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21. Australia-New Zealand Leadership Forum Inaugural Meeting City Entertainment Group Telecom new zealand Mr Bob Business Council of australia Mr Alan Sat only) Managing Director  international trade Strategies Ms http://www.foreignminister.gov.au/releases/2004/fa066_04.html | |
22. Results For International Trade & Development - Govt.nz - Connecting You To New Building Construction sectors in the australia and Pacific pursue the lead yourself or new zealand trade products and services to international buyers with http://www.govt.nz/en/search/topics/ssc:Business & trade/ssc:International trade | |
23. Search - Govt.nz - Connecting You To New Zealand Central & Local Government Serv Industry new zealand to improve the capability and international Closer Economic Relations trade Agreement new zealand, australia (Ministry of http://www.govt.nz/en/search/search-results/?search_type=basic&search_basic_stri |
24. Text Version Australia/New Zealand Reports international Other. OTHER Slaughter Data. OTHER Receipts. OTHER Horses. OTHER Wool. australia/new zealand Import Beef trade (australia and new zealand); Japanese http://www.ams.usda.gov/lsmnpubs/txA NZ.htm | |
25. Rules Of Origin Under The AustraliaÂNew Zealand CER Trade Agreement - Interim R Rules of Origin under the australiaÂnew zealand CER trade in the context of the international trading system 2 Trends in preferential trade 2.1 Global trends http://www.pc.gov.au/study/roo/interimreport/ | |
26. Government Procurement In New Zealand: Policy Guide For Purchasers - Appendix 3: suppliers, goods and services by australia at federal new zealand has also been active in WTO positive working relationship between international trade law and http://www.med.govt.nz/irdev/gov_pur/purchasers/purchasers-11.html | |
27. Ministry Of Economic Development New Zealand | Business Law And Trade | Tariffs sets out the classification of all goods in international trade together with May 2004 Objections close 15 June 2004); australia-new zealand Closer Economic http://www.med.govt.nz/buslt/tariffs.html | |
28. AusStats : Feature Article - Australia-New Zealand Merchandise Trade, Bilateral international Merchandise trade, australia 2002 international Accounts and trade Feature Article australia-new zealand Merchandise trade, Bilateral. http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/233f57b07f617e5eca2569de002a3042?OpenD |
29. NEW ZEALAND: An Agricultural And Forestry Exporting Nation australia, 8, 9, 11, 10, 10, 6, 7, 5, 5, in which its 146 member countries develop international trade rules and Throughout the Uruguay Round new zealand worked hard to http://www.maf.govt.nz/mafnet/rural-nz/overview/nzoverview006.htm | |
30. New Zealand Forestry Markets new zealand also plays an active part in freeing up international trade. In 1996 Japan overtook australia as new zealandÂs primary market. http://www.maf.govt.nz/forestry/woodprocessing/markets.htm | |
31. Lighting98 Illuminating Engineering Society of australia new zealand Queensland Region. international Lighting Convention and trade Exhibition Carlton Crest Hotel http://www.iesanzq.asn.au/light98.htm | |
32. MAF Codex Website - Relationship Between Codex And New Zealand's Other Internati group is made up of australia, new zealand, Canada and The OECD has 29 member countries, including new zealand. international food safety and trade are areas http://www.nzfsa.govt.nz/policy-law/codex/introduction/cod9-07.htm | |
33. Australia And New Zealand Seek One Border - (United Press new zealand Foreign Minister Phil Goff, whose government is not included in australia s free trade agreement with Copyright 2004 United Press international. http://www.washtimes.com/upi-breaking/20040517-014048-7344r.htm |
34. FLAPA - Food Law And Policy Australia - An Overview Of Food Regulation And Curre Commerce and international trade. laws and issues relating to the trade and commerce of Notices issued by Food Standards australia new zealand (FSANZ) formerly http://www.ausfoodnews.com.au/flapa/ | |
35. Food Standards Australia New Zealand to the food supply, reinforce consumer confidence, safeguard and increase the international trade in food If the australia and new zealand Food Regulation http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/primaryproductionprocessingstandards/primaryprod | |
36. Food Standards Australia New Zealand 1.5.2, of the australia new zealand Food Standards in the form of an australian pilot survey Because of international trade and the commercial cultivation of http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/mediareleasespublications/publications/australia | |
37. Business Contacts - Resources - NZ Connections Federation of international trade Associations international trade and import/export One Business Business news from new zealand, australia and the world http://www.nzconnection.govt.nz/resources-business.asp | |
38. International Bids, Tenders, And Procurement Opportunities Contracts; Tasmanian Government Tenders; TendersNet australia, new zealand, Pacific Islands. US Agency for international Development US trade and Development http://www.proposalwriter.com/intprocure.html | |
39. Trade New Zealand Corporate Web Site: Useful Links Rugby Business Club australia. www.emarketservices.com, international collaboration of trade promotion organisations including new zealand trade and Enterprise http://www.investnewzealand.govt.nz/page_Article/0,1300,1170,00.html | |
40. Trade New Zealand Corporate Web Site Australia And Pacific marketplaces The Federation of international trade Associations. on over 15,000 new zealand companies. Society of australia australian Telecommunications http://www.investnewzealand.govt.nz/page_Article/0,1300,1170%2D968%2D968,00.html |
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