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141. BRIGHTER CHOICE CHARTER SCHOOLS . . . For A Brighter Future. Separate schools for girls and boys, targeting urban atrisk students, grades K through 5. http://www.brighterchoice.org/ | |
142. Eye On Education: At-Risk Students: Reaching And Teaching Them Second Edition and thirteen chickens. For an excerpt from Atrisk students Reaching and Teaching Them 2nd Edition by Sagor and Cox click here. http://www.eyeoneducation.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=st104 |
143. Mesquiteacademyhomepage.html A K12 school offering a variety of educational opportunities for students in at-risk situations. Offers an accelerated instructional program providing students with a nontraditional environment for educational advancement. http://www.mesquiteisd.org/academy/ | |
144. Preparing At-Risk Youth For The Future in these programs, only about 40 percent had graduated. Helping Atrisk students. For more than 30 years, Upward Bound has sought http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/education/edatrisk.asp | |
145. MCKINNEY LEARNING CENTER An alternative environment in which atrisk students are empowered to become effective citizens while completing a high school diploma or GED. http://www.mckinneyisd.net/soar/ | |
146. P.A.C.E. - Duncanville Independant School District PACE is an alternative education school for at risk high school students in the Duncanville ISD. http://www.duncanville.k12.tx.us/pace/ | |
147. SUMMARY OF ENACTMENTS: PUBLIC EDUCATIONÂ --Â Dropouts And At-Risk Students PUBLIC EDUCATION Dropouts and Atrisk students. http://www.tlc.state.tx.us/research/78soe/S122.htm | |
148. Crossroads Learning Center Alternative center for atrisk students. Burleson ISD. http://www.burlesonisd.net/crossroads/ | |
149. JESPAR: Journal Of Education For Students Placed At Risk As one of the foremost journals specifically aimed at the improvement of the educational experience of atrisk students, JESPAR assists researchers, policy http://www.csos.jhu.edu/jespar/ | |
150. Beta School Home Page Features the Malvern educational program for atrisk students and information on credit recovery. http://malvern.dsc.k12.ar.us/schools/Beta/beta_school_home_page.htm | |
151. Survey Results - Key Findings The Experience of Highrisk students. Research Nearly two-thirds (66%) were moderate-risk students; 9% were high-risk students. Preliminary http://www.ccsse.org/survey/findings3.html | |
152. LEARN NC | Articles Articles Innovations in Teaching The Diverse Classroom Atrisk students. At-risk students. The black-white achievement gap What does the research show? http://www.learnnc.org/index.nsf/articles?OpenForm&topic=diverse&subtopic=atrisk |
154. CREDE Research Report 1 Current Knowledge About Effective Education of Atrisk students. This theory has great potential to assist diverse, at-risk students. http://www.cal.org/crede/pubs/research/rr1.htm | |
155. MCPS Achievement Gains By At-Risk Students On 2003 CTBS Prompt Implications For MCPS Achievement Gains by Atrisk students on 2003 CTBS Prompt Inplications for Continued Local, National Improvements. Montgomery http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/info/CTBS2003/implications.shtm | |
156. Retention Programs For At-Risk Students: What Works And Why? Retention Programs for Atrisk students What Works and Why? As community colleges assume a more prominent role in educating the http://www.league.org/services/retention_programs.html | |
157. TechLEARNING.com | Technology & Learning - The Resource For Education Technology Teaching Atrisk studentsTeaching At-risk students Mark Berends and Sheila Kirby The Task Force on Teaching as a Profession wrote that The key to success http://www.techlearning.com/db_area/archives/WCE/archives/woods.htm | |
158. HGSE News: Against The Odds--How "At-Risk" Students Exceed Expectations Janine Bempechat s new book, Against the Odds How Atrisk students Exceed Expectations is released. Subject Areas. Resources. Special Sections. http://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/features/bempechatagain10301998.html | |
159. ACT News Release : ACT Awards To Help At-Risk Students Six high school and university programs focused on helping atrisk students have won the annual ACT Awards. ACT Awards to Help At-risk students. http://www.act.org/news/releases/2003/9-03-03.html | |
160. NIFL-4EFF 2004: [NIFL-4EFF:2749] Supporting At-risk Students NIFL4EFF2749 supporting at-risk students. From Educators who work with at-risk students vary in their opinions and practices. Yet http://www.nifl.gov/nifl-4eff/2004/0104.html | |
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