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81. Forum On International Physics American Physical Society JOURNAL 1972) Transactions of the Metallurgical soc of AIME 6336; Email losangeles@sivananda.orgD11. Timusk, Department of Physics and astronomy, McMaster University http://plato.phy.ohiou.edu/~FIP/JEP |
82. The List Of Japanese Scientific Societies JAPANESE socIETY OF ENDOUROLOGY AND ESWL (JSEE). ASTRONOMICAL socIETY OF JAPAN. Jap.Assoc. Orthop. THE socIETY OF INFORMATION THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS (soc. http://www.atip.or.jp/jss.html | |
83. Forumjam's Listing Of World Societies And Associations http//www.casoc-plasticsurgeons.org/. California http//cap.medical.org/. CanadianAssociation of www.casca.ca/. Canadian Astronomical society. Astronomical. http://www.forumjam.co.uk/societies/alpha/c1.htm | |
84. Lista De Publicaciones Periódicas Y De Serie Translate this page Annual Review. org. Chem. soc., Geophys. J. - Geophysical Journal, Royal Astronomicalsociety, London. soc. - Gulf Coast Association of Geological societies. http://biblioweb.dgsca.unam.mx/cienciasdelmar/especiales/1983-7/listapub.html | |
85. AAVSO Alert: Possible Planetary Transits Of 2248-14 Il Aquarii = Gliese 876 | Sp soc. fax to 617354-0665 or by e-mail through the Internet to observations@aavso.org.Many thanks for your valuable astronomical contributions and your efforts http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=4833 |
86. Mylinks.html Ancient astronomy Pages(J. Jacobs) http//www.geocities anthropology (AAA) http//www.ameranthassn.org/careers.htm peachnet.edu/vsu/dept/cas/socPeter Peregrine http://www.aarweb.org/syllabus/syllabi/v/varisco/1JMC9/anlink.html | |
87. Section 1. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS DEFINED-The Definition And TITLE 51 TITLE 5 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS. Title Section Student Organizations Defined 1 Recognized Student Organizations 2. Section 1. Sciences Student Council astronomy Club Collegiate Music Ed http://sga.okstate.edu/documents/By_Laws/title5_03.pdf |
88. Wabash County Astronomical Society - About Us Astronomical Society PO Box 49 Wabash, IN 46992. President Jay Levine 39 W. MapleSt., Wabash, IN 46992 260563-7421 (W) 260-563-0280 (H) president@wacaso.org. http://www.wacaso.org/wcasus.shtml | |
89. «GROUPNAME» : «PURPOSE1» ALLIES FRIENDS Formerly STRAIGHT BUT NOT NARROW, Allies Friends are a heterosexually based organization that serves as an advocacy group for the education and support of Gay Rights in the campus http://www.uga.edu/~stuact/studentorganizations/fall2001directory.htm | |
90. Student Organizations Directory To browse through all 450+ registered student organizations, you can choose a category or scroll down. Advocacy. Arts. Cultural/International. Fraternity. Honor. Media. Military. Other. Professional . http://www.uga.edu/~stuact/stuorgdirectory.html | |
91. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/servlet/useragent?func=showHome&open=544 |
92. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/member/institutions/journallist.asp | |
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