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101. Project CDA Project C.D.A. (Creating Dropout Alternatives), an alternative secondary school, was established in order to reduce the student dropout rate. This fully accredited, stateapproved school provides at-risk students with a variety of opportunities to learn life and employment skills, along with the core classes needed to earn their diploma. http://www.sd271.k12.id.us/project/ |
102. Wiley::High Risk Students Future Volume 19 Rpt 3 1990 Wiley Education Higher Education Student Services Development High risk students Future Volume 19 Rpt 3 1990. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1878380001.html | |
103. Kuna Evening School Offers high school courses for adults and atrisk students. Staff directory, application, and class schedule. http://www.kunaschools.org/Eveningschool/ | |
104. Involvement In School Gives Even High-Risk Students A Good Chance At Academic Su Involvement in School Gives Even Highrisk students a Good Chance at Academic Success, Says New Study. Contact Pam Willenz Public http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1997/04/970401162639.htm | |
105. ACE Georgian College - Owen Sound Ontario Canada Provides students with opportunities to gain practical business experience in a risk free environment. Located at Georgian College's Owen Sound campus. Includes event calendar, history, and resources. http://www.acegeorgiancollege.com/ |
106. Student Diversity Program At risk Student Population. Atrisk students tend to emerge from the culture of poverty that contributes to low self-esteem. http://www.fullerton.edu/academicservices/studentdiversity/at_risk.htm | |
107. SMOKEY HOUSE CENTER Offering two programs youthwork program for at-risk high school students and our environmental field studies program for mainstream middle and high school students. http://www.vermontel.net/~shc/ | |
108. Stoney Point High School Continuation facility for atrisk students from CHS provides faculty profiles and educational goals. http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/Stoney_Point_HS | |
109. Range Area Alternative Program Public school for atrisk students in central Minnesota, ages 12-20. Core curriculum and educational use of technology. Under the auspices of Crosby-Ironton ISD 182. http://www.angelfire.com/mn/raap0182/ | |
110. Teaching Exceptional, Diverse, And At-Risk Students In The General Education Cla Teaching Exceptional, Diverse, and Atrisk students in the General Education Classroom (3rd Edition). Teaching Exceptional, Diverse http://www.edu-books.com/Teaching_Exceptional_Diverse_and_AtRisk_Students_in_the | |
111. Home Page Services at risk youth. Its focus is getting students caught up on credits through cyber high and independent study. http://www2.visalia.k12.ca.us/packwood/ | |
112. Wiley Canada::Against The Odds: How "At-Risk" Students Exceed Expectations Wiley Canada Psychology Clinical Psychology Child Adolescent Against the Odds How Atrisk students Exceed Expectations. http://www.wiley.ca/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0787943851.html | |
113. Motivating The Unmotivated: Welcome To Effective Learning Resources Teacher Work Offers teacher workshops teaching selfmotivation, self-discipline, and responsibility. Offered as a live or video class for educators of K-12 students at-risk, in special ed, alternative education, or behavior disordered. http://www.motivatestudents.com | |
114. NAESP : Great Ideas For Helping At-Risk Students Home » Student Community Services » Great Ideas for Helping Atrisk students. Great Ideas for Helping At-risk students. Printer Friendly Version. http://www.naesp.org/ContentLoad.do?contentId=635 |
115. Long Beach BLAST Better Learning After School Today Afterschool learning for at-risk children, collaborating with local colleges, businesses and community. Includes information on students Helping students dinner event. http://www.lbblast.org/ |
116. About The National At-Risk Education Network (NAREN) significant personal issues filling the hearts and heads of students, local, state Atrisk Mindful Educator 7. Web-based newsletter www.VictoryStar.com, Sept http://www.atriskeducation.net/about/ | |
117. Page Title Continuation facility for atrisk CPHS students lists curriculum, faculty, calendar of events and honor roll. http://www.lausd.net/Owensmouth_HS/ | |
118. Power-Glide Foreign Language Courses 10 states, Reducing crime requires reducing the number of atrisk juveniles. In the area of language arts, students of second language improve their reading http://www.power-glide.com/powerglideschool/educators/riskstudents.asp | |
119. Welcome To Pampa ISD Serves atrisk students. Pampa ISD. http://www.pampaisd.net/plc/PLCDefault.html |
120. Kingcountyjournal.com - Our View: Thumbs Up For Help For At-risk Students, Edgar Thumbs up for help for atrisk students, Edgar s 300th. 2004-05-17 Thumbs up for Microsoft, which will work with the state to improve http://www.kingcountyjournal.com/sited/story/html/163999 | |
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