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81. Solderhead.COM - Resources & Tools For Builders Tools and information for amateur radio, radio astronomy technicians and builders. http://www.solderhead.com/nav_page1.html | |
82. IAYC - International Astronomical Youth Camps Annual European space camp for amateur astronomers aged 16 24. During three weeks 70 participants work together in small units on research projects relating to astronomy and science. http://www.iayc.org/ | |
83. Faulkes Telescope Education And Science Unit Faulkes Telescope Education and Science Unit. astronomy Education/ResearchProjects. Educational Materials. for Physics Mathematics - ICT. http://faulkes1.astro.cf.ac.uk/projects/ | |
84. Extragalactic Bookmark List of resources dedicaced to extragalactic astronomy Databases, projects, education http://www-obs.univ-lyon1.fr/~prugniel/galaxies_others.html | |
85. JC Holbrook's Publications And WEB Projects A variety of projects ranging from African astronomy to Zodiac Mosaics. http://www.u.arizona.edu/~holbrook/wproj.html | |
86. Society Of Amateur Radio Astronomers: Solar System Radio Astronomy Projects Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers Quick Search search engine byAtomz.com. Advanced Search. projects Solar System Radio astronomy. http://www.qsl.net/SARA/projects/solarsys.htm | |
87. Bohoris, Christos Christos' publications, PhD research and other research projects. Also links related to his interest in astronomy. http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/C.Bohoris/index.html |
88. Society Of Amateur Radio Astronomers: Continuum Radio Astronomy Projects Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers Quick Search search engine byAtomz.com. Advanced Search. projects Continuum Radio astronomy. http://www.qsl.net/SARA/projects/continum.htm | |
89. DOLORES GENDE: INDEX Sites for her high school physics, AP physics, honors physics, and astronomy courses. Syllabi, lesson plans, problem solving skills, projects, tutorials and annotated science resources. http://dgende.homestead.com/index.html | |
90. Leicester Astronomy And Astrophysics Research groups in xray and observational astronomy, theoretical astrophysics, and space projects and instrumentation. http://www.star.le.ac.uk/ | |
91. Paul Bourke - Personal Pages Includes his projects and class notes from Swinburne Institute of Technology. http://www.swin.edu.au/astronomy/pbourke/ | |
92. University Of Michigan Department Of Astronomy Includes details of instrumentation projects, course information and online labs. http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/ | |
93. Jarita C. Holbrook Researcher based at Arizona University. Interests include African astronomy and Celestial Navigation. Links to publication details and web projects. http://www.u.arizona.edu/~holbrook/ | |
94. Department Of Physics And Astronomy Information about the faculty, staff, program requirements, and research projects. Calendar of seminar schedule is published. http://www.uca.edu/divisions/academic/physics/ | |
95. Welcome To Khagol Mandal astronomy club and organization of amateur astronomers. Contains an overview, current projects undertaken, and details of sky obeservation program. http://www.khagolmandal.com | |
96. Science Fair Projects Ideas Topics A resource center for science fair projects and ideas including astronomy, meteorology, geology, and oceanography, physics, chemistry and remote sensing. http://www.science-fair-projects-ideas.net | |
97. Cornell NanoScale Facility Provides nanofabrication services to over 600 research projects. Subjects for research include astronomy, Plant Pathology, Integrated Optics, and Microelectromechanical Structures (MEMS) as well as the more conventional Microelectronics, Physics and Materials Research. http://www.cnf.cornell.edu | |
98. Wallace Astrophysical Observatory Part of planetary astronomy lab in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS). Opened in 1971 and has two large telescopes in domes, the 16 and 24-inch Cassegrain reflectors, and four smaller telescopes in a retractable-roof shed. Information provided in regard to history, publications, projects and interesting astronomy links. http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/org/w/wallace | |
99. Henry's Astronomy Page projects in stargazing, astrophotos, ccd imaging and travel experiences. http://fkwong.uhome.net/ | |
100. Astronomy At Grainger Observatory The latest information about the observatory, including classes, pictures, special events, student projects and patrons. http://observatory.exeter.edu/ | |
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