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61. Venus Transit 2004 - Photos (11-20) Venus in Daytime. 476 x 388 pix 13k G. Avila, F. Delplancke, C. Guirao, J.Rodriguez Amateur Group for astronomy projects at ESO (AGAPE) CGE-14-inch http://www.vt-2004.org/photos/vt-photos-page2.html | |
62. Mips3.as.arizona.edu/~jane/astro_proj.html Open Course Astronomy Introduction Astronomy Links Current and Upcoming astronomy projects Missions. Galileo The missionto Jupiter is still going strong. Past astronomy projects Missions. http://mips3.as.arizona.edu/~jane/astro_proj.html |
63. Caltech Computational Astronomy Home Page Caltech Computational astronomy projects. Modern instruments. The followingare some of our current projects in computational astronomy. http://www.srl.caltech.edu/compastro/ | |
64. Educational Resources In Physics, Astronomy, And Related Fields including workshops, curriculum, computer and audiovisual materials, newsletters,student programs, planetarium and amateur astronomy projects, awards and http://www.phys-astro.sonoma.edu/people/faculty/tenn/Educational.html | |
65. ASTRONOMY EDUCATION URLs includes workshops, curriculum, computer and audiovisual materials, newsletters,student programs, planetarium and amateur astronomy projects, and awards and http://www.lawrencehallofscience.org/sii/URLs/URLs-AstroEd.html | |
66. Seeing The Deep Sky: Telescopic Astronomy Projects Beyond The Solar System Seeing the Deep Sky Telescopic astronomy projects Beyond the SolarSystem. Wiley Science Editions. Fred Schaaf. Packed with a vast http://www.bookworkz.com/education/astronomy/0471530697.html | |
67. AMPATH Astronomy Working Group Most recent meeting January 31, 2003 at the AMPATH Conference in Miami, FL. Clickhere for the Meeting agenda. astronomy projects in the AMPATH service area http://www.ampath.fiu.edu/wg/astronomy_wg.htm | |
68. Astronomy At Swarthmore College: Projects astronomy projects. Information about student projects in astronomy. Wehave several ongoing research projects, most involving students. http://astro.swarthmore.edu/projects.html | |
69. NASA/MSU-Bozeman CERES Project Educational Activities These collaborative group projects require 4 to 10 class hours and integrate themes unifying concepts in science with astronomy objectives from the NRC http://btc.montana.edu/ceres/html/EdActivities.html | |
70. ASP: National Astronomy Education Projects An evolving list of those projects and programs in astronomy education to which anyone from around the U.S. can apply or from which anyone can receive materials. http://www.astrosociety.org/education/resources/naep.html | |
71. Astronomy, Physics, And Soaring Page By Larry Bogan A collection of Astronomical projects, lectures, and calculations. Orbits, Sunspots, Occultations, and Magnitudes. http://www.go.ednet.ns.ca/~larry |
72. The IMAGE POETRY Web Site: POETRY Science Fair Projects And Suggestions Science Fair projects and Suggestions. One of the most common questions asked at the POETRY site is to provide suggestions for Science Fair topics that students can attempt. Here are some ongoing projects and a list of suggestions. Any ideas for projects involving radio astronomy? Return to the POETRY main page http://image.gsfc.nasa.gov/poetry/sfair/sfair.html | |
73. Alien Astronomer Offers information on ufology, astronomy, secret societies and hitech/secret projects. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/ |
74. Space Projects - Space Information - Space Shop Offers a collection of popularized material on space projects and astronomy. Includes forums and merchandising. http://www.aerospaceguide.net/ | |
75. SkyServer: Science Projects The projects are designed to be done at your own pace For middle and high school students, and for people who want a basic understanding of astronomy. Advanced projects http://skyserver.fnal.gov/en/proj | |
76. Radio Astronomy Group, University Of Tasmania Contains student research projects, astronomical data, radio observatories, and history. http://www-ra.phys.utas.edu.au/ | |
77. EAAE HomePage Improves and promotes astronomical education at all levels in all institutions involved in teaching astronomy in Europe. Contains membership information, the group's history, news, newsletters and projects. http://www.algonet.se/~sirius/eaae.htm | |
78. Chemistry, Physical Science, And Astronomy With Chemistx2 Homework and miscellaneous assignments and projects for Ms. Smith's Petaluma High School science classes. http://www.geocities.com/chemistx2/ |
79. Mike Hanlon Webstuff Amateur astronomy and telescope making including doit-yourself projects and observing techniques and records. Also a short guide to protein structure, and some other personal interest stuff. http://www.btinternet.com/~mike.hanlon/ | |
80. Alex's Science Fair Projects Ideas for science fair projects in physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy. http://www.sciencefairprojects.co.uk | |
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