article. mythology. Folklore. Bestiary. Heroes. Featured items. Image gallery. Genealogy tables. Information. What's new? Miscellaneous. Pronunciations. Links. oceania Links. oceania. The collective name for the islands scattered Australasia (with australian Aboriginal), Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. Aboriginal mythology. The mythology of http://www.pantheon.org/areas/mythology/oceania | |
12. Debbie's Electronic Resources--Mythology Top. Asia oceania. Mongol mythology. Folktales from China Australia Legends of the Gagudju. Black Opal - australian Native Lore. Australia - Baiame and Creation http://home.att.net/~bddudash/200smyth.htm | |
13. Encyclopedia Mythica: Aboriginal Mythology oceania. The myths and ritual constituted the Dreaming, or Dreamtime, which signifiedthe continuity of The First Men and Women An australian Aboriginal Legend. http://www.pantheon.org/areas/mythology/oceania/aboriginal/ | |
14. Mythology, Folklore, And A Little Bit Of Religion mythology, Folklore, and a little bit of Religion. Welcome! This page is essentially a massive list of links to sites about mythology, folklore, and religion. and oceania, many of them mythological, collected by missionaries and stored at the Vatican. World mythology in Art see also australian, Gilbert Islander, Guam, Hawaiian http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bnagy/sarahsite/myths2.html | |
15. National Native Title Tribunal: : Balanggarra - 07 May 2002 australian Tribes, Report of the australian and New Languages of the Kimberley Division, oceania, vol Capell, A. 1939, mythology in Northern Kimberley, North http://www.nntt.gov.au/bibliography/1022135877_17749.html | |
16. National Native Title Tribunal: : Palyku - 30 April 2004 Kingsley, 1977, Stone arrangements and mythology , Mankind, vol.11 The Social Organisationof australian Tribes, Part II , in The oceania Monographs, no. http://www.nntt.gov.au/bibliography/1083898135_2552.html | |
17. AskA Help: Map LC (LCC) To Dewey (DDC) Classification travel; oceania...... mythology. Canberra, 994.7, australian Capital Territory. DU, DU 1950, oceania(South Seas), History of, 919 - 919.8, oceania http://www.questionpoint.org/crs/html/help/en/ask/ask_map_lcctoddc.html | |
18. ThinkQuest : Library : Mythology Web Djanggawuls The divine trio of north australian mythology. Two sistersand a brother who came to the earth via beralku, the island http://library.thinkquest.org/C005854/text/oceania.htm | |
19. ThinkQuest : Library : Mythology Web East Asia. Europe. The Americas. Africa. oceania. mythology from around the world.Creation Myths. Africa. Ainu. Apache. australian Aboriginal. Aztec. Chelan. Chinese. http://library.thinkquest.org/C005854/text/sitemap.htm | |
20. An Annotated Bibliography Of General Melanesian Folklore Canberra Pacific Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, australian National University. andmeaning in Papua New Guinea Highland mythology. oceania 55 197 http://members.tripod.com/~THSlone/PNGFB-general.html | |
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