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1. The PPARC Web Site The Particle Physics and astronomy research Council PPARC is the UK s strategic science investment agency. By directing, coordinating http://www.pparc.ac.uk/ | |
2. Meta Research (Washington, D.C.) - Astronomy Research Meta Research researches promising but unpopular alternative ideas in astronomy. astronomy research. Scientifically viable challenges to mainstream paradigms. http://www.metaresearch.org/home.asp | |
3. Astronomy Research Programs In The ETSU Department Of Physics is part of the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy, which operates a 0.9 meter telescope at campus, is used for astronomical research by the faculty and students of http://www.etsu.edu/physics/astr.htm | |
4. SEL Resources: Astronomy Research Guide Satellite Libraries. astronomy research Guide. Subject Librarian Beth BlantonKent a recent and exciting development in astronomical research. The combination of terabyte/teraflops http://www.lib.virginia.edu/science/guides/s-astr.htm | |
5. Meta Research (Washington, D.C.) - Astronomy Research Meta Research researches promising but unpopular alternative ideas in astronomy. Ex speed of gravity, exploded planet hypothesis; life on Mars What's New. About Meta Research. Members Only. Viewpoint. Messageboard   . astronomy research. Scientifically viable challenges to mainstream paradigms http://www.metaresearch.org/ | |
6. Astronomy Resarch Grants astronomy research Grants. PPARC astronomy research grants support research in the areas of astronomy, cosmology, solar system science http://www.pparc.ac.uk/Rs/Fs/Rg/AstronomyResearchGrants.asp | |
7. Perth Astronomy Research Group If your browser is frameimpaired then click here to go to a frame-free version of the Perth astronomy research Group s homepage. http://www.parg.asn.au/ | |
8. QUARG Home Page Welcome to the Queen s University astronomy research Group Home Page. The QUARG consists of seven faculty plus postdoctoral researchers http://www.astro.queensu.ca/ | |
9. The School Of Physics At The University Of Edinburgh Research details, contact information, resources for prospective students, and seminars. http://www.ph.ed.ac.uk/ | |
10. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Astronomy Research stars DeweyClass 523.8 ResourceType reference data Location usa Last checked 20020926 PPARC Particle Physics and astronomy research Council PPARC supports http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/astronomyresearch.htm | |
11. Physics And Astronomy Research Experience Reviews Physics and astronomy research Experience Reviews REU s and Other Undergraduate Summer Research. http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/org/swap/reureviews/ | |
12. Natsci/Physics/Research.html Full details. Enquiries to Prof Paul Kaye. astronomy research Areas. Full details may be obtained on the Starlink research WEB page. Enquiries to Prof. http://www.herts.ac.uk/Schools/Physics/w3_physics/Research.html | |
13. Durham Physics Astronomy Research Page Can t find it? Try the Physics Index ICONAtoZ index, astronomy research at Durham. Largescale research in Astronomy at Durham is http://www.dur.ac.uk/physics/research/research_astro.html |
14. Durham Physics Historical Astronomy Research Page In addition, the group now undertakes research into the pure history of early astronomy. Back button Back to astronomy research at Durham. http://www.dur.ac.uk/physics/research/astro/hist.html |
15. Astronomy Research Group astronomy research Group, Introduction, Welcome to the Homepage of the astronomy research Group at the Open University. http://physics.open.ac.uk/research/astronomy/ast01.htm | |
16. Astronomy Research Group Research. Astronomy. Biomagnetism. CeMOS. Physics Education. Quantum Statistical Physics. PSSRI. Teaching. Opportunities. People. Events. astronomy research Group, http://physics.open.ac.uk/research/astronomy/astpro.htm | |
17. Alien UFO Astronomy Research : Top 10 Top 100. Alien UFO astronomy research Top 10 Top 100 for serious UFO researchers interested in the latest information about UFOs, aliens, astronomy, extraterrestrials http://www.anzwers.org/trade/ufo/alien_ufo_astronomy_research.html | |
18. Welcome To GOST - The British Council The Particle Physics and astronomy research Council (PPARC) Click to find map of PPARC organisation PPARC, Polaris House, North http://www.britishcouncil.org/science/gost/pparc.htm |
19. The Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association: Astronomy, Science, Research And Educa astronomy research. Astronomical research 46). Other research areas include the history of astronomy and surveying on Nantucket. The |
20. NASA Astronomy Research Most comprehensive resource on Astronomy Nasa Research. Show Astronomy (Astronomy Nasa Research) content on your web site Feedback on Astronomy Nasa Research http://astronomy.designerz.com/astronomy-nasa-research.php | |
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