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81. Isanti Warns Of ATV Regulations Posted 5/5/04. Isanti warns of atv regulations. http://www.isanticountynews.com/2004/May/5atvdrivers.html | |
82. JS Online: Groups Seek Federal Regulations For ATVs Groups seek federal regulations for ATVs. too many kids, consumer and other advocacy groups said Tuesday in calling for federal product safety regulators to http://www.jsonline.com/bym/News/aug02/67920.asp | |
83. WDNR - Upcoming Safety Classes Phone608873-3366 (Instructors name Deputy Randy Wiessinger). atv safety EDUCATION CLASSES. City, Location, Begins, Ends, Days, Time, Instructor. -, -, -, -, -,,. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/es/enforcement/safety/classes/dane.htm | |
84. CPSC Monitor Paulison confirmed for USFA; update on small ATVs. Brown cites two more for safety awards; UL September - Brown pushes for more regulations; Brown s major http://www.consumeralert.org/pubs/monitor/ | |
85. Publications Subject List ATVs on New Zealand Farms Safe Use of; Elevating Work Platforms in the Health and safety regulations (1995) - What Employers and Employees Need to Know about http://www.osh.dol.govt.nz/order/catalogue/index.shtml | |
86. ATV Safety Training: Minnesota DNR atv safety training. atv safety training is for atv operators ages 1215. For general information on atv safety training call 1-888-646-6367 or (651) 296-6157. http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/safety/vehicle/atv/ | |
87. Ocotillo Wells & BLM OHV Areas: Rules And Tips - DesertUSA EQUIPMENT Wear proper safety equipment for the type of Board (ARB) revised the regulations governing the motorcycles (OHMs) and allterrain vehicles (ATVs). http://www.desertusa.com/ovr/or_owrules.html | |
88. ATV Safety Legislation of this bill is to create ÂThe AllTerrain Vehicle safety Regulation Act to regulate the use of all-terrain vehicles. The bill prohibits use of ATVs on many http://www.wvgov.org/STATEOFSTATE2003/2003legislation/atvcombo.cfm | |
89. SoCalCamping.com - Community Forums are unsafe, and the other half saying ATVs are a Association, testified that no new federal regulations are needed. DC, to conduct a hearing on product safety. http://www.socalcamping.com/forum/display_message.asp?mid=4 |
90. Create An Account CJ Online (http//cjonline.com) offers news and information from The Topeka CapitalJournal, updated daily and as news happens. victim of an all-terrain vehicle accident probably would have been http://www.cjonline.com/stories/092999/kan_atvrules.shtml | |
91. CPSC Monitor: Joint CPSCÂindustry Study On ATVs Due In January - Adult-size Fou petition. (3) See CPSC Monitor, Vol. 7, Issue 8, August, 2002, CFA and Eight Other Groups Call for New regulations of ATVs. . (4 http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0HIJ/is_11_7/ai_95356772 | |
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