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101. Index Page: The Orbital Mechanics Space and astronomy education and projects for all ages. http://www.omenet.co.uk/ | |
102. Michele's Home Page Information on research projects primarily dealing with variable stars (XX Leo eclipsing binary star, SMC variable stars, novae). Provides links to a growing number of astronomy, space, and science related sites. http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/stark/ |
103. ASP: Education A Catalog of National astronomy Education projects Check here before you reinventthe wheel. This list contains info on workshop materials and more. http://www.astrosociety.org/education.html | |
104. David's Astronomy - Projects David s astronomy Pages projects. Atmosphere Atmosphere,Home Page, Hobby Diary Hobby Diary, http://www.richweb.f9.co.uk/astro/projects.htm | |
105. Astronomy, Astrophotography Tips: Projects, Observation, Telescopes... astronomy Astrophotography Tips Getting Started, DIY projects Cameras,Observation Guides, Techniques, Telescopes Knowledge Hound homepage. http://www.knowledgehound.com/topics/astronom.htm | |
106. AGS Astronomy our best colour images; Dec 1997 New astronomy On Line projects,Mailing list for astronomy Teachers. Nov 06, 1997 Increased http://www.amtsgym-sdbg.dk/as/agsastro.htm | |
107. Student Project Group, EAAE or write to the adress below. Below you may find a links to pages from previousEAAE co-projects, eg the astronomy On Line 1996+97 - Sea and Space 1998. http://www.amtsgym-sdbg.dk/as/eaae-rep.htm | |
108. FAQs About Science Fair Projects- The Astronomy Cafe - Ask The Astronomer Science Fair projects (The astronomy Cafe). Helpful Guides and Instructions. Beginner Canyou suggest any Elementary School science fair projects in astronomy? http://www.astronomycafe.net/qadir/asfair.html | |
109. Curious About Astronomy: What Are Some Astronomy Science Fair Projects? What are some astronomy science fair projects? astronomy Cafe Previously asked questionsabout astronomy science projects from the astronomy Cafe website. http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/question.php?number=424 |
110. Astronomy Education At The ASP -- Site Update The National astronomy Education projects page has been moved to our newwebsite. Click on the link below to go to the page at our new site. http://www.aspsky.org/education/naep.html | |
111. Demonstrations And Animations For Teaching Astronomy - D A T A Webbased demonstrations and animations for teaching astronomy developed at the University of Illinois, department of astronomy. http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/projects/data/ |
112. IEARN : Projects astronomy Project. This project helps us know the place we live inand to see the beauties of this world with more attention and http://www.iearn.org/projects/astronomy.html | |
113. Astronomy - SCI170 - Projects astronomy is based on observations, and these projects will provide you theopportunity to make your own observations and do some real astronomy. http://www.physics.pacificu.edu/hall/astronomy/projects.html | |
114. EAAE HomePage Several test projects within schools have shown that astronomy is the perfectway to arouse the enthusiasm and interest of all pupils, who tend to be bored http://www.eaae-astro.org/ | |
115. Linux Astronomy HOWTO: Projects Using Linux Next Previous Contents 8. projects using Linux. Here is a list of astronomyprojects using Linux in whole or in part of their instrumentation http://www.linuxdocs.org/HOWTOs/Astronomy-HOWTO-8.html | |
116. Astronomy.com | United KingdomÂs Magic Bus Schools will sign up to collaborate on a number of research projects thatwe are setting up with UK astronomers, explains director of the Faulkes http://www.astronomy.com/Content/Dynamic/Articles/000/000/001/587bdaru.asp | |
117. ASTRONOMY 100 PROJECTS astronomy 100 projects. Completing the outof-class projects is aREQUIREMENT for credit in this course. Each student is required http://daphne.palomar.edu/mlane/ASTR100/AST100_PROJECTS/projects.html | |
118. NASA - MSU/Bozeman CERES Project Center for Educational Resources (CERES) Project Through funding from NASA, facultyat and interactive K12 science education materials for teaching astronomy. http://btc.montana.edu/ceres/ | |
119. CERES Project CERES Project This World Wide Web (WWW) site, maintained for grades K to 12, presents a library of Web based astronomy lessons developed by the Center for Educational Resources (CERES) Project. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://btc.montana.edu/ceres&y=0285B4EDF5F7 |
120. Astronomy For Kids - Fun Center Laugh Space Jokes Space Libs Mutation Station. More Fun Movies PostcardsVirtual Star Explorer. astronomy Forum. MakeA-Planet. Video Games. http://www.kidsastronomy.com/fun_index.htm | |
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