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21. Astronomy Research astronomy research . iras NGC 2264 at 12 microns. My research at Steward Observatory focused on star formation in the Milky Way http://www.sarracenia.com/astronomy/overview.html | |
22. CNN.com - Space - National Academy Of Sciences Maps Astronomy Research Prioritie The National Academy of Sciences will release a report Friday detailing how it recommends money be spent on astronomy research over the next decade. http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/space/05/18/astronomy.priority.for.space/ | |
23. History Of Astronomy: Research And Graduate Institutes And Departments History of Astronomy. History of astronomy research and graduate institutes and departments. German Flag Deutsche Fassung. Individual institutes and departments. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/hist_astr/ha_research.html | |
24. Astronomy Research - Resources astronomy research Resources astronomy research, PPARC supports UK research into the fundamental nature of the Universe, theoretical http://www.electronics-ee.com/Resources/Astronomy_research.htm | |
25. CART > Home Page The Consortium for astronomy research and Teaching (CART) was formed in 2001 and funded by the Appalachian College Association (ACA). http://www.king.edu/CART/ | |
26. Colgate University Astronomy - Astronomy Research Programs astronomy research Programs. Student Research http://astronomy.colgate.edu/astronomy/sciresults.html | |
27. Department Of Astronomy - University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign Department of astronomy research, publications, people, academia, links. http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/ | |
28. Radio Astronomy Foundation for Research in Astronomy and Nederlandse Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie, and the United Kingdom Particle Physics and astronomy research Council. http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/yp_radio.html | |
29. Institute For Astronomy: Research The Royal Observatory Edinburgh comprises the UK Astronomy Technology Centre of the Particle Physics and astronomy research Council, the Institute for http://www.roe.ac.uk/ifa/research/ | |
30. Astronomy Research Guide Library Home eResources Find by Subject astronomy research Guide. astronomy research Guide. Resources in Astronomy and Astrophysics. http://www.library.yorku.ca/rg/jd/astronomy.jsp |
31. Astronomy Research Guide Library Home Subject Research Guides, A Z astronomy research Guide. astronomy research Guide. Resources in Astronomy and Astrophysics. http://www.library.yorku.ca/rg/jd/astronomy.jsp?style=inline |
32. HERO - Higher Education & Research Opportunities In The UK: Particle Physics And HERO home page Research The UK research councils Particle Physics and astronomy research Council. Particle Physics and astronomy research Council. http://www.hero.ac.uk/research/particle_physics_and_astronomy224.cfm | |
33. Astronomy Research At UW-Eau Claire astronomy research at UWEau Claire. Faculty in the department are active in many areas of astronomical and astrophysical research http://www.uwec.edu/Physics/as.html | |
34. Astronomy Research Project PREVIOUS PAGE. astronomy research PROJECT. Aims. This project should take the place of a Sixth form Physics Practical project. The http://www.telescope.org/pparc/res2.html | |
35. Astronomy Research Project PREVIOUS PAGE astronomy research PROJECT. Aims. This project should take the place of a Sixth form Physics Practical project. The http://www.telescope.org/nuffield/research/res2.html | |
36. Current Astronomy Research At Angelo State University astronomy research. http://physics.angelo.edu/~msonntag/asuastronomy/currentresearch.htm | |
37. Astronomy Research: Â Dr. G.H. George astronomy research Dr. GH George. Most Recent Work An investigation of the visual appearance of rapidly moving objects. The finite http://www.engr.mun.ca/~ggeorge/astron.html | |
38. Technology Integration In Education By Linda J. Burkhart: Middle School - Astono Using the Internet in Middle Schools. Web Sites for astronomy research. General Sites on Astronomy. Search by Keyword. Encyclopedias and Almanacs. http://www.lburkhart.com/middle/astron.htm | |
39. Astronomy Research Themes : Stellar Evolution atmospheres theory. In many cases, the basic question is What is their origin? Our WWW pages give a flavour of current research. Extreme http://star.arm.ac.uk/~csj/res-se.html | |
40. Isaac Newton Group Of Telescopes (ING) The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING) operates the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope, the 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope and the 1.0m Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope on behalf of the Particle Physics and astronomy research Council (PPARC) of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) of the Netherlands. The ING is located at the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma, Spain. http://www.ing.iac.es/ |
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