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61. At-Risk Students Tools for Schools School Reform Models Supported by the National Institute on the Education of Atrisk students, US Department of Education. http://mtsu32.mtsu.edu:11034/education_for_at-risk_students.htm | |
62. Safe Schools And Violence Prevention Office California Department of Education offering a variety of resources on highrisk students, gangs, and after school programs. http://www.cde.ca.gov/spbranch/safety/ |
63. Archived -- Extending Learning Time For Disadvantaged Students, Volume 2; The Su Helping migrant students compensate for absences and partial credits, stay in school, and obtain a high school diploma. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/Extending/vol2/prof10.html | |
64. Success For At-Risk Students Success for Atrisk students Through Computer-Assisted Instruction 2.6.1 students AT risk OF SCHOOL FAILURE ARE PROVIDED PROGRAMS TO HELP THEM SUCCEED. http://www.nwrel.org/scpd/sirs/7/snap27.html | |
65. Smoky Hill Education Service Center Offers services to help teachers with staff development, and also offers student services for school dropouts of students at risk of doing so. Serving Salina and Concordia, Kansas. http://www.smokyhill.org/ | |
66. Academic Innovations Atrisk students Must Believe They Can Change Their Future. If you can give young people a reason to believe that they can change http://www.academicinnovations.com/believe.html | |
67. TCRecord Content Collection At-Risk Students Home Diversity Atrisk students. Journals. Join a threaded discussion with other TCRecord members who share an interest in the topic of At-risk students. http://www.tcrecord.org/Collection.asp?CollectionID=42 |
68. (NCLB) - ABCLearn, Inc Nonprofit agency providing supplmental literacy instruction to at-risk students and recent juvenile releasees. http://www.abclearn.org | |
69. Supporting At-Risk Students No. 9 (2004) Supporting Atrisk students A Step-by-Step Guide to Helping At-risk students Succeed Academically and Emotionally. http://www.psinnovation.org/PSI/BTFT/book9.html |
70. 4GL School Solutions Provides solutions for managing special populations, including special education, English language learners, and atrisk students. http://www.4glschools.com/ |
71. Teaching At-Risk Students To Read Designed as a resource and learning tool about both atrisk students and effective reading programs. Teaching At-risk students to Read by E. Haley Stone http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/go/edis771/spring99webquests/prof/phaleystone | |
72. Alternative Center For Education ACE is a very well respected alternative school with a good curriculum for highrisk students. http://www.parkway.k12.pa.us | |
73. Edinburgh Evening News - UK - Mumps-risk Students To Be Given MMR Needle c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?x157460631 Retention Activities for Distance Learning High risk studentsRetention Activities for Distance Learning High risk students. VOLUME 1 September, 1998. In the spring of 1998, several distance learning http://c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?r157460631 |
74. Ed Reforms And Students At Risk: Ch 10b - Steps For Overcoming Barriers Education Reforms and students at risk A Review of the Current State of the Art http://www.ed.gov/pubs/EdReformStudies/EdReforms/chap10b.html | |
75. Untitled Document , Synthesis of research......Helping Atrisk students Meet Standards A Synthesis of Evidence-Based Classroom Practices. Product http://www.mcrel.org/topics/productDetail.asp?topicsID=3&productID=116 |
76. Jeffrey B. Teitler - Theatre/Video Education This playwright and Artistic Director of Theatre and Video at Lawrence Academy offers his professional resume and a look at at his video projects for atrisk students, and institutions. http://www.angelfire.com/art2/jefft99/ | |
77. At-Risk Students. ERIC Digest Eugene OR. Atrisk students. ERIC Digest Series Number 21. Nationally reform. WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF AT-risk students? At-risk http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-928/risk.htm | |
78. Reading And Writing Consultants Inc., Edmonton, AB Provides assessment and tutoring for atrisk students, as well as workshops for teachers and parents. Qualified screening for Irlen reading disorders. http://www.readingandwriting.ab.ca/ | |
79. "High Risk" Students And Higher Education: Future Trends. ERIC Digest. ARE HIGHrisk students AND NONTRADITIONAL students THE SAME? ARE HIGH-risk students TREATED DIFFERENTLY IN ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS? http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-9217/high.htm | |
80. Penn State Educational Partnership Program Afterschool enhancement program in 3 inner city schools in Erie, Pennsylvania for students at risk of not reaching their academic and career potential. Structured setting with teachers, tutors, and community mentors. http://www.pserie.psu.edu/pepp/peppindx.htm |
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