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81. New Zealand News - Technology - law will soon to be reaching into Australian soil. to competition) would be contrary to new zealand s existing international trade obligations and is http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3549604&thesection=technology |
82. New Zealand Council Of Trade Unions: Links: Subject Index Paemahi new zealand allof-government portal for information on work and skills. international Union Organisations. ACTU Australian Council of trade Unions. http://www.union.org.nz/links/ | |
83. Australia And New Zealand and a wide ranging set of links to australian and international legal resources. relevance to australia (but not limited to australian significance new zealand. http://www.venables.co.uk/australi.htm | |
84. New Zealand - Joint Declaration to broaden support for the international trading system. Media enquiries (australia) Roger Camilleri Tel + 61 2 new zealand Tim Hurdle Tel +64 4 472 9145. http://www.ecdel.org.au/nz/jointdeclarationnz.htm | |
85. Foreign Relations - New Zealand Economic & Financial Overview 2000 - The Treasur appointed to lead two key international organisations, the and outside the region, new zealandÂs interests australia, the European Union, North America and http://www.treasury.govt.nz/nzefo/2000/foreign.asp | |
86. BU Libraries | Research Tools | Australia And New Zealand text. Top of page. international Resources In many books, australia and new zealand are listed under the heading Oceania . Europa http://www.bu.edu/library/guides/countries/australia.html | |
87. International Guidelines And Regulations australia and new zealand Food Standards Code FSANZ Guideline for the Validation and Approval of new Marine Biotoxin Test Methods for the http://seafood.ucdavis.edu/guidelines/international.htm | |
88. About Amnesty International Human Rights Campaigning Rafah killings (25 May 2004) new zealand UN committee 17 May 2004) NEPAL Amnesty international calls for to torture (14 May 2004) australia Prime Minister http://www.amnesty.org.nz/ | |
89. College Degrees, College Applications, English Lessons in the UK, Ireland, Canada, USA, australia or new zealand? http://www.hyperstudy.com/ | |
90. Absolutely The Best Worldwide And NZ Patent Attorney Patent international Design Classification. Commissioners Decisions Intellectual Property Office of new zealand. Australian Intellectual Property Law - Statutes. http://www.piperpat.co.nz/ |
91. Bartercard International To login To The new Bartercard Members Success Recognised by Franchising Council of australia. http://www.bartercard.com/ | |
92. Australian & New Zealand Studies Association Of North America Membership is open to anyone in North America who has an interest in australia new zealand Academics, students, government employees, general public new! http://www.utexas.edu/depts/cas/anzsana/ | |
93. Export America/New Opportunities Archive new zealand represents an ideal destination for various newto-export Like australia, new zealand is a strong and stable democracy, and business practices http://www.export.gov/exportamerica/NewOpportunities/no_NZ_0403.html | |
94. Australia Daily- News And Current Events on Iraq army recruitment office Australian Broadcasting Corporation 04 Olympics Baltimore Sun new YORK Mia male or female, in international soccer history http://www.australiadaily.com/ | |
95. Country Travel Reports and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba australia Austria Azerbaijan Nauru Nepal Netherlands new Caledonia new zealand Nicaragua Niger http://www.voyage.gc.ca/dest/ctry/reportpage-en.asp | |
96. FindLaw: International Resources: Regional: Australia And Oceania Forgot Your Password ? click here! new User ? Click Here! FindLaw international Resources Regional australia and Oceania http://www.findlaw.com/12international/regions/austr.html | |
97. New Zealand News - World - People And Climate Change Place Hex On Australia Search NZ Herald Advanced Search / Help. Two new studies, on population growth and climate population of 20 million, the australia of two http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3002852&thesection=news&thesu |
98. Asia Times: Australia, New Zealand Lobby For New WTO Talks australia, new zealand lobby for new WTO talks BANGKOK australia and new zealand have been actively courting support to launch a new round of World http://www.atimes.com/global-econ/BB15Dj02.html | |
99. Williamson - International Air Transport Policy Of New Zealand strategies point to the growing integration of the Australian and new zealand markets continue to be an important factor in our international air transport http://www.executive.govt.nz/96-99/minister/williamson/air_trans/ | |
100. New Zealand And Japan: What Next? Editorial Board of the Australian Journal of and committees advising successive new zealand governments on educational policies and international affairs He http://www.nz.emb-japan.go.jp/political/whatnext/biographies.html | |
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