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61. UNC News Release -- Study Shows Helmet Laws Cut ATV Deaths, Injuries to learn what positive differences regulations Pennsylvania adopted have made in boosting safety. study confirms ongoing morbidity from atv use with http://www.unc.edu/news/newsserv/archives/apr04/keenan040704.html | |
62. ATVmagonline.com: The Official Website Of ATV Magazine. Utility ATV News, Inform users. ÂLocal and state atv use restrictions, regulations and licensing activities and their impact on atv safety. ÂCurrent http://www.atvnews.com/output.cfm?id=209125 |
63. ATVmagonline.com: The Official Website Of ATV Magazine. Utility ATV News, Inform the Consumer Product safety Commission on atv safety during a of atvs told the commissioners that strict regulations need to be imposed on atvs and atv users http://www.atvnews.com/output.cfm?id=210799 |
64. EPA - OTAQ - Environmental Fact Sheet None of the emission controls we are considering affect safety. Some use. Will these regulations affect where I can ride my atv? No. The http://www.epa.gov/otaq/regs/nonroad/proposal/f01027.htm | |
65. Senate Slows Down ATV Bill proposal makes no mention of atv road use. Senate supporters of the bill worry that changes they made to strengthen child safety regulations already threaten http://www.herald-dispatch.com/2004/January/31/Legislature01.htm | |
66. 2003-2004 Bill 4921 Text Of Previous Version (Apr. 27, 2004) - Www.scstatehouse. Law to define an allterrain vehicle (atv) for use Resources (DNR) is designated to set regulations for operation and safety equipment; registration http://www.scstatehouse.net/sess115_2003-2004/prever/4921_20040427.htm | |
67. Hur Herald advocates are trying something different this year, splitting the legislation into two parts a child safety bill and a bill with other atv regulations. http://www.hurherald.com/cgi-sys/db_scripts/articles/articles?Action=user_view&d |
68. E - Index Of Business Types In Texas, Starting A Business In Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 512/4836250 atv/Motorcycle Driving regulations - Texas Department of Public safety 512/424-2021 Audiometric Equipment http://www.tded.state.tx.us/guide/bt-e.htm | |
69. Law Offices Of Matthew P. McCue Newsletter The new regulations help a bit. send a message to trucking companies about putting safety before profits. whatÂs also growing is the number of atv injuries. http://www.lawyersweeklyusa.com/newsletter/11-20137282.cfm | |
70. DodgeGlobe.com:ATV Safety On The Farm 05/08/04 atv operation involves using commonsense safety rules of local laws or regulations and any regulations that have for public areas where an atv is permitted. http://www.dodgeglobe.com/stories/050804/ag_0508040072.shtml | |
71. What S New on 1. Information about current local and state atv regulations 2. Current atv use in and future government action 4. Current industry safety efforts and http://notes.edc.org/hhd/csn/csnnews.nsf/0/e63c833ce73e055b85256dc80055f34b?Open |
72. Snowmobile And ATV Advisory Council - Pa. DCNR guidance, officers have discretion in enforcing this safety provision when Rules and regulations. the Committee that the DepartmentÂs proposed atv Rules and http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/councils/saac/minutes03-0311.aspx | |
73. Snowmobile And ATV Advisory Council - Pa. DCNR Riding double. Committee comments safety problems associated be a blanket statement prohibiting double riding on ATVs. on new Rules and regulations (Morton) Yes http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/councils/saac/minutes02-0507.aspx | |
74. ATV Frontier - Forums, Gallery, Videos, Chat, FAQ, Links And News - Bighorn Adop atv TrailsADOPTA-TRAIL VOLUNTEER TRAIL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM The Clearwater Copies of the General safety regulations (Office Consolidation) can be obtained from http://atvfrontier.com/article4.html | |
75. The Challis Messenger Online the road IDPR canÂt solve atv/OHV problems riders, enforcement and compliance with regulations, Collignon said board has launched a new safety and education http://www.challismessenger.com/archives/0219atv1.html | |
76. ATV's (All-Terrain Vehicles) In Ohio, AEX-597-92 Educating yourself by obtaining travel maps and regulations from public agencies For information about the 4H atv safety program, contact your local office of http://ohioline.osu.edu/aex-fact/0597.html | |
77. ATV Riding Tips I will learn all the mechanical controls and safety devices of my atv by reading the owner s manual, and I will check them each time before I ride. http://www.ndparks.com/trails/atv/atvtips.htm | |
78. IA DNR: All-Terrain Vehicle Education It is a cooperative program between the Iowa DNR and the atv safety Institute, a nonprofit division of the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America. http://www.iowadnr.com/law/atv/ | |
79. ATVA News -- Federal Comment Period On ATV Safety Ends July 5 regulation of atvs included the BlueRibbon Coalition, the National OffHighway Vehicle Conservation Council, the Specialty Vehicle Association, the atv safety http://www.atvaonline.com/News/03/g03019.asp | |
80. Polaris : The Way Out ATVs can be hazardous to operate Polaris recommends that all Snowmobile riders take a safety course Obey local, state and provincial regulations and ride only in http://www.polarisindustries.com/safety/ | |
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