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61. ABC Of Ohio -- Dr. Greg Keck Mother s Retreat. Adoptive mothers of children with special needs or children withattachment issues require time away to regroup and rebuild their resources. http://www.abcofohio.net/ | |
62. CSP@UR Graduate Developmental Faculty Dante Cicchetti models Implications for attachment theory. special Issue Development and Psychopathology,14, (3 and interadult violence on children s emotion regulation http://www.psych.rochester.edu/graduate/developmental/faculty/cicchetti.html |
63. Attachment Adoption features on openness, attachment, multiracial adoptive parent adoption, medicalissues, personal stories info bc s children special needs intercountry http://www.bcadoption.com/articles/attachment/infantatt.htm | |
64. MetaFilter » Link And Think: December 1st, 2001 defect that doesn t allow the attachment, so 1 News Online AIDS around the World special section The asks everyone to think about the issues surrounding this http://www.metafilter.com/linkandthink.mefi | |
65. Resources For Children With Special Needs: The Holistic Approach the parents and caretakers of special needs children Health for Diabetes; Health IssuesConsumer Alert attachment Parenting; Ear infections alternative to tubes http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/specneed.htm | |
66. Attachment Experts Identifying attachment issues General Symptom Patterns of Poorly Attached children(Partial list) ~ Excessive need to control ~ Oppositionaldefiant behaviors http://www.olderchildadoption.com/rad/attachmentexperts.htm | |
67. Osattachmentissues ALL institutionalized children from foreign countries, and children in fostercarehave some attachment issues. But there is HOPE! Child attachment issues. http://www.nurtureadopt.org/os/osattachmentissues.htm | |
68. APA Journals - Special Issues - Listing By Journal Testimony in Trials Involving Child Witnesses David F Emerging issues in GeriatricRehabilitation Psychology Peter Adult attachment Paula R. Pietromonaco and http://www.apa.org/journals/special/special_issues-mag.html | |
69. Special Education Law & Advocacy - Wrightslaw Education special Education l Legal issues l Free accurate, upto-date informationabout special education law and advocacy for children with disabilities http://www.wrightslaw.org/ | |
70. Ectfattc Elder Care Task Force Report attachment C. Alzheimer patientsfrustrations, reversalof parent/child role, etc. The ED has special issues regarding elder care http://worklife.uth.tmc.edu/ectfattc.html | |
71. TLC's Adoption RoadMap Tour : RoadMap Course At-A-Glance It continues with important adoption issues like bonding and attachment, separation,loss week is completed by learning about special needs, advocating http://www.adoptnet.org/tour/course_glance.html | |
72. Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) References model of intervention with infants, preschool children, and their externalizing behaviorproblems A replication special Issue attachment and developmental http://www.earlychildhoodbehavioralhealth.com/RADCenter/References/G.htm | |
73. National Resource Center For Special Needs Adoption with, Open Adoption. Child Welfare, special Issue Adoption, vol A Story for Fosterand Adopted children. Bowlby, J., attachment, Separation and Loss (3 vols http://www.nrcadoption.org/resources/adoptiongeneral.htm | |
74. Psychological Issues For Children And Families In Disasters, National Mental Hea early stages of nursing, bonding, and attachment may be another group needing specialattention issues in the assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder in http://www.mentalhealth.org/publications/allpubs/SMA95-3022/default.asp | |
75. Documents Of 24th Special Session Of The General Assembly, 26 June - 1 July 2000 General on the outcome of the twentyfourth special session of Monetary Fund (IMF)English French Spanish attachment 1) Social Policy issues in IMF http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/geneva2000/documents/ | |
76. Attachment Parenting: The Journal Of Attachment Parenting International partum packets, they are available at a special bulk price The Eight Ideals of AttachmentParenting for the School Coming Soon Back issues of the API News will http://www.attachmentparenting.org/apjsample.shtml | |
78. Article people do not get it, when attachment issues are explained Some people get stuckin, This child loves me if he thinks that I m so special! People especially http://www.nwae.org/info-article-4.html | |
79. Annual Report Of The Center For The Study Of Parental Acceptance And Rejection A review of the adult attachment literature. punishment, and psychological adjustmentin Bajan children. (special Issue of Journal of CrossCultural Psychology http://vm.uconn.edu/~rohner/report.html | |
80. Institute For Attachment & Child Development :: Thoughts On President Clinton's of attachment disorder, its diagnosis and treatment issues. Early detection of attachmentproblems is essential so that community as to the special and unique http://www.attachmentcenter.org/entry/results.php?article_id=29 |
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