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81. Gamma Iota Sigma - Sigma Chapter Encouraging, establishing, and enhancing the professionalism of students in the risk management, insurance, and actuarial sciences at Temple University. http://www.temple.edu/gis/ | |
82. UCGF - Teacher Training For At-Risk Students Project Russian Teacher Training for Atrisk students April 1, 2001- April 30, 2004 - $130,000 This University of Winnipeg and the Russian Academy of Education are the http://www.ucgf.ca/English/CurrentProjects/TeacherTrainingProject.htm | |
83. UW Colleges : High Risk Students High risk students. students will be required to participate in special programming if they have any of the following characteristics http://www.uwc.edu/admissions/highrisk.asp | |
84. What You Can Do To Reverse Underachievement In Your Classroom. Gifted students are one group of exceptional learners who are not normally considered at risk for academic failure. However, the underachievement of academically gifted students is an area of concern and frustration for many parents, teachers, and counselors. http://www.geniusdenied.com/Cybersource/Record.aspx?lib=1&sort=SourceName&am |
85. Interfraternity Council @ UW-Madison Contains information about risk management, athletics and philanthropy as well as a letter from the Dean of students. http://www.sit.wisc.edu/~ifc/ | |
86. Students At Risk: A Bibliography students AT risk ABIBLIOGRAPHY, FEBRUARY 1999. Orono, Me. Institute for the Study of Atrisk students, College of Education, University of Maine, 1990. http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/ks4/iru/publications/bibliographies/strgstu.html | |
87. ISBE EBD/PBIS Network Statewide Component Supporting the needs of Illinois children and families with students who are or may be atrisk of emotional or behavioral disabilities. http://www.EBDNetwork-IL.org/ |
88. Special Needs And At-Risk Students Special Needs and Atrisk students. Comprehensive guidance and counselling programs and services are inclusive. They are intended http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/ks4/sdds/guidance/special_needs_at_risk.html | |
89. CBE - SSS-Programs For High-Risk Students The school is an alternative for at risk students who are currently suspended and/or do not presently fit into the regular mainstream school program. http://www.cbe.ab.ca/sss/programs/prog-hi-risk.asp | |
90. Dane County Trasition Schools | Home Page Providing an environment that promotes the social, emotional, academic, and vocational growth and development of atrisk students. Mission statement, programs, typical student profile, participant feedback. http://www.dcsc.org/DCTS/index.html | |
91. M.A. Teaching At-Risk Students Atrisk students, Gonzaga University, Master of Arts in Teaching Teaching At-risk students. The MAT Teaching At-risk students meets http://www.gonzaga.edu/Academics/Colleges and Schools/School of Education/Teache | |
92. CNN - Simulator Allows Medical Students To Train Without Risk - March 14, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9903/14/patient.simulator/index.html | |
93. Including At-Risk Students In Standards-Based Reform Including Atrisk students in Standards-Based Reform. author Geneva Gay, Pat McCollum, Douglas McIver, Robert Balfanz. description http://lsc-net.terc.edu/do.cfm/paper/8248/show/use_set-culture | |
94. State Compensatory Education State Compensatory Education as defined in Section 42.152 (c) is a program designed to improve and enhance the regular education program for students in atrisk situations. The purpose is to increase the achievement and reduce the dropout rate of identified students in at-risk situations. http://www.tea.state.tx.us/stcomped/ | |
95. At-Risk Students - Advanced Academics students can be at risk for different reasons. Atrisk students enjoy the benefit of anonymity when interacting with Advanced Academics teachers online. http://www.advancedacademics.com/who01.htm | |
96. Scotsman.com News - UK - Mumps-risk Students To Be Given MMR Needle Mumpsrisk students to be given MMR needle AROUND 50 Edinburgh students are to be offered the MMR jab after a case of mumps was reported at a sporting event. http://news.scotsman.com/uk.cfm?id=583742004 |
97. Sunrise School Offering highschool education for at-risk students. Includes goals, student profile, school features, admission, eligibility and location. http://www.grasslands.ab.ca/sunrise/ | |
98. Quia - Writing Topics For At-Risk Students - Top 20 Activities Writing Topics for Atrisk students - top 20 activities, 30-Day Free trial. Directory Writing Topics for At-risk students. http://www.quia.com/dir/writingtopicsfor/ | |
99. Fisheries Science And Management Research Group Research by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in fisheries management at Simon Fraser University on risk assessment and decision analysis. Includes projects, publications, collaborators, co-operative education, graduate program, funding, job prospects, news and events. http://www.rem.sfu.ca/fishgrp/ | |
100. Wiley::Against The Odds: How "At-Risk" Students Exceed Expectations Wiley Psychology Clinical Psychology Child Adolescent Against the Odds How Atrisk students Exceed Expectations. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0787943851.html | |
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