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1. Midwest Trail Riders Association - ATV Regulations page on atv regulations located at http safety/atvsaf.htm for more information. For you convenience, we have downloaded a copy of the Wisconsin atv regulations http://www.midwesttrailriders.com/atv/ATV_regulations.asp | |
2. NASD: ATV Safety For Farm Work, Recreation atv safety for Farm Work, Recreation. Charles V. Schwab, Laura Miller and Sonny Satre. Iowa State University Extension For a summary of Iowa snowmobile and atv regulations, contact the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Wallace State http://www.cdc.gov/nasd/docs/d001001-d001100/d001072/d001072.html | |
3. IOWA ATV GUIDE & RULES AND REGULATIONS SUMMARY Required Equipment. atv Age safety Training Requirements IOWA atv GUIDE RULES AND regulations SUMMARY. KNOW THE LAWS http://www.iowaohv.com/DNRMapBook2002.htm | |
4. ORV/ATV , ORV/atv Trail Maps. To determine the regulations on federal properties, you should contact the appropriate federal agency with , Recreational safety Classes. http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10365_15070---,00.html | |
5. Michigan ATV Association: A Non-Profit - Membership Organization An educational resource for Michigan's atv Enthusiasts. safety training, Michigan trails, trail maps, Michigan rules, regulations and laws. http://www.michiganatv.com/ | |
6. Minnesota ATV Regulations must wear helmets, take an atv safety training course Rules for atvs and other vehicles in state DNR publishes a Recreational Motor Vehicles regulations booklet http://www.startribune.com/stories/531/1643922.html | |
7. Maine Department Of Inland Fisheries And Wildlife - ATV Regulations AllTerrain Vehicles. 2003 regulations. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries Wildlife Consumer Product safety Commission at 1-800-638-2772 or the atv Distributor's safety Hotline at http://www.state.me.us/ifw/rv/atvlaws2003.htm |
8. Michigan's Off-Road Vehicle Guide a few daring moments on an atv can be Recognizing that there are potential safety hazards in off riding, the legislature has enacted regulations which directly http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10365_15070-73699--,00.html | |
9. Adirondack ATV Riders A family oriented group that promotes ATVing through safety training, public awareness, and respect for the environment. Includes newsletter, photos, rules and regulations, and event results. http://www.adirondackatv.org/ | |
10. ATV Safety This indepth course has been revised to include the following WCB s regulations, Motor Vehicle Act and regulations, personal safety equipment, traffic http://nlc.bc.ca/ce/Safety.htm | |
11. WDNR - Upcoming Safety Classes atv safety Education. Boating safety Education. Bow Hunting Education. Hunting Education. Snowmobile Education. regulations * atv regulations ( 357k .pdf file http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/es/enforcement/safety/classes/brown.htm | |
12. ATV Regulations And Laws In North Dakota atv regulations Laws in North Dakota. of Transportation as the agency responsible for atv registration Department administers and implements the safety program http://www.ndparks.com/trails/atv/atvlaws.htm | |
13. WDNR - ATV Regulations atv s. Area Trails. Registration Information. Nonresident Trailpass Information. regulations (pdf, 352k). atv Noise Laws. Wisconsin Vehicle safety Grant FAQ s. DNR http://dnr.wi.gov/org/es/enforcement/safety/atvregs.html | |
14. SavannahNOW | Local News - Rincon Chief Urges Council To Toughen ATV Regulations Rincon chief urges council to toughen atv regulations. Don Lowery It is a safety issue and something needs to be done or somebody is probably going to get killed " Barton http://www.savannahnow.com/stories/062503/LOCEOERINCONATV.shtml | |
15. WDNR - ATV Safety Education operate the main atv parts and identify safety features. atv s and the environment; first aid, emergency situations, and regulations, responsibility, and ethics http://dnr.wi.gov/org/es/enforcement/safety/atved.html | |
16. Off-Road Vehicle Information, Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests Conform with State laws and regulations regarding safety equipment for Here are some safety tips SUITABLE FOR Four-wheel drive vehicles, atv s and motorcycles http://georgiamagazine.com/outdoors/nf/atv/ | |
17. Maine Department Of Inland Fisheries And Wildlife - ATV Regulations STATE OF MAINE AllTerrain Vehicles 2004 regulations. or implied - to operate your atv on land NEED Registration Information 287-8000 IF W safety Recreation http://www.maine.gov/ifw/rv/atvlaws2004.htm | |
18. Midwest Trail Riders Association - ATV Safety Discussion Forum. atv regulations. Useful Links. Local atv Dealers. atv Reviews publications page. In addition to safety publications, the atv safety Institute offers rider training http://www.midwesttrailriders.com/atv/atv_safety.asp | |
19. Maine House Democrats - News Article Wildlife, the Departments of Conservation, Agriculture, Public safety and Environmental gain the equipment needed to enforce new atv laws and regulations. http://www.maine.gov/tools/whatsnew/index.php?topic=HouseDems News&id=2266&v=Art |
20. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Chairman To Hold ATV Meeting We want to get their perspective on atv safety issues " said Stratton Information about current local and state atv regulations. Current atv use in recreation, industry, and http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml04/04008.html | |
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