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61. Adrian College - News & Info Areas of Expertise Mineralogy, igneous petrology, astronomy. 517264-3944. of ArchitecturalHistorians, Midwest Art History soc. Historical Assn., org. of Amer. http://www.adrian.edu/news/faculty_experts.php | |
62. Astronomical League Home Page To read more, check out http//www.astroleague.org/al/awards/horkhmr/horkhmrs 4 forexcellence in promoting astronomy to the public through the World Wide Web. http://www.astroleague.org/ |
63. Astrosoc Rhodes astronomy and HAM Radio Society http://astrosoc.soc.ru.ac.za/ | |
64. Astronomical League Herschel Club Certificate Winners. 268, STEVE SMITH, Baton Rouge Astronomical soc. is maintained by Matt Ganis for theAstronomical League. suggestions can be addressed to webmaster@astroleague.org http://www.astroleague.org/al/obsclubs/herschel/her400wn.html |
65. WCAS - Wabash County Astronomical Society subject. The plaza featured an immensely popular Sidewalk astronomy attraction. English.Google, WWW WACASO.org. Revised 3/31/04 B.Miller/D.Chakko. http://www.wacaso.org/ | |
66. AAVSO In Print Please send us (kate@aavso.org) references of any papers that we may Mattei, 20thStellar Conference of the Czech and Slovak Astronomical Institutes, p soc., Vol http://www.aavso.org/publications/inprint.shtml | |
67. PRG: Resources - Conference Calendar 4Â8 2004 Sponsor American Astronomical society (AAS) Conf. Diana Alexander Phone202/3282010 E-mail diana@aas.org Web http//www.aas.org. Conf. Math soc. http://php.prgaustin.com/XMLQueryEngine/Transform.php?SponsorFullName=A&dataset= |
68. 200001NL -- The Creation Science Association For Mid-America (CSA) This file is www.csama.org/200003nl.htm. Proceedings of the Phys. soc. Astronomyand Cosmology A Modern Course, (San Francisco WH Freeman Co.), p. 416. http://www.csama.org/200003NL.HTM | |
69. The Science Realm: John's Virtual Sci-Tech Universe of Physics Teachers AASAmerican Astronomical society ACP ScienceCoalition OnCampusScience.org ScienceCenter ScienceExpress SPIEIntl soc Optical Engineering http://members.aol.com/SciRealm/ | |
70. Non-English Astronomy Resources http//www.cdastro.org Thanks to Spanish Language astronomy Resources AstronomicalSoc. Curso de Astronomia An online overview of astronomy topics in http://members.aol.com/chopstcks/gca7sky/international.htm | |
71. Houston Astronomical Society Reality images http//www.panoramas.dk/mars.html. astronomy Softwarelist (12/28/03) http//www.seds.org/billa/astrosoftware.html. FIRST http://spacibm.rice.edu/~has/ | |
73. Sac Liaisons American Indian Science and Engineering soc, Cammie Larson. Honors Program StudentOrg, Maria Peterson. Northern Sky Astronomical society, Jamie Privatsky. http://www.und.edu/org/stgov/sac/liaison.html | |
74. Liason List Indian Science and Engineering soc American Institute Chapter Honors Program StudentOrg. Lindsay Johnson Nordic Club Northern Sky Astronomical society Nursing http://www.und.edu/org/sac/liasonlist.htm | |
75. [1967] The Centennial Record Of The University Of California, Compiled And Edite UnionInternational Astronomical Union. Brain Research org.International BrainResearch organization. soc.International Federation of Electron Microscope http://dynaweb.oac.cdlib.org:8088/dynaweb/uchist/public/monographs/centennial/@G | |
76. Untitled http//www.dancemeditation.org (Dunya Dervish soc of Am Guide to Ancient Near EastAstronomy) http//www ME Network Info Center) http//azar.org (Azar s Middle http://www.snakeskin.com/medlist.htm | |
77. Internet Seattle Guide - Environment, Infrastructure, & People Shower Calendar (Intern Met org) // Meteor Shower Met Ntwrk) // Meteor Showers (AmerMet soc); Observatories planetariums, astronomical Seattle Astronomical http://www.halcyon.com/tmend/seattle5.htm | |
78. Journal Title Abbreviations TISSUE AND orgAN CULTURE PLANT CELL TISS org PLANT DISEASE P ANNU REL MAINT SYM PROCEEDINGSASTRONOMICAL socIETY OF socIETY P FL ST HORTIC soc PROCEEDINGS OF http://www.efm.leeds.ac.uk/~mark/ISIabbr/P_abrvjt.html | |
79. UNC Charlotte - J. Murrey Atkins Library - Physics And Optical Science Research American Astronomical society www.aas.org. Optical society of America www.osa.org.Royal Meteorological society www.royalmet-soc.org.uk. Sigma Xi www.sigmaxi.org. http://library.uncc.edu/display/?dept=reference&format=open&page=304 |
80. K & R Anthony Charity Support Services: Links To Other Sites Solar Eclipse 31 May 2003 British Astronomical Association. counting visitors onRC soc site right Science Evangelism www.creationism.org Incredible Creatures http://web.onetel.net.uk/~ka/links.htm | |
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