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1. Amateur Radio Astronomy Projects For Radio Telescopes Unlike visual astronomy, the radio variety does little to stimulate the senses Afew suggestions for projects using standard radiometer type radio telescopes http://www.radiosky.com/project.html | |
2. Radio Astronomy Index Radio astronomy projects Index. MultiAntenna Array Radiation Pattern Calculator http://www.xtrsystems.com/RA | |
3. HobbySpace - Astronomy Astronomy. Part II Amateurs Explore the Cosmos As mentioned at the top of this section, amateurs still make significant contributions to the fields of astronomy and space science. Amateur astronomy projects. The sky is big enough for amateurs to make significant amateurs to contribute to projects in astronomy, astrobiology and other natural sciences http://www.hobbyspace.com/Astronomy/astronomy2.html | |
4. Astronomy Projects In Ruins As Observatory Obliterated - Smh.com.au astronomy projects in ruins as observatory obliterated. By Richard Macey andMichael Bradley January 20 2003. The gutted Mount Stromlo observatory. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/01/19/1042911270928.html | |
5. FamilyFun: Activities: Fun Astronomy Projects These astronomy projects and resources will help kids discover the planets and constellations Fun astronomy projects. Discover the universe with FamilyFun by Maggie Megaw The Big Dipper and http://www.family.com/raisingkids/learn/activities/feature/famf010302_stars?clk= |
6. Radio Astronomy Books $24.00. RadioSky B059. Radio astronomy projects 2nd Edition byWilliam Lonc. This is the book many of you have been waiting for! http://www.radiosky.com/booksra.html | |
7. Astronomy Home Page astronomy projects. The table below shows the organised astronomy projectsthat are currently on offer from the Faulkes Telescope Project. | |
8. Astronomy Resource Guide: Models, Kits And Astronomy Projects MODELS, KITS AND astronomy projects. This section includes RoboticTelescopes and Sundials. If you cannot find what you are looking http://www.pparc.ac.uk/Ed/asr_models.asp | |
9. Astronomy Resource Guide: Models, Kits And Astronomy Projects Screensavers Site Navigation MODELS, KITS AND astronomy projects.This section includes Robotic Telescopes and Sundials. If you http://www.pparc.ac.uk/Ed/asr_models.asp?Tx=1 |
10. FamilyFun: Activities: Fun Astronomy Projects These astronomy projects and resources will help kids discover the planets andconstellations. Great ideas and advice at Family Fun. Search FamilyFun. http://familyfun.go.com/parenting/learn/activities/feature/famf010302_stars/ | |
11. Radio Astronomy Projects Book Table Of Contents Radio astronomy projects Table of Contents. Chapter 1 Some General Concepts GHz Demonstration Radio Telescope 3 46 Back Yard Radio Astronomy 3 - 49 Multi-antenna Radio Telescope 3 - 55 Home http://www.radiosky.com/lonctoc.html | |
12. Astronomy Projects You Can Do Stockton Astronomical Society Home Page. Astro Kids. Astro Kids HomePage. astronomy projects You Can Do By Don Machholz. Unaided Eye http://astro.sci.uop.edu/~sas/Projects.html | |
13. The Stanback Planetarium Amateur Radio Astronomy Webpage And WebRing Magazine, journal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Linksto Radio astronomy projects @ South Carolina State University. http://www.draco.scsu.edu/radioastro.html | |
14. Astronomy Home Page astronomy projects. The table below shows the organised astronomy projectsthat are currently on offer from the Faulkes Telescope Project. http://faulkes1.astro.cf.ac.uk/projects/astro_index.htm | |
15. NRC Pledges $50m For International Astronomy Projects And Canada-U.S. Napra Agre NRC Pledges $50m for International astronomy projects and CanadaUS NapraAgreement. NRC Commits to Long Range Plan for Astronomy and Astrophysics. http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/newsroom/news/lrp_waterloo03_e.html | |
16. Wiley::Seeing The Deep Sky: Telescopic Astronomy Projects Beyond The Solar Syste Wiley Physics Astronomy Astronomy Seeing the Deep Sky Telescopicastronomy projects Beyond the Solar System. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471530689.html | |
17. Radio Astronomy Projects Radio astronomy projects. Second Edition. ã William Lonc. Astronomy andPhysics Department. Saint Mary s University. Halifax , Canada B3H 3C3. http://www.ap.stmarys.ca/~lonc/radio2.htm | |
18. IBSS - Homeschool - Astronomy Projects Homeschool astronomy projects. Buy a cheap spectroscope card fromEdmund Scientific or another store. Look at different lights to http://www.bibleandscience.com/homeschool/astronomy_projects.htm | |
19. Astronomy Projects astronomy projects. One of my favorite projects while working for theUCLA Astronomy Department was The UCLA 24 telescope I converted http://www.bol.ucla.edu/~frank/astro.htm | |
20. Stardome Planetarium Contains information about the universe, solar system and deep space, public astronomy projects and details of the mobile planetarium. http://www.stardomeplanetarium.co.uk/ |
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